GAP Package AtlasRep

ATLAS of Finite Groups — Bibliography

Bibliography on p. 243
M11 M12 J1 M22 J2 M23 HS
J3 M24 McL He Ru Suz ON
Co3 Co2 Fi22 HN Ly Th Fi23
Co1 J4 Fi24' B M    
Cross-referenced Collections

Bibliography on p. 243

[Art57] Artin, E., Geometric algebra, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York-London (1957), x+214 pages.

[Art88] Artin, E., Geometric algebra, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Wiley Classics Library, New York (1988), x+214 pages
(Reprint of the 1957 original, A Wiley-Interscience Publication).

[Car72] Carter, R. W., Simple groups of Lie type, John Wiley & Sons, London-New York-Sydney (1972), viii+331 pages
(Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 28).

[Car85] Carter, R. W., Finite groups of Lie type, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Pure and Applied Mathematics (New York), New York (1985), xii+544 pages
(Conjugacy classes and complex characters, A Wiley-Interscience Publication).

[Car89] Carter, R. W., Simple groups of Lie type, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Wiley Classics Library, New York (1989), x+335 pages
(Reprint of the 1972 original, A Wiley-Interscience Publication).

[Car93] Carter, R. W., Finite groups of Lie type, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Wiley Classics Library, Chichester (1993), xii+544 pages
(Conjugacy classes and complex characters, Reprint of the 1985 original, A Wiley-Interscience Publication).

[Che55] Chevalley, C., Sur certains groupes simples, Tôhoku Math. J. (2), 7 (1955), 14–66.

[CM65] Coxeter, H. S. M. and Moser, W. O. J., Generators and relations for discrete groups, Springer-Verlag, Second edition. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Neue Folge, Band 14, Berlin (1965), ix+161 pages.

[CM72] Coxeter, H. S. M. and Moser, W. O. J., Generators and relations for discrete groups, Springer-Verlag, Third edition, New York (1972), ix+161 pages
(Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Band 14).

[CM80a] Coxeter, H. S. M. and Moser, W. O. J., Generators and relations for discrete groups, Springer-Verlag, Fourth edition, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete [Results in Mathematics and Related Areas], 14, Berlin (1980), ix+169 pages.

[Dav69] Davis, C., A bibliographical survey of simple groups of finite order, 1900–1965, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York Univ., New York (1969), xxi+209 pages.

[Dic58] Dickson, L. E., Linear groups: With an exposition of the Galois field theory, Dover Publications Inc., with an introduction by W. Magnus, New York (1958), xvi+312 pages.

[Die63] Dieudonné, J., La géométrie des groupes classiques, Springer-Verlag, Seconde édition, revue et corrigée, Berlin (1963), viii+125 pages.

[Die71] Dieudonné, J. A., La géométrie des groupes classiques, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1971), viii+129 pages
(Troisième édition, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Band 5).

[Gor74] (Gorenstein, D., Ed.), Reviews on finite groups, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (1974), xi+706 pages
(Reviews reprinted from Mathematical Reviews, Vols. 1-40, published during 1940–1970, Classified by Daniel Gorenstein).

[Gor82] Gorenstein, D., Finite simple groups, Plenum Publishing Corp., University Series in Mathematics, New York (1982), x+333 pages
(An introduction to their classification).

[Sri79] Srinivasan, B., Representations of finite Chevalley groups, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 764, Berlin (1979), x+177 pages
(A survey).

[Ste59] Steinberg, R., Variations on a theme of Chevalley, Pacific J. Math., 9 (1959), 875–891.

Mathieu group M11

[Hug82] Hughes, D. R., A combinatorial construction of the small Mathieu designs and groups, in Algebraic and geometric combinatorics, North-Holland, North-Holland Math. Stud., 65, Amsterdam (1982), 259–264.

[Kel69] Keller, G., A characterization of A_6 and M_11, J. Algebra, 13 (1969), 409–421.

[Kim74] Kimura, H., A characterization of A_7 and M_11. I, Hokkaido Math. J., 3 (1974), 213–217.

[Kim75a] Kimura, H., A characterization of A_7 and M_11. II, Hokkaido Math. J., 4 (1975), 39–44.

[Kim75b] Kimura, H., A characterization of A_7 and M_11. III, Hokkaido Math. J., 4 (2) (1975), 273–277.

[Mos59] Moser, W. O. J., Abstract definitions for the Mathieu groups M_11 and M_12, Canad. Math. Bull., 2 (1959), 9–13.

[Nor68] Norman, C. W., A characterization of the Mathieu group M_11, Math. Z., 106 (1968), 162–166.

[Par70a] Parrott, D., On the Mathieu groups M_22 and M_11, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 3 (1970), 141–142.

[Par70b] Parrott, D., On the Mathieu groups M_22 and M_11, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 11 (1970), 69–81.

[Sch79] Schneider, G. J. A., The Mathieu group M_11, M. Sc. thesis, Oxford (1979).

[TL65] Ts'eng, K. C. and Li, C. S., On the commutators of the simple Mathieu groups, J. China Univ. Sci. Techn., 1 (1) (1965), 43–48.

[War75] Ward, H. N., A form for M_11, J. Algebra, 37 (2) (1975), 340–361.

Mathieu group M12

[Aki83] Akiyama, K., A note on the Mathieu groups M_12 and M_23, Bull. Central Res. Inst. Fukuoka Univ., 66 (1983), 1–5.

