On 04/21/95 at 11:37:18 mreid@ptc.com said:
jerry writes
What would be really nice (and which may not be possible) is some
representation for the cube such that a cube Z and its neighbors
Zq or Zh are stored very close together.remember that the diameter of the group is small. (my guess is
21 face turns, 24 quarter turns.) so this isn't possible without
resorting to a liberal definition of "very close".
This is something I have been thinking about for a long time. The
idea is that if large searches were run on either massively
parallel machines, or even on farms of workstations, it would be
really nice if most neighbors stayed on the same machine.
Some of my searches get so large that I have to decompose them in
a manner somewhat similar to the manner in which I envision decomposing
searches for parallel processing. Let me use an example a project
I am working on as we speak. I am trying to do a complete search
for edges only (with centers).
The data base for level 10 of the search is on four tapes (not so big,
really). The data base is sorted. The neighbors will be sorted
according to the same collating sequence. In order to create level 11,
all neighbors have to be generated and sorted (deleting duplicates),
and then matched against the level 9 data base (again deleting duplicates).
I desire to partition the sorted neighbors using as boundary points for
the partition the first record on each of the four tapes for level 10.
My experience is that boundary points that partition one level of the
data base equally also partitions deeper levels of the data base
equally. Having partitioned level 11, the sizes of the output files are
rather striking:
Neighbors in Neighbors in Neighbors in Neighbors in Tape 1 Tape 2 Tape 3 Tape 4 Partition Partition Partition PartitionLvl 10 Tape 1 5.2 tapes 2.0 tapes 1.2 tapes 0.2 tapes Lvl 10 Tape 2 1.3 tapes 5.0 tapes 1.9 tapes 1.2 tapes Lvl 10 Tape 3 1.2 tapes 1.4 tapes 5.1 tapes 2.2 tapes Lvl 10 Tape 4 0.2 tapes 1.1 tapes 1.6 tapes 6.0 tapes
In real round numbers, the level 11 data base is going to have about
32 tapes, with about 8 tapes in each partition (the branching factor
is about 8 at this level of the search). But as the chart above shows,
there is a strong tendency for neighbors to stay in the same partition.
(The chart does not reflect it, but to complete the processing for
level 11, the "Tape 1 partition" will all have to be merged together, as
will the "Tape 2 partition", etc.)
I would emphasize that these "partitions" I am talking about are totally
arbitrary subdivisions of the data into smaller chunks to make the
problem manageable. But imagine if you will that instead of four tapes,
I had four machines, each with a sizable hard disk. Each machine would
be assigned one of the four partitions. As it generated neighbors, each
machine would either store the neighbor locally or would send the
neighbor on to one of the other three machines as required. Obviously,
the more of the neighbors you can keep locally the better.
With various problems I have worked on, I have had various numbers of
partitions of the data -- 10, 16, 32, 128, etc. The effect I am
describing is always there, and I am not totally sure why. I have
some theories, but nothing definitive. I think the effect is stronger
because I am using representative elements of conjugacy classes or
other equivalence classes than if I were storing all individual cubes.
Also, the effect I am describing can be characterized by the almost
silly statement that "one twist of the cube doesn't change the cube
very much". But it's true. For example, the dominant part of the sort
is the Front face, which isn't changed by twists of the Back. Also,
twists of the Front don't change the Front very much when you
consider that representative elements are being stored. It is only
twists of the Up, Down, Right, and Left faces which change the Front
very much. Finally, the sort order for the Front face is the Upper
part, the Right part, the Down part, and the Left part, so that even
a twist of the Left face doesn't change the Front face very much with
respect to its sort order.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Robert G. Bryan (Jerry Bryan) (304) 293-5192 Associate Director, WVNET (304) 293-5540 fax 837 Chestnut Ridge Road BRYAN@WVNVM Morgantown, WV 26505 BRYAN@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU