for much too long now, i've meant to implement kociemba's algorithm
for quarter turns. finally i've gotten around to it, and it's found
superflip: B3 L3 U3 L3 F1 U1 D1 L3 B1 U1 F1 R3 L1 F3 B2 U1 D1 F2 B2 R2 U1 D1 26q
it's interesting to note that david plummer gave a 28 quarter turn
maneuver for superflip on december 10, 1980. as far as i know, this
is the first improvement since then.
also found:
supertwist: B3 L2 U1 D1 R2 B3 D2 F2 D3 R2 F1 B1 L2 D3 B2 U2 24q superfliptwist: U1 B3 U3 L3 F3 U3 B3 R3 D1 F3 D3 B3 U3 F3 L3 U1 F1 U1 D3 B2 U3 22q
more patterns to follow ...