Sorry to follow up on my own post, but I messed up a bit :)
12 4 U.R.F.D'
There is also U2R2F' which has less face turns but more quarter turns.
70 6 U.R'U.R.F.R'
This transform has in fact order 140!
The correct ones are:
70 6 U.R.U'R.F.B' 70 7 U2R'U2F'L'
110 8 U.R.U2R'F.R.L'
This should be U'R'U.R.F.D'B'L' (8 qt)
I converted my order-searching program to C and am now running
it on a Sun - expecting results on order 11 soon.
Michiel Boland <>
University of Nijmegen
The Netherlands