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4 Getting Information about the Factoring Process

  • IntegerFactorizationInfo V

    is an Info class (see Info Functions in the GAP Reference Manual for a description of the Info mechanism) that provides a way of seeing what's going on during the factoring process.

    If InfoLevel(IntegerFactorizationInfo) = 1, then basic information about the factoring techniques used is displayed. If this InfoLevel has value 2, then additionally all ``relevant'' steps in the factoring algorithms are mentioned, and if it is set to 3, then large amounts of details of the progress of the factoring process are shown.

    For convenience,

  • FactInfo( level ) F

    sets the InfoLevel of IntegerFactorizationInfo to the positive integer level. In other words,

    FactInfo( level );

    is equivalent to:

    SetInfoLevel( IntegerFactorizationInfo, level );

    The informational output is not guaranteed to be literally the same in each factorization attempt to a given integer with given parameters.

    The timings in the example are given for a Pentium 200.

    gap> FactInfo(2);
    gap> Factors(1459^60-1);
    #I  Check for n = b^k +/- 1
    2114173712945384179913214273324400 = 1459^60 - 1
    #I  The factors corresponding to polynomial factors are
    [ 1458, 1460, 2127223, 2128682, 2130141, 4528179181405, 4531280671081, 
      4534390675481, 20518450806493943781446161, 20532514165758816624282961, 
      421584732115767299535558510031830342788459718258721 ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 4531280671081, 20546596816316767296268561 ], 
      [ 1458, 1460, 2127223, 2128682, 2130141, 4528179181405, 4534390675481, 
          20518450806493943781446161, 20532514165758816624282961, 
          421584732115767299535558510031830342788459718258721 ] ]
    #I  Factors already found : [ 4531280671081, 20546596816316767296268561 ]
    #I  Trial division by all primes p < 1000
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 2, 2, 5, 73 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 7, 303889 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 2, 1064341 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 3, 13, 193, 283 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 5, 11, 521, 158024051 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 31, 146270666951 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 61 ], [ 336368046008097439040101 ] ]
    #I  Factors already found : [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 
      13, 31, 61, 73, 193, 283, 521, 303889, 1064341, 158024051, 146270666951, 
      4531280671081, 20546596816316767296268561 ]
    #I  Trial division by some already known primes
    #I  Check for perfect powers
    #I  Pollard's Rho
    Steps = 16384, Cluster = 1638
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 2251, 149430495783250750351 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Pollard's Rho
    Steps = 16384, Cluster = 1638
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  Pollard's Rho
    Steps = 16384, Cluster = 1638
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  Factors already found : [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 
      13, 31, 61, 73, 193, 283, 521, 2251, 303889, 1064341, 158024051, 
      146270666951, 4531280671081, 149430495783250750351, 
      20546596816316767296268561 ]
    #I  Pollard's p - 1
    Limit1 = 10000, Limit2 = 400000
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  Initializing prime differences list, PrimeDiffLimit = 1000000
    #I  p-1 for n = 20532514165758816624282961
    a : 2, Limit1 : 10000, Limit2 : 400000
    #I  First stage
    #I  Second stage
    #I  Pollard's p - 1
    Limit1 = 10000, Limit2 = 400000
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  p-1 for n = 421584732115767299535558510031830342788459718258721
    a : 2, Limit1 : 10000, Limit2 : 400000
    #I  First stage
    #I  Second stage
    #I  Williams' p + 1
    Residues = 2, Limit1 = 2000, Limit2 = 80000
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  p+1 for n = 20532514165758816624282961
    Residues : 2, Limit1 : 2000, Limit2 : 80000
    #I  Residue no. 1
    #I  Residue no. 2
    #I  Williams' p + 1
    Residues = 2, Limit1 = 2000, Limit2 = 80000
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  p+1 for n = 421584732115767299535558510031830342788459718258721
    Residues : 2, Limit1 : 2000, Limit2 : 80000
    #I  Residue no. 1
    #I  Residue no. 2
    #I  Elliptic Curves Method (ECM)
    Curves = <func.>
    Init. Limit1 = <func.>, Init. Limit2 = <func.>, Delta = <func.>