[BF66a] Brauer, R. and Fong, P., A characterization of the Mathieu group 𝕸_12, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 122 (1966), 18–47.

[Bue82] Buekenhout, F., Geometries for the Mathieu group M_12, in Combinatorial theory (Schloss Rauischholzhausen, 1982), Springer, Lecture Notes in Math., 969, Berlin (1982), 74–85.

[Con71a] Conway, J. H., Three lectures on exceptional groups, in Finite simple groups (Proc. Instructional Conf., Oxford, 1969), Academic Press, London (1971), 215–247.

[Con84] Conway, J. H., Hexacode and tetracode—MOG and MINIMOG, in Computational group theory (Durham, 1982), Academic Press, London (1984), 359–365.

[Cox58] Coxeter, H. S. M., Twelve points in PG(5,3) with 95040 self-transformations, Proc. Roy. Soc. London. Ser. A, 247 (1958), 279–293.

[Cur84b] Curtis, R. T., The Steiner system S(5,6,12), the Mathieu group M_12 and the "kitten", in Computational group theory (Durham, 1982), Academic Press, London (1984), 353–358.

[Fro04] Frobenius, G., Über die Charaktere der mehrfach transitiven Gruppen, Berliner Berichte (1904), 558–571.

[Hal62] Hall Jr., M., Note on the Mathieu group M_12, Arch. Math., 13 (1962), 334–340.

[Hug82] Hughes, D. R., A combinatorial construction of the small Mathieu designs and groups, in Algebraic and geometric combinatorics, North-Holland, North-Holland Math. Stud., 65, Amsterdam (1982), 259–264.

[Hum80] Humphreys, J. F., The projective characters of the Mathieu group M_12 and of its automorphism group, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 87 (3) (1980), 401–412.

[Mat83] Matzat, B. H., Konstruktion von Zahlkörpern mit der Galoisgruppe M_12 über Q(sqrt{-5}), Arch. Math. (Basel), 40 (3) (1983), 245–254.

[Mos59] Moser, W. O. J., Abstract definitions for the Mathieu groups M_11 and M_12, Canad. Math. Bull., 2 (1959), 9–13.

[Sch81] Schneider, G. J. A., On the 2-modular representations of M_12, in Representations of algebras (Puebla, 1980), Springer, Lecture Notes in Math., 903, Berlin (1981), 302–314.

[Sch83] Schneider, G. J. A., The vertices of the simple modules of M_12 over a field of characteristic 2, J. Algebra, 83 (1) (1983), 189–200.

[Sta51] Stanton, R. G., The Mathieu groups, Canadian J. Math., 3 (1951), 164–174.

[Thw73] Thwaites, G. N., A characterization of M_12 by centralizer of involution, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2), 24 (1973), 537–557.

[Tod59] Todd, J. A., On representations of the Mathieu groups as collineation groups, J. London Math. Soc., 34 (1959), 406–416.

[Tod70] Todd, J. A., Abstract definitions for the Mathieu groups, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2), 21 (1970), 421–424.

[Whi66] Whitelaw, T. A., On the Mathieu group of degree twelve, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 62 (1966), 351–364.

[Wit38a] Witt, E., Die 5-fach transitiven Gruppen von Mathieu, Abh. Math. Sem. Hamburg, 12 (1938), 256–264.

[Won64] Wong, W. J., A characterization of the Mathieu group M_12, Math. Z., 84 (1964), 378–388.

Janko group J1

[Cam73] Cameron, P. J., Another characterization of the small Janko group, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 25 (1973), 591–595.

[Cha82] Chapman, G. R., Generators and relations for the cohomology ring of Janko's first group in the first twenty-one dimensions, in Groups—St. Andrews 1981 (St. Andrews, 1981), Cambridge Univ. Press, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 71, Cambridge (1982), 201–206.

[Con71a] Conway, J. H., Three lectures on exceptional groups, in Finite simple groups (Proc. Instructional Conf., Oxford, 1969), Academic Press, London (1971), 215–247.

[Fon74] Fong, P., On decomposition numbers of J_1 and R(q), in Symposia Mathematica, Vol. XIII (Convegno di Gruppi e loro Rappresentazioni, INDAM, Rome, 1972), Academic Press, London (1974), 415–422.

[Gag65] Gagen, T. M., On groups with abelian Sylow 2-groups, Math. Z., 90 (1965), 268–272
(see MR0215897, p. 99–100).

[Gag67] Gagen, T. M., On groups with Abelian 2-Sylow subgroups, in Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory of Groups, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York (1967), 99–100.

[Gag68] Gagen, T. M., A characterization of Janko's simple group, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 19 (1968), 1393–1395.

[Hig71] Higman, G., Construction of simple groups from character tables, in Finite simple groups (Proc. Instructional Conf., Oxford, 1969), Academic Press, London (1971), 205–214.

[Jan65] Janko, Z., A new finite simple group with abelian 2-Sylow subgroups, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 53 (1965), 657–658.

[Jan66] Janko, Z., A new finite simple group with abelian Sylow 2-subgroups and its characterization, J. Algebra, 3 (1966), 147–186.

[Jan67] Janko, Z., A characterization of a new simple group, in Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory of Groups, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York (1967), 205–208.

[LM78] Landrock, P. and Michler, G. O., Block structure of the smallest Janko group, Math. Ann., 232 (3) (1978), 205–238.

