Domain of the Cube 1.4 is finally done! ---------------------------------------
I've finally finished the new issue of the DOTC newsletter, and I'm
basically happy with it. I believe I owe my fellow cubists an apology
for taking so long, especially Greg Schmidt and Dan Hoey.
I've enjoyed using the cube since 1981 and I wish I had more time and
energy to put into it. I was also rather ill earlier this year, and
things at work seemed to always interrupt. Nevertheless, the first
20 copies are finally ready to mail. Despite the fact these initial
copies are slightly flawed I am no longer willing to wait. This time
the issues have beige covers and are stapled like a booklet, much
the same as David Singmaster's Cubic Circular.
I'm pleased with the printer's results, and I am mailing out the
first issues tomorrow. I have considerable work done on issue 1.5
and I expect the next issue to be ready relatively soon.
- Mark
New Technique for Pattern Finding:
Cycle a process until you find the identity, e.g. (F1 B1 R1 D1)^24 = I then bisect the process if the order is even, ( F1 B1 R1 D1 ) ^ 12 = Pattern, naturally this process is order 2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Hmmmm, actually I have some questions that have been bugging me for
some time. I while back a guy was watching me use my cube program
and I explained that the reason I like studying group theory is
because it provided greater insights into the cube. He then asked
me: "What are other uses of group theory?" and "What are the
practical uses of group theory" to which I haltingly replied (somewhat
vaguely) that it helped show relationships between geometry and
algebra. I felt this explanation unsatisfactory. I also mumbled
about symmetry and architecture. I'm sure there is a better
answer than that!
Also why is it in math that |-11| means absolute value and can also
be the order of G, e.g. Let G be a Group, and |G| means the order
of G.
Here is another tidbit for the cube archives:
Rare 11-cycle of edges: ( L2 B1 R1 D3 L3 ) ^ 7 (35) alternately: F2 R3 U1 D3 B3 D1 L3 U3 D1 B1 L1 D1 B2 U2 D2 R2 B2 D1 (18) -> Mark <-