Prof. em. Dr. Joachim Neubüser
Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
Templergraben 64
D 52062 Aachen, Germany
Telefon: +49-241-8094534
1932 | born in Belgard/Pommern; |
1951/57 | Student, University of Kiel; |
1957 | Staatsexamen and Dr. rer. nat., University of Kiel; |
1957/58 | British Council Scholarship, University of Manchester; |
1958/67 | Assistent, University of Kiel; |
1967 | Habilitation, University of Kiel; |
1967/1969 | Wissenschaftlicher Rat, University of Kiel; |
1969 | o.Prof., Chair LDfM, RWTH Aachen; |
1986 | Initiated GAP; |
31.7.1997 | retired. |
See also: Publications and Preprints