MeatAxe  2.4
pseudochop - Chop with known peak words
See also

Command Line

pseudochop [-QVs] Module Reference 
Quiet, no messages.
Verbose, more messages.
Assume modules are semisimple
Name of the module to chop.
Name of the reference module, where chop and pwknd -t have been run.

Input Files

Constituent information for the reference module.
ReferenceNx.1 ...
Composition factors of the reference module.
Module .1 Module .2 ...
Action of the generators on Module

Output Files

The output is the same as for chop.


This program can be used to produce the chop output for a given module without actually doing all the work. To do so, there must be another module (the "reference module") which contains all constituents that occur in the module to be chopped, and the reference module must have been chopped, and peak wordds must have been calculated.

MeatAxe 2.4 documentation, generated on Mon Jun 7 2021 11:42:24