[next] [prev] [up] Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 14:35:34 -0500
[next] ~~~ [up] From: Brett Stevens <brett@math.toronto.edu >
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I joined this list in the middle of an ongoing discussion
on shift invariance. can someone fill me in with the important
definitions and what has already been discussed (if it is not
too much work)

brett stevens

plus I am interested, scince seeing a part of Jerry Slokam's
collection at the exhibit in chicago in august if anyone
had a list or reference to a list of all made rubiks cube
type puzzles ie external shape and intenal, rotaional structure
I wouls very much like to know where I cvan get the following

1 a 2X2X2 cube
2 a the various puzzles with the pyramids internal structure but
and also the cubes internal structue (3X3X3) but different
external structurs.
3 conglomeration cubes--Ideal made one of these that was two
3X3X3 cubes sharing three cubies in a row I have made
one of these myself by surgery on two cubes but I know
that there are other "conglomerates out there"
4 kitsch-cubes (my name) but things like royal4 kitsch-cubes (my name) but things like royal4 kitsch-cubes (my name) but things like royal4 kitsch-cubes (my name) but things like royal
wedding cubes, mount rushmore etc.


brett stevens


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