[Li81] Li, J. S., The commutators of the small Janko group J_1, J. Math. (Wuhan), 1 (2) (1981), 175–179

[Liv67] Livingstone, D., On a permutation representation of the Janko group, J. Algebra, 6 (1967), 43–55.

[Mar69] Martineau, R. P., A characterization of Janko's simple group of order 175,560, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 19 (1969), 709–729.

[Per80] Perkel, M., A characterization of J_1 in terms of its geometry, Geom. Dedicata, 9 (3) (1980), 291–298.

[Shu72] Shult, E., A note on Janko's simple group of order 175,560, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 35 (1972), 342–348.

[Whi67] Whitelaw, T. A., Janko's group as a collineation group in PG(6,11), Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 63 (1967), 663–677.

[Yam72] Yamaki, H., On the Janko's simple group of order 175560, Osaka J. Math., 9 (1972), 111–112.

Mathieu group M22

[GG82] Gagola Jr., S. M. and Garrison III, S. C., Real characters, double covers, and the multiplier, J. Algebra, 74 (1) (1982), 20–51.

[Gri80] Griess, R. L., The covering group of M_22 and associated component problems, Abstracts Amer. Math. Soc., 1 (1980), 213.

[Hel68] Held, D., Eine Kennzeichnung der Mathieu-Gruppe M_22 und der alternierenden Gruppe A_10, J. Algebra, 8 (1968), 436–449.

[Hum82b] Humphreys, J. F., The projective characters of the Mathieu group M_22, J. Algebra, 76 (1) (1982), 1–24.

[Jan68a] Janko, Z., A characterization of the Mathieu simple groups. I, II, J. Algebra 9 (1968), 1-19; ibid., 9 (1968), 20–41.

[JM76] Jónsson, W. and McKay, J., More about the Mathieu group M_22, Canad. J. Math., 38 (5) (1976), 929–937.

[Maz79] Mazet, P., Sur le multiplicateur de Schur du groupe de Mathieu M_22, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. A-B, 289 (14) (1979), A659–A661.

[Par70a] Parrott, D., On the Mathieu groups M_22 and M_11, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 3 (1970), 141–142.

[Par70b] Parrott, D., On the Mathieu groups M_22 and M_11, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 11 (1970), 69–81.

[Tit64] Tits, J., Sur les systèmes de Steiner associés aux trois "grands" groupes de Mathieu, Rend. Mat. e Appl. (5), 23 (1964), 166–184.

[TL65] Ts'eng, K. C. and Li, C. S., On the commutators of the simple Mathieu groups, J. China Univ. Sci. Techn., 1 (1) (1965), 43–48.

Janko group J2

[Coh80] Cohen, A. M., Finite quaternionic reflection groups, J. Algebra, 64 (2) (1980), 293–324.

[FR73] Finkelstein, L. and Rudvalis, A., Maximal subgroups of the Hall-Janko-Wales group, J. Algebra, 24 (1973), 486–493.

[GG82] Gagola Jr., S. M. and Garrison III, S. C., Real characters, double covers, and the multiplier, J. Algebra, 74 (1) (1982), 20–51.

[GH69] Gorenstein, D. and Harada, K., A characterization of Janko's two new simple groups, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. I, 16 (1969), 331–406 (1970).

[HW68] Hall Jr., M. and Wales, D., The simple group of order 604,800, J. Algebra, 9 (1968), 417–450.

[HW69] Hall Jr., M. and Wales, D., The simple group of order 604,800, in Theory of Finite Groups (Symposium, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., 1968), Benjamin, New York (1969), 79–90.

[Ili73] Ilʹinyh, A. P., A characterization of the Hall-Janko finite simple group, Mat. Zametki, 14 (1973), 535–542.

[Jan69a] Janko, Z., Some new simple groups of finite order, in Theory of finite groups: A symposium, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam, Edited by Richard Brauer and Chih-han Sah (1969), 63–64.

[Lin69] Lindsey, J. H., Linear groups of degree 6 and the Hall-Janko group, in Theory of finite groups: A symposium, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam, Edited by Richard Brauer and Chih-han Sah (1969), 97–100.

[Lin68] Lindsey II, J. H., On a projective representation of the Hall-Janko group, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 74 (1968), 1094.

[Lin70a] Lindsey II, J. H., On a six dimensional projective representation of the Hall-Janko group, Pacific J. Math., 35 (1970), 175–186.

[MW71a] McKay, J. and Wales, D., The multipliers of the simple groups of order 604,800 and 50,232,960, J. Algebra, 17 (1971), 262–272.

[Smi74a] Smith, F., A general characterization of the Janko simple group J_2, Arch. Math. (Basel), 25 (1974), 17–22.

[Tit69] Tits, J., Le groupe de Janko d'ordre 604,800, in Theory of finite groups: A symposium, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam, Edited by Richard Brauer and Chih-han Sah (1969), 91–95.

[Wal69a] Wales, D., The uniqueness of the simple group of order 604800 as a subgroup of SL_6(4), J. Algebra, 11 (1969), 455–460.

[Wal69b] Wales, D. B., Generators of the Hall-Janko group as a subgroup of G_2(4), J. Algebra, 13 (1969), 513–516.

[Wil86b] Wilson, R. A., The geometry of the Hall-Janko group as a quaternionic reflection group, Geom. Dedicata, 20 (2) (1986), 157–173.

