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2 Installation

This package must be installed in the pkg subdirectory of any of the GAP 4 root directories. We assume here that this is /gap4/pkg.

cd /gap4/pkg
unzoo -x carat.zoo

This creates a subdirectory carat, the home directory of the present interface package. CARAT itself can be installed anywhere on your system. You only have to make sure GAP finds the CARAT binaries, by making a symbolic link from the bin subdirectory of pkg/carat to the bin subdirectory of CARAT itself. In our example, we install CARAT in /gap4/pkg/carat (the CARAT tar file should already be there):

cd /gap4/pkg/carat
zcat carat.1.2.tar.gz | tar xf -
ln -s carat/bin bin
cd carat

This creates a subdirectory /gap4/pkg/carat/carat, the CARAT top level directory. You have to edit the Makefile in that directory. In particular, you have to set the variables TOPDIR (to /gap4/pkg/carat/carat), CC, and CFLAGS (to your favourite set of compiler options). Then do


If you build for more than one architecture, make sure to do a 'make clean' in between.

Like any other GAP 4 package, CARAT is then loaded in GAP with


This package, together with CARAT itself, takes some 60Mb of disk space, or more, depending on the system. Some 33Mb is taken by the catalog of Q-classes if integer matrix groups up to dimension 6. If you want to avoid unpacking this catalog, you can create empty subdirectories

cd /gap4/pkg/carat/carat
mkdir tables
mkdir tables/qcatalog

before making CARAT. If you want to unpack the catalog later, just remove the empty directory tables/qcatalog, and do

make Qcatalog

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CARAT manual
May 2002