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  ECM for n = 20532514165758816624282961
    #I  Digits : 26, Curves : 3
    #I  Initial Limit1 : 200, Initial Limit2 : 20000, Delta : 200
    #I  Curve no.      1 (     3), Limit1 :     200, Limit2 :    20000
    #I  Curve no.      2 (     3), Limit1 :     400, Limit2 :    40000
    #I  11-digit factor 12077430061 was found in second stage
    #I  Intermediate result : [ [ 12077430061, 1700073116718901 ], [  ] ]
    #I  Elliptic Curves Method (ECM)
    Curves = <func.>
    Init. Limit1 = <func.>, Init. Limit2 = <func.>, Delta = <func.>
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  ECM for n = 421584732115767299535558510031830342788459718258721
    #I  Digits : 51, Curves : 27
    #I  Initial Limit1 : 200, Initial Limit2 : 20000, Delta : 200
    #I  Curve no.      1 (    27), Limit1 :     200, Limit2 :    20000
    #I  Curve no.      2 (    27), Limit1 :     400, Limit2 :    40000
    #I  Curve no.      3 (    27), Limit1 :     600, Limit2 :    60000
                                 [ ... ]
    #I  Curve no.     25 (    27), Limit1 :    5000, Limit2 :   500000
    #I  Curve no.     26 (    27), Limit1 :    5200, Limit2 :   520000
    #I  Curve no.     27 (    27), Limit1 :    5400, Limit2 :   540000
    #I  Factors already found : [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 
      13, 31, 61, 73, 193, 283, 521, 2251, 303889, 1064341, 158024051, 
      12077430061, 146270666951, 4531280671081, 1700073116718901, 
      149430495783250750351, 20546596816316767296268561 ]
    #I  Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve (MPQS)
    Number to be factored : 
    #I  MPQS for n = 421584732115767299535558510031830342788459718258721
    #I  Digits                     :         51
    #I  Multiplier                 :          1
    #I  Size of factor base        :       1326
    #I  Prime powers to be sieved  :       1349
    #I  Length of sieving interval :     131072
    #I  Small prime limit          :        117
    #I  Large prime limit          :    3500186
    #I  Number of used a-factors   :          4
    #I  Size of a-factors pool     :         52
    #I  Initialization time        :         11 sec.
    #I  Sieving
    #I  Complete factorizations over the factor base   :       50
    #I  Relations with a large prime factor            :        5
    #I  Relations remaining to be found                :     1343
    #I  Total factorizations with a large prime factor :      614
    #I  Used polynomials                               :       67
    #I  Elapsed runtime                                :       39 sec.
    #I  Progress (relations)                           :        3 %
                                 [ ... ]
    #I  Complete factorizations over the factor base   :      651
    #I  Relations with a large prime factor            :      826
    #I  Relations remaining to be found                :        0
    #I  Total factorizations with a large prime factor :     9164
    #I  Used polynomials                               :     1021
    #I  Elapsed runtime                                :      455 sec.
    #I  Progress (relations)                           :      100 %
    #I  Creating the exponent matrix
    #I  Doing Gaussian Elimination, #rows = 1477, #columns = 1378
    #I  Processing the zero rows
    #I  Dependency no. 1 yielded no factor
                     [ ... ]
    #I  Dependency no. 8 yielded no factor
    #I  Dependency no. 9 yielded factor 26725378467920336641
    #I  The factors are
    [ 26725378467920336641, 15774696422795817479975816558881 ]
    #I  Digit partition : [ 20, 32 ]
    #I  MPQS runtime : 473.507 sec.
    #I  Intermediate result : 
    [ [ 26725378467920336641, 15774696422795817479975816558881 ], [  ] ]
    #I  The result is
    [ [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 13, 31, 61, 73, 193, 283, 
          521, 2251, 303889, 1064341, 158024051, 12077430061, 146270666951, 
          4531280671081, 1700073116718901, 26725378467920336641, 
          149430495783250750351, 20546596816316767296268561, 
          15774696422795817479975816558881 ], [  ] ]
    #I  The total runtime was 799.408 sec
    [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 13, 31, 61, 73, 193, 283, 
      521, 2251, 303889, 1064341, 158024051, 12077430061, 146270666951, 
      4531280671081, 1700073116718901, 26725378467920336641, 
      149430495783250750351, 20546596816316767296268561, 
      15774696422795817479975816558881 ]

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    FactInt manual
    May 2002