Mathieu group M23

[Aki83] Akiyama, K., A note on the Mathieu groups M_12 and M_23, Bull. Central Res. Inst. Fukuoka Univ., 66 (1983), 1–5.

[Bry71] Bryce, N., On the Mathieu group M_23, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 12 (1971), 385–392.

[Dem72] Dempwolff, U., Eine Kennzeichnung der Gruppen A_5 und M_23, J. Algebra, 23 (1972), 590–601.

[Jan68b] Janko, Z., A characterization of the Mathieu simple groups. I, II, J. Algebra 9 (1968), 1-19; ibid., 9 (1968), 20–41.

[Pai57] Paige, L. J., A note on the Mathieu groups, Canad. J. Math., 9 (1957), 15–18.

[Tit64] Tits, J., Sur les systèmes de Steiner associés aux trois "grands" groupes de Mathieu, Rend. Mat. e Appl. (5), 23 (1964), 166–184.

Higman-Sims group HS

[Bro82] Brouwer, A. E., Polarities of G. Higman's symmetric design and a strongly regular graph on 176 vertices, Aequationes Math., 25 (1) (1982), 77–82.

[CW82] Calderbank, A. R. and Wales, D. B., A global code invariant under the Higman-Sims group, J. Algebra, 75 (1) (1982), 233–260.

[Fra72] Frame, J. S., Computation of characters of the Higman-Sims group and its automorphism group, J. Algebra, 20 (1972), 320–349.

[GE73] Gorenstein, D. and Harris, M. E., A characterization of the Higman-Sims simple group, J. Algebra, 24 (1973), 565–590.

[Hig69] Higman, G., On the simple group of D. G. Higman and C. C. Sims, Illinois J. Math., 13 (1969), 74–80.

[HS68] Higman, D. G. and Sims, C. C., A simple group of order 44,352,000, Math. Z., 105 (1968), 110–113.

[Hum82a] Humphreys, J. F., The modular characters of the Higman-Sims simple group, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 92 (3-4) (1982), 319–335.

[JW69] Janko, Z. and Wong, S. K., A characterization of the Higman-Sims simple group, J. Algebra, 13 (1969), 517–534.

[Kim78] Kimura, H., On the Higman-Sims simple group of order 44,353,000, J. Algebra, 52 (1) (1978), 88–93.

[Mag70] Magliveras, S. S., The maximal subgroups of the Higman-Sims group, Ph.D. thesis, Birmingham (1970).

[Mag71] Magliveras, S. S., The subgroup structure of the Higman-Sims simple group, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 77 (1971), 535–539.

[MW71b] McKay, J. and Wales, D., The multiplier of the Higman-Sims simple group, Bull. London Math. Soc., 3 (1971), 283–285.

[PW70] Parrott, D. and Wong, S. K., On the Higman-Sims simple group of order 44,352,000, Pacific J. Math., 32 (1970), 501–516.

[Rud75] Rudvalis, A., Characters of the covering group of the Higman-Sims group, J. Algebra, 33 (1975), 135–143.

[Sim69] Sims, C. C., On the isomorphism of two groups of order 44,352,000, in Theory of Finite Groups (Symposium, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., 1968), Benjamin, New York (1969), 101–108.

[Smi75a] Smith, M. S., On rank 3 permutation groups, J. Algebra, 33 (1975), 22–42.

[Smi76a] Smith, M. S., On the isomorphism of two simple groups of order 44,352,000, J. Algebra, 41 (1) (1976), 172–174.

[Smi76b] Smith, M. S., A combinatorial configuration associated with the Higman-Sims simple group, J. Algebra, 41 (1) (1976), 175–195.

[Wal69c] Wales, D., Uniqueness of the graph of a rank three group, Pacific J. Math., 30 (1969), 271–276.

[Wil85c] Wilson, R. A., Maximal subgroups of automorphism groups of simple groups, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 32 (3) (1985), 460–466.

Janko group J3

[CW74] Conway, J. H. and Wales, D. B., Matrix generators for J_3, J. Algebra, 29 (1974), 474–476.

[FR74] Finkelstein, L. and Rudvalis, A., The maximal subgroups of Janko's simple group of order 50,232,960, J. Algebra, 30 (1974), 122–143.

[Fro83] Frohardt, D., A trilinear form for the third Janko group, J. Algebra, 83 (2) (1983), 349–379.

[GH69] Gorenstein, D. and Harada, K., A characterization of Janko's two new simple groups, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. I, 16 (1969), 331–406 (1970).

[HM69a] Higman, G. and McKay, J., On Janko's simple group of order 50,232,960, Bull. London Math. Soc. 1 (1969), 89–94; correction, ibid., 1 (1969), 219.

[HM69b] Higman, G. and McKay, J., On Janko's simple group of order 50,232,960, in Theory of Finite Groups (Symposium, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., 1968), Benjamin, New York (1969), 65–77.

[Jan69a] Janko, Z., Some new simple groups of finite order, in Theory of finite groups: A symposium, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam, Edited by Richard Brauer and Chih-han Sah (1969), 63–64.

[Jan69b] Janko, Z., Some new simple groups of finite order. I, in Symposia Mathematica (INDAM, Rome, 1967/68), Vol. 1, Academic Press, London (1969), 25–64.

[MW71a] McKay, J. and Wales, D., The multipliers of the simple groups of order 604,800 and 50,232,960, J. Algebra, 17 (1971), 262–272.

