On Wed, 1 May 1996, David Litwin wrote:
"The Official Thermodynamics Fan Club of the UK." writes:
> p.s. I'm sure this is a common question, but I have many 3x3x3, and one
> 5x5x5, can I still get a 4x4x4 anywhere? would anyone consider selling one
> to me?The last time I bought one was in 1993 in Tokyo (at Tokyu Hands
department store). I'll be visiting again soon and will check to see if
they still have any. This is the only place I've been able to find them,
outside of those who sell from their private collections. At this point I
don't think anyone has any available for sale though. If I find any in
Japan I'll certainly buy as many as possible and let the list know.
There are many resources on the World Wide Web for people who enjoy
puzzles, and in particular cube-style puzzles.
There is a puzzle dealer based in the United States named "Puzzletts"
that advertises on the WWW at http://www.puzzletts.com. Among other
things in their inventory, they carry what I assume are new 3x3x3, 4x4x4,
and 5x5x5 cubes. I haven't compared their prices to other distributors
yet, but they appear to have a *very* large puzzle inventory.
Other cube dealers can likely be located on the page at:
which is where I learned of Puzzletts. Another good page for cube
resources and information is:
I was excited to learn that cubes can still be purchased at at least a
few retail sources, and with any luck the inventories of these sources will
endure a few more years.
I hope this information has been useful!
-- Paul -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Hart Computer Systems Administrator paul@ee.byu.edu Electrical and Computer Engineering (801) 378-5728 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah