To promote puzzles throughout the world
and to convey the warmth of wood to as many people as possible
will be held in October 1994.
We invite puzzlers from around the world to enter.APPLICATION GUIDE
1)Puzzle must be made of wood
2)Puzzle must be original
3)Puzzle has never been sold commercially
4)Puzzle can be easily mass produced
5)Do not submit puzzles that emphasize artistic design
6)Puzzle may have two or more inventors
7)Entry with more than one puzzle permitted2.Points for consideration
1)Entry into the competition is free of charge, but each contestant must bear
the expense for the sending the puzzle to Hikimi.
2)We may request to purchase the puzzle within the constraints of our budget.
3)Copyright of the puzzles entered belongs to the inventor, but
Hikimi Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to first negotiation.
4)Deadline: Puzzle and application must be received by October 14,1994.3.For an application form, write to:
Hikimi-cho Shokokai,Hikimi-cho,Mino-gun,Shimane Prefecture 698-12 Japan
Applications in Japanese are prefered. However, since this may be a
difficult requirement for non-Japanese entrants, you may send your
application in English.4.Judging
Judging will be held sometime during October,1994. All applicants will be
notified directly of the results. The commendation ceremony will be held on
November 12,1994 in Hikimi Town.5.Judges Chief Judge: Saburo Oguro Judge : Nob Yoshigahara Judge : Shigeo Takagi Judge : A. Yamashita Judge : T. Ohhata 6.Prizes Grand Prize (one person): \500,000(about 5,000 US$) 2nd Prize (two persons): \300,000(about 3,000 US$)each 3rd Prize(three persons): \100,000(about 1,000 US$)each Runner-ups (several) : \ 50,000(about 500 US$)each
Sponsored by: Hikimicho Shokokai(Hikimi Chamber of Commerce) Tel:+81-856-56-0310 Fax:+81-856-56-0753 APPLICATION FORM FOR THE 6TH HIKIMI WOODEN PUZZLE COMPETITION Date: +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |Applicant's name: Age( )|Co-inventors of puzzle | | | Name Age Occupation | +--------------------------------------+-------------------+---+--------------+ |Address: | | | | | | | | | |Tel: Fax: | | | | |Occupation: | | | | +--------------------------------------+-------------------+---+--------------+ |Name of company where you're employed:|Rating by Judges *| | +--------------------------------------+ |Address: |Application number *| | +--------------------------------------+ |Tel: Fax: |Remarks *| +--------------------------------------+ | |Name of puzzle: | | | | | |Number of pieces in the puzzle: | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |Object of puzzle: |Solution: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------+ | |Applicant's comments on the puzzle: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ [Note] 1)Please type or write in English block letters. For multiple entries, make copies of this form and submit a separate one for each puzzle entered. 2)If there are any co-inventors of the puzzle entered, be sure to write each of their names. 3)Do not write in spaces marked(*).