[Wei82a] Weiss, R., On the geometry of Janko's group J_3, Arch. Math. (Basel), 38 (5) (1982), 410–419.

[Wei82b] Weiss, R., A geometric construction of Janko's group J_3, Math. Z., 179 (1) (1982), 91–95.

[Won69] Wong, S. K., On a new finite non-abelian simple group of Janko, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 1 (1969), 59–79.

Mathieu group M24

[AM66] Assmus Jr., E. F. and Mattson, H. F., Perfect codes and the Mathieu groups, Arch. Math. (Basel), 17 (1966), 121–135.

[BF66b] Burgoyne, N. and Fong, P., The Schur multipliers of the Mathieu groups, Nagoya Math. J., 27 (1966), 733–745.

[BF68] Burgoyne, N. and Fong, P., A correction to: "The Schur multipliers of the Mathieu groups", Nagoya Math. J., 31 (1968), 297–304.

[Cho72a] Choi, C., On subgroups of M_24. I. Stabilizers of subsets, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 167 (1972), 1–27.

[Cho72b] Choi, C., On subgroups of M_24. II. The maximal subgroups of M_24, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 167 (1972), 29–47.

[Con71a] Conway, J. H., Three lectures on exceptional groups, in Finite simple groups (Proc. Instructional Conf., Oxford, 1969), Academic Press, London (1971), 215–247.

[Con77a] Conway, J. H., The miracle octad generator, in Topics in group theory and computation (Proc. Summer School, University Coll., Galway, 1973), Academic Press, London (1977), 62–68.

[Con84] Conway, J. H., Hexacode and tetracode—MOG and MINIMOG, in Computational group theory (Durham, 1982), Academic Press, London (1984), 359–365.

[Cur72] Curtis, R. T., On the Mathieu group M_24 and related topics, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1972).

[Cur76] Curtis, R. T., A new combinatorial approach to M_24, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 79 (1) (1976), 25–42.

[Cur77a] Curtis, R. T., The maximal subgroups of M_24, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 81 (2) (1977), 185–192.

[Seg01] de Séguier, J. A., Sur les equations de certains groupes, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 132 (1901), 1030–1033.

[Seg04] de Séguier, J. A., Sur certains groupes de Mathieu, Bull. Soc. Math. France, 32 (1904), 116–124.

[Fro04] Frobenius, G., Über die Charaktere der mehrfach transitiven Gruppen, Berliner Berichte (1904), 558–571.

[GM64] Garbe, D. and Mennicke, J. L., Some remarks on the Mathieu groups, Canad. Math. Bull., 7 (1964), 201–212.

[GM72] Garbe, D. and Mennicke, J., Corrections: "Some remarks on the Mathieu groups", Canad. Math. Bull., 15 (1972), 147.

[Gre73] Greenberg, P. J., Mathieu groups, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University, New York (1973), iv+189 pages.

[Hel69b] Held, D., The simple groups related to M_24, J. Algebra, 13 (1969), 253–296.

[Jam73] James, G. D., The modular characters of the Mathieu groups, J. Algebra, 27 (1973), 57–111.

[Koi82] Koike, M., Automorphic forms and Mathieu groups, in Topics in finite group theory, Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto (1982), 47–56.

[Lis77] List, R. J., On the maximal subgroups of the Mathieu groups. I. M_24, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. (8), 62 (4) (1977), 432–438.

[Lue68] Lüneburg, H., Über die Gruppen von Mathieu, J. Algebra, 10 (1968), 194–210.

[Mas77a] Mason, D. R., On the construction of the Steiner system S(5,8,24), J. Algebra, 47 (1) (1977), 77–79.

[Mat61] Mathieu, E., Memoire sur l'etude des fonctions de plusieurs quantites, J. Math. Pures Appl., 6 (1861), 241–243.

[Mat73] Mathieu, E., Sur les fonctions cinq fois transitives de 24 quantites, J. Math. Pures Appl., 18 (1873), 25–46.

[Maz82a] Mazet, P., Sur les multiplicateurs de Schur des groupes de Mathieu, J. Algebra, 77 (2) (1982), 552–576.

[Mil00] Miller, G. A., Sur plusieurs groupes simples, Bull. Soc. Math. France, 28 (1900), 266–267.

[Ple68] Pless, V., On the uniqueness of the Golay codes, J. Combinatorial Theory, 5 (1968), 215–228.

[Ras76] Rasala, R., Split codes and the Mathieu groups, J. Algebra, 42 (2) (1976), 422–471.

[Ron82] Ronan, M. A., Locally truncated buildings and M_24, Math. Z., 180 (4) (1982), 489–501.

[Sch74] Schoenwaelder, U., Finite groups with a Sylow 2-subgroup of type M_24. I, II, J. Algebra, 28 (1974), 20–45; ibid. 28 (1974), 46–56.

[Sta51] Stanton, R. G., The Mathieu groups, Canadian J. Math., 3 (1951), 164–174.

[Str76a] Striko, J. K., A characterization of the finite simple groups M_24, He and L_5(2)., J. Algebra, 43 (2) (1976), 375–397.

[Tit64] Tits, J., Sur les systèmes de Steiner associés aux trois "grands" groupes de Mathieu, Rend. Mat. e Appl. (5), 23 (1964), 166–184.

[Tod59] Todd, J. A., On representations of the Mathieu groups as collineation groups, J. London Math. Soc., 34 (1959), 406–416.

