Contributions to CHEVIE

Here we collect some files which were contributed by people using CHEVIE. These files may contain programs which are written for particular applications of CHEVIE and which are in this way made publicly available. They remain under the responsibility of their authors. Each file should contain a short description. At present, the following files are available (click on the file names for downloading):

file nameGAP/MAPLEauthor(s)
arikidec.gGAPNicolas Jacon
braidsup.gGAPJean Michel
brbase.gGAPMeinolf Geck and Sungsoon Kim
chevlie.gGAPMeinolf Geck
chargood.gGAPMeinolf Geck and Jean Michel
DecMats.tar.gzGAPFrank Lübeck and Gunter Malle(unpack and see README)
hecbloc.gGAPMeinolf Geck
minrep.gGAPMeinolf Geck and Goetz Pfeiffer
murphy.gGAPAndrew Mathas
specpie.gGAPMeinolf Geck and Gunter Malle

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Last modified: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 14:29:46 +0200 Frank Lübeck