I can also report that the superflip requires at least 19 face turns. I
got this result using Shamir's algorithm, which Mike Reid describes briefly
in his message <9412162233.AA27627@ducie.ptc.com>. To repeat him: Shamir's
method allows you to generate in lexicographic order all permutations st,
where s and t are elements of lists S and T of permutations, respectively,
while using only space proportional to the sum of the sizes of the lists.
What I did was to first check that the superflip f couldn't be done in 11 or
fewer face turns (easy) and to then try to solve f=stuv, where s and v have
4 face turns and t and u have 2 to 5 face turns. This is done by scanning
through the (ordered) lists of all st's and all f v^(-1) u^(-1)'s and checking
to see if there is a common element. Shamir's method then has to be applied to
S and T and to V and T, where T is a list of permutations with 2 to 5 face
turns, S is a list of permutations s with 4 face turns, and V is a list of
permutations f v^(-1), where v has 4 face turns. The number of candidates
for s and v can be reduced by making use of the fact that f is central, has
order 2, and is invariant under conjugation by the symmetry group of the cube.
The computation took 52 hours of CPU time on an SGI Crimson (R4000 50/100 MHz
CPU.) More than half the CPU time is spent composing permutations and updating
priority queues (see below.)
Some have expressed concern that Shamir's method is a memory hog. Applying
it to S and T requires a rather complicated tree of permutations in T and a
priority queue of permutations in S. I used the wreath product representation
of the cube group (so `permutation' is something of a misnomer,) and my memory
usage was then as follows:
Per element of S:
48 bytes permutation s in S (can be shared with other S's and T's)
40 bytes composition st (not absolutely necessary, but speeds things up)
16 bytes pointers internal to the queue and to an element t of T
104 bytes
Per element of T: 48 bytes permutation t in T (can be shared, as before) 8 bytes pointer immediately above t <=16 bytes Amortized cost of higher-up regions of the tree ---------- <=72 bytes
The T tree is not altered during traversal, so if you are applying the method
to S and T and V and T simultaneously you just need one T tree.
All told, my memory usage was around 46M.
Looking for a 20 face turn representation by this method would probably take
around 59M of memory and 710 hours of CPU time (on this machine.)
David Moews dmoews@xraysgi.ims.uconn.edu