Nikolaus Conference 2021

The topics

The Darstellungstheorietage is an annual meeting of (mainly) German representation theorists. The location changes from year to year. This year we organize it in Aachen, directly followed by the Nikolaus conference.

The Nikolaus conference is an annual meeting at Lehrstuhl für Algebra und Zahlentheorie - former "Lehrstuhl D" - (RWTH Aachen). The main aim is to bring together people who have recently finished a thesis on a topic in group or representation theory and some established people in this area. Particularly welcome are reports on projects with a computational aspect.

The dates

The talks for the Darstellungstheorietage will be scheduled from
Thursday, December 9, 2021, about 2pm to
Friday, December 10, 2021, about 12am.

The talks for the Nikolaus conference will be scheduled from
Friday, December 10, 2021, about 2pm to
Saturday, December 11, 2021, about 6pm.

All talks in the Nikolaus part will be at most 20 minutes.

Long coffee breaks and "evening sessions" can be used for further discussions.

On Thursday evening we plan a conference dinner in the Pontgarten.

After the talks on Saturday we will have the traditional Research Cambridge Style session in the Labyrinth. For this reason many participants will stay until Sunday morning.

Corona restrictions

As many other places in Europe Aachen has exponentially growing Covid-19 infection rates. Currently everything is open in Aachen: Shops, Christmas market, museums, theaters, restaurants, university buildings, ...

But almost everywhere you need to fulfill the "2G" or "2G+" rules: This means that on request you have to present an ID and a proof that you are fully vaccinated or a proof that you are recovered from a Covid infection within the last 6 months. In the "2G+" variant you need a proof of vaccination or recovery AND a recent negative Corona test, that is an antibody test <24 hours or a PCR test <48 hours. (So, just a negative test is no longer sufficient in many places.)

Antibody tests with official certificates of the result are (again) freely available in many places, with prior online booking and without: https://testen-in-aachen.de.

We have now decided to run Darstellungstheorietage and Nikolaus under the 2G+ rule! We must and will check this and document it.

For the talks we have booked larger lecture halls nearby (about 150 seats and windows for fresh air during the breaks).

Note that a "3G" rule (that is "2G" or a negative test) also applies in all public transport in Germany. If you are coming to Germany from abroad further rules may apply, depending from where you come, see here for more details. In particular, an online registration may be needed before travelling. Quarantine rules usually do not apply to fully vaccinated persons.

The location

We can meet and will have coffee breaks in Pontdriesch 14/16. We can use a lecture hall is in the ground floor, and the Lehrstuhl is in the first floor (German counting). For the talks we will book some larger lecture rooms nearby.

The registration

If you intend to come, we ask you to tell us by filling this registration form.

You are particularly welcome to offer a talk with your registration!

The accomodation

For accomodation we suggest to use an online booking site like www.aachen-tourismus.de or booking.com or www.airbnb.de.

Do not wait too long with your reservation - the large Christmas market will also take place in Aachen this year.

Contact us, if you need any assistance.

(We had rooms in the Guesthouse but these are all booked now.)

If you have any questions, please contact Frank Lübeck