[next] [prev] [up] Date: Mon, 30 Jan 95 11:16:56 -0500
[next] [prev] [up] From: michael reid <mreid@ptc.com >
~~~ [prev] [up] Subject: Re: superflip requires 20 face turns

as promised, i reran the face turn search and collected data along
the way. total run time was 143.7 cpu hours (just a shade under
six days) on an HP 9000 series 715, 100MHz clock. so this machine
is a bit faster than some of the others that helped out on the
original run. (there was also some overlap between different

these figures also show why the cases starting with R1 L1 and
R1 L3 are so slow: many more sequences in stage 1 to check.


statistics below:

depth in        number of times          solutions
stage 1        stage 2 is reached          found

superflip  R1 F1:

 9f                      2               23f, 22f
10f                    942               21f, 20f
11f                  19180
12f                 255716               19f
13f                2967572
14f               32053344
15f              330809868               18f

superflip  R1 F2:

10f                    948               22f, 21f
11f                  19032               20f, 19f
12f                 251312
13f                2913516
14f               31351632
15f              321390912               18f

superflip  R1 F3:

 9f                      2               21f
10f                    942
11f                  19180               20f, 19f
12f                 255716
13f                2967572
14f               32053344
15f              330809868               18f

superflip  R1 U1:

 9f                      2               21f
10f                    826
11f                  17140               20f, 19f
12f                 231130
13f                2702062
14f               29334386
15f              303689360

superflip  R1 U2:

10f                    812               22f
11f                  17080               21f
12f                 232452               20f, 19f
13f                2735896               18f
14f               29776092
15f              307802732

superflip  R1 U3:

 9f                      2               23f, 22f
10f                    826
11f                  17140               21f, 20f
12f                 231130               19f
13f                2702062
14f               29334386
15f              303689360

superflip  R1 L1 F1:

 7f                     96               20f, 19f
 8f                   1824               18f
 9f                  21768
10f                 229616
11f                2267728
12f               21151120               17f
13f              189906448
14f             1660964664

superflip  R1 L1 F2:

 8f                    384               22f, 21f, 20f
 9f                   8448               19f
10f                 113440               18f
11f                1268896
12f               12941696
13f              124124064
14f             1141576128

superflip  R1 L1 F3:

 7f                     96               20f, 19f
 8f                   1824               18f
 9f                  21768
10f                 229616
11f                2267728
12f               21151120               17f
13f              189906448
14f             1660964664

superflip  R1 L1 F3:

 7f                     96               20f, 19f
 8f                   1824               18f
 9f                  21768
10f                 229616
11f                2267728
12f               21151120               17f
13f              189906448
14f             1660964664

superflip  R1 L1 U1:

 9f                    832               22f, 21f, 20f
10f                  16912               19f
11f                 224248               18f
12f                2597672
13f               27754280
14f              279317240

superflip  R1 L1 U2:

 8f                    384               22f, 21f, 20f
 9f                   8448               19f, 18f
10f                 113440               17f
11f                1268896
12f               12941696
13f              124124064
14f             1141576128

superflip  R1 L1 U3:

 9f                    832               21f, 20f
10f                  16912               19f
11f                 224248               18f
12f                2597672
13f               27754280
14f              279317240

superflip  R1 L3 F1:

 7f                     96               21f, 20f, 19f
 8f                   1824               18f
 9f                  21768
10f                 229616
11f                2267728
12f               21151120               17f
13f              189906448
14f             1660964664

superflip  R1 L3 F2:

 8f                    384               22f, 21f, 20f
 9f                   8448               19f
10f                 113440
11f                1268896
12f               12941696
13f              124124064               18f
14f             1141576128

superflip  R1 L3 U1:

 9f                    832               23f, 22f, 21f, 19f
10f                  16912
11f                 224248
12f                2597672               18f
13f               27754280
14f              279317240               17f

superflip  R1 L3 U2:

 8f                    384               21f, 20f
 9f                   8448               19f
10f                 113440               18f
11f                1268896
12f               12941696
13f              124124064
14f             1141576128

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