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McLaughlin group McL

[Dia84] Diawara, O., Sur le groupe simple de J. McLaughlin, Ph.D. thesis, Bruxelles (1984).

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[Smi75a] Smith, M. S., On rank 3 permutation groups, J. Algebra, 33 (1975), 22–42.

Held group He

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[Wil85c] Wilson, R. A., Maximal subgroups of automorphism groups of simple groups, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 32 (3) (1985), 460–466.

Rudvalis group Ru

[Ass76] Assa, S. B., A characterization of ^2F_4(2)' and the Rudvalis group, J. Algebra, 41 (2) (1976), 473–495.

[Bie79a] Bierbrauer, J., A 2-local characterization of the Rudvalis simple group, J. Algebra, 58 (2) (1979), 563–571.

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[Hal73] Hall, M., A representation of the Rudvalis group, Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 20 (1973), A-88.

[MS82] Mason, G. and Smith, S. D., Minimal 2-local geometries for the Held and Rudvalis sporadic groups, J. Algebra, 79 (2, part 1) (1982), 286–306.

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[ON78] O'Nan, M. E., A characterization of the Rudvalis group, Comm. Algebra, 6 (2) (1978), 107–147.

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[You74] Young, K.-C., Some simple subgroups of the Rudvalis simple group, Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 21 (1974), A-481.

Suzuki group Suz

[Lin70b] Lindsey II, J. H., On the Suzuki and Conway groups, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 76 (1970), 1088–1090.

[Lin71a] Lindsey II, J. H., A correlation between PSU_4(3), the Suzuki group, and the Conway group, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 157 (1971), 189–204.

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[PW76] Patterson, N. J. and Wong, S. K., A characterization of the Suzuki sporadic simple group of order 448, 345, 497, 600, J. Algebra, 39 (1) (1976), 277–286.

[Rei75a] Reifart, A., A characterization of Sz by the Sylow 2-subgroup, J. Algebra, 36 (3) (1975), 348–363.

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[Suz69] Suzuki, M., A simple group of order 448,345,497,600, in Theory of Finite Groups (Symposium, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., 1968), Benjamin, New York (1969), 113–119.

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[Wri74] Wright, D., The irreducible characters of the simple group of M. Suzuki of order 448, 345, 497, 600, J. Algebra, 29 (1974), 303–323.

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[Yos82] Yoshiara, S., The complex Leech lattice and sporadic Suzuki group, in Topics in finite group theory, Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto (1982), 26–46.

O'Nan group ON

[And80] Andrilli, S., On the uniqueness of O'Nan's sporadic simple group, Ph.D. thesis, Rutgers (1980).

[Gul81b] Güloğlu, I. Ş., A characterization of the simple group ON, Osaka J. Math., 18 (1) (1981), 25–31.

[Ili78] Ilʹinyh, A. P., Characterization of the simple O'Nan-Sims group by the centralizer of an element of order three, Mat. Zametki, 24 (4) (1978), 487–497, 589.

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[Ryb84] Ryba, A. J. E., The existence of a 45-dimensional 7-modular representation of 3.O'N (1984)
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[Sys81] Syskin, S. A., 3-characterization of the O'Nan-Sims group, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 114(156) (3) (1981), 471–478, 480

[Wil85b] Wilson, R. A., The maximal subgroups of the O'Nan group, J. Algebra, 97 (2) (1985), 467–473.

[Yos85] Yoshiara, S., The maximal subgroups of the sporadic simple group of O'Nan, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math., 32 (1) (1985), 105–141.

Conway group Co3

[Fen70a] Fendel, D., A characterization of Conway's group .3, Ph.D. thesis, Yale (1970).

[Fen70b] Fendel, D., A characterization of Conway's group .3, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 76 (1970), 1024–1025.

[Fen73] Fendel, D., A characterization of Conway's group. 3, J. Algebra, 24 (1973), 159–196.

[Fin73] Finkelstein, L., The maximal subgroups of Conway's group C_3 and McLaughlin's group, J. Algebra, 25 (1973), 58–89.

[Mor81] Mortimer, B., The modular permutation representations of Conway's third group, Carleton Math. Ser., 172 (1981).

[Wor82] Worboys, M. F., Generators for the sporadic group Co_3 as a (2,3,7) group, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2), 25 (1) (1982), 65–68.

[Yos74] Yoshida, T., A characterization of Conway's group C_3, Hokkaido Math. J., 3 (1974), 232–242.

Conway group Co2

[Smi74b] Smith, F. L., A characterization of the .2 Conway simple group, J. Algebra, 31 (1974), 91–116.

[Wil83b] Wilson, R. A., The maximal subgroups of Conway's group ⋅ 2, J. Algebra, 84 (1) (1983), 107–114.

[Yos77] Yoshida, T., A characterization of the .2 Conway simple group, J. Algebra, 46 (2) (1977), 405–414.

Fischer group Fi22

[Ass81] Assa, S. B., A characterization of M(22), J. Algebra, 69 (2) (1981), 455–466.

[Con73] Conway, J. H., A construction for the smallest Fischer group F_22, in Finite groups '72 (Proc. Gainesville Conf., Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla., 1972), North-Holland, Amsterdam (1973), 27–35. North-Holland Math. Studies, Vol. 7.

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[Enr77a] Enright, G. M., A description of the Fischer group F_22, J. Algebra, 46 (2) (1977), 334–343.

