I hope all cube lovers saw the picture and article in USA Today
newspaper on Wednesday, December 13 in the "Life" section. It
reads as follows:
"PRICEY PUZZLE: Looks like diamonds are a toy's best friend.
And rubies, sapphires and amethysts, too, in the ultimate
Rubik's Cube. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the brain
teaser, Diamond Cutters International created an 18-karat gold,
jewel-encrusted, one-of-a-kind puzzle that'll set you back $1
million. Currently on display at DCI's Houston headquarters, the
fully working replica will hit the road for a European tour
starting Jan. 20 in London. And if you buy the cube and can't
solve it, creator Erno Rubik, who lives in Hungary, will come to
your home to help out."
It looks like each white cubie has 25 diamonds on it. The other
colors are make from different encrusted stones. It's hard to
tell how big it is. If I could afford it, I would buy it and lie
by saying I can't solve it so I could get a visit from Rubik.
Watch for tour info.