README file for the `EDIM' mini GAP4 package (Frank Lübeck) To get the newest version of this GAP 4 package download one of the archive files EDIM-x.x.tar.gz EDIM-x.x.tar.bz2 (with text files in DOS/Windows format) and unpack it using gunzip EDIM-x.x.tar.gz; tar xvf EDIM-x.x.tar respectively unzip and so on. Do this preferably (but not necessarily) inside the `pkg' subdirectory of your GAP 4 installation. It creates a subdirectory called 'EDIM-x.y.z'. For more robust cross referencing between manuals the installation directory should be renamed to 'edim'. To install this package do cd EDIM-* /bin/sh ./configure [path] where `path' is a path to the GAP build directory (if not given the default `../..' is assumed). Afterwards call `make' to compile a binary file. The package will also work without this step but then the kernel function `ElementaryDivisorsPPartRkExpSmall' will not be available. Recompiling the documentation is possible by the command gap makedocrel.g in the EDIM directory (edit 'relpath' in this file, if EDIM is not installed in the standard location, otherwise this should not be necessary). You can also run a test of the installation by 'make test'. You must load EDIM with the command gap> LoadPackage("EDIM"); within your GAP session to use its functionality. E-mail me if there are any questions, remarks, suggestions. Also, I would like to hear about applications of this package. Alternatively, there is a public repository with issue tracker Frank Lübeck, e-mail: Frank.Luebeck@Math.RWTH-Aachen.De