[Enr78] Enright, G. M., Subgroups generated by transpositions in F_22 and F_23, Comm. Algebra, 6 (8) (1978), 823–837.

[Fis71] Fischer, B., Finite groups generated by 3-transpositions. I, Invent. Math., 13 (1971), 232–246.

[Fla84] Flaass, D. G., 2-local subgroups of Fischer groups, Mat. Zametki, 35 (3) (1984), 333–342

[Hun70] Hunt, D. C., A sporadic simple group of B. Fischer of order 64,561,751,654,400, Ph.D. thesis, Warwick (1970).

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[Moo81] Moori, J., On certain groups associated with the smallest Fischer group, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 23 (1) (1981), 61–67.

[Par81] Parrott, D., Characterizations of the Fischer groups. I, II, III, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 265 (2) (1981), 303–347.

[Wil84a] Wilson, R. A., On maximal subgroups of the Fischer group Fi_22, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 95 (2) (1984), 197–222.

Harada-Norton group HN

[Bei77] Beisiegel, B., A note on Harada's simple group F, J. Algebra, 48 (1) (1977), 142–149.

[Har76] Harada, K., On the simple group F of order 2^14 ⋅ 3^6 ⋅ 5^6 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 11 ⋅ 19, in Proceedings of the Conference on Finite Groups (Univ. Utah, Park City, Utah, 1975), Academic Press, New York (1976), 119–276.

[Har78] Harada, K., The automorphism group and the Schur multiplier of the simple group of order 2^14 ⋅ 3^6 ⋅ 5^6 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 11 ⋅ 19, Osaka J. Math., 15 (3) (1978), 633–635.

[Nor75] Norton, S. P., F and other simple groups, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1975).

[NW86] Norton, S. P. and Wilson, R. A., Maximal subgroups of the Harada-Norton group, J. Algebra, 103 (1) (1986), 362–376.

[Smi75b] Smith, P. E., On certain finite simple groups, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1975).

Lyons group Ly

[Lyo72] Lyons, R., Evidence for a new finite simple group, J. Algebra, 20 (1972), 540–569.

[Lyo75] Lyons, R., Errata: "Evidence for a new finite simple group" (J. Algebra 20 (1972), 540–569) , J. Algebra, 34 (1975), 188–189.

[MN84] Meyer, W. and Neutsch, W., Über 5-Darstellungen der Lyonsgruppe, Math. Ann., 267 (4) (1984), 519–535.

[MNP85] Meyer, W., Neutsch, W. and Parker, R., The minimal 5-representation of Lyons' sporadic group, Math. Ann., 272 (1) (1985), 29–39.

[Sim73] Sims, C. C., The existence and uniqueness of Lyons' group, in Finite groups '72 (Proc. Gainesville Conf., Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Fla., 1972), North-Holland, Amsterdam (1973), 138–141. North-Holland Math. Studies, Vol. 7.

[Wil84c] Wilson, R. A., The subgroup structure of the Lyons group, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 95 (3) (1984), 403–409.

[Wil85a] Wilson, R. A., The maximal subgroups of the Lyons group, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 97 (3) (1985), 433–436.

Thompson group Th

[Lyo84] Lyons, R., The Schur multiplier of F_3 is trivial, Comm. Algebra, 12 (15-16) (1984), 1889–1898.

[Mar76] Markot, R., A 2-local characterization of the simple group E, J. Algebra, 40 (2) (1976), 585–595.

[Par77] Parrott, D., On Thompson's simple group, J. Algebra, 46 (2) (1977), 389–404.

[Rei76] Reifart, A., A characterization of Thompson's sporadic simple group, J. Algebra, 38 (1) (1976), 192–200.

[Smi75b] Smith, P. E., On certain finite simple groups, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1975).

[Smi76c] Smith, P. E., A simple subgroup of M? and E_8(3), Bull. London Math. Soc., 8 (2) (1976), 161–165.

Fischer group Fi23

[Bue79a] Buekenhout, F., Diagrams for geometries and groups, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 27 (2) (1979), 121–151.

[Enr76] Enright, G. M., The structure and subgroups of the Fischer groups F_22 and F_23, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1976).

[Enr77b] Enright, G. M., A description of the Fischer group F_23, J. Algebra, 46 (2) (1977), 344–354.

[Enr78] Enright, G. M., Subgroups generated by transpositions in F_22 and F_23, Comm. Algebra, 6 (8) (1978), 823–837.

[Fis71] Fischer, B., Finite groups generated by 3-transpositions. I, Invent. Math., 13 (1971), 232–246.

[Hun73] Hunt, D. C., A characterization of the finite simple group M(23), J. Algebra, 26 (1973), 431–439.

[Hun74] Hunt, D. C., The character table of Fischer's simple group, M(23), Math. Comp., 28 (1974), 660–661; addendum, ibid. 28 (1974), no. 126, loose microfiche suppl. E6-F9.

[Par81] Parrott, D., Characterizations of the Fischer groups. I, II, III, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 265 (2) (1981), 303–347.

[Won77] Wong, S. K., A characterization of the Fischer group M(23) by a 2-local subgroup, J. Algebra, 44 (1) (1977), 143–151.

Conway group Co1

[Con68] Conway, J. H., A perfect group of order 8,315,553,613,086,720,000 and the sporadic simple groups, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 61 (1968), 398–400.

[Con69a] Conway, J. H., A group of order 8,315,553,613,086,720,000, Bull. London Math. Soc., 1 (1969), 79–88.

[Con69b] Conway, J. H., A characterisation of Leech's lattice, Invent. Math., 7 (1969), 137–142.

[Con71a] Conway, J. H., Three lectures on exceptional groups, in Finite simple groups (Proc. Instructional Conf., Oxford, 1969), Academic Press, London (1971), 215–247.

[Con71b] Conway, J. H., Groups, lattices, and quadratic forms, in Computers in algebra and number theory (Proc. SIAM-AMS Sympos. Appl. Math., New York, 1970), Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I. (1971), 135–139. SIAM-AMS Proc., Vol. IV.

[Con83] Conway, J. H., The automorphism group of the 26-dimensional even unimodular Lorentzian lattice, J. Algebra, 80 (1) (1983), 159–163.

[CPS82] Conway, J. H., Parker, R. A. and Sloane, N. J. A., The covering radius of the Leech lattice, Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A, 380 (1779) (1982), 261–290.

[CS82a] Conway, J. H. and Sloane, N. J. A., Twenty-three constructions for the Leech lattice, Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A, 381 (1781) (1982), 275–283.

[CS82b] Conway, J. H. and Sloane, N. J. A., Lorentzian forms for the Leech lattice, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.), 6 (2) (1982), 215–217.

[Cur72] Curtis, R. T., On the Mathieu group M_24 and related topics, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1972).

[Cur73] Curtis, R. T., On subgroups of ^∗O. I. Lattice stabilizers, J. Algebra, 27 (1973), 549–573.

[Cur80] Curtis, R. T., On subgroups of ⋅ O. II. Local structure, J. Algebra, 63 (2) (1980), 413–434.

[LM82] Lepowsky, J. and Meurman, A., An E_8-approach to the Leech lattice and the Conway group, J. Algebra, 77 (2) (1982), 484–504.

[Nor82] Norton, S., A bound for the covering radius of the Leech lattice, Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A, 380 (1779) (1982), 259–260.

[Pat72] Patterson, N. J., On Conway's group .0 and some subgroups, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1972).

[Rei77c] Reifart, A., A remark on Conway's group .1, Arch. Math. (Basel), 29 (4) (1977), 389–391.

[Rei78] Reifart, A., A 2-local characterization of the simple groups M(24)', .1, and J_4, J. Algebra, 50 (1) (1978), 213–227.

[Tho76b] Thompson, J. G., Finite groups and even lattices, J. Algebra, 38 (2) (1976), 523–524.

[Tit80b] Tits, J., Four presentations of Leech's lattice, in Proceedings of the Symposium held at the University of Durham, Durham, July 31–August 10, 1978, Academic Press Inc. [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers], London (1980), 303–307.

[Wil83a] Wilson, R. A., The maximal subgroups of Conway's group Co_1, J. Algebra, 85 (1) (1983), 144–165.

Janko group J4

[Ben80] Benson, D. J., The simple group J_4, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1980).

[Gul81a] Güloğlu, I. Ş., A characterization of the simple group J_4, Osaka J. Math., 18 (1) (1981), 13–24.

[Jan76] Janko, Z., A new finite simple group of order 86,775,571,046,077,562,880 which possesses M_24 and the full covering group of M_22 as subgroups, J. Algebra, 42 (2) (1976), 564–596.

[Lem78a] Lempken, W., The Schur multiplier of J_4 is trivial, Arch. Math. (Basel), 30 (1978), 267–270.

[Lem78b] Lempken, W., A 2-local characterization of Janko's simple group J_4, J. Algebra, 55 (2) (1978), 403–445.

[Mas77b] Mason, G., Some remarks on groups of type J_4, Arch. Math. (Basel), 29 (6) (1977), 574–582.

[Nor80] Norton, S., The construction of J_4, in The Santa Cruz Conference on Finite Groups (Univ. California, Santa Cruz, Calif., 1979), Amer. Math. Soc., Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 37, Providence, R.I. (1980), 271–277.

[Rei77a] Reifart, A., Some simple groups related M_24, J. Algebra, 45 (1) (1977), 199–209.

[Rei77b] Reifart, A., Another characterization of Janko's simple group J_4, J. Algebra, 49 (2) (1977), 621–627.

[Rei78] Reifart, A., A 2-local characterization of the simple groups M(24)', .1, and J_4, J. Algebra, 50 (1) (1978), 213–227.

[Sta78] Stafford, R. M., A characterization of Janko's new simple group J_4, Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 25 (1978), A-423.

[Sta79] Stafford, R. M., A characterization of Janko's simple group J_4 by centralizers of elements of order 3, J. Algebra, 57 (2) (1979), 555–566.

[Str78] Stroth, G., An odd characterization of J_4, Israel J. Math., 31 (2) (1978), 189–192.

Fischer group Fi24'

[DS81] Davis, S. L. and Solomon, R., Some sporadic characterizations, Comm. Algebra, 9 (17) (1981), 1725–1742.

[Fis71] Fischer, B., Finite groups generated by 3-transpositions. I, Invent. Math., 13 (1971), 232–246.

[Nor] Norton, S. P., Transposition algebras and the group F_24, Cambridge

[Nor75] Norton, S. P., F and other simple groups, Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge (1975).

[Par81] Parrott, D., Characterizations of the Fischer groups. I, II, III, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 265 (2) (1981), 303–347.

[Rei77a] Reifart, A., Some simple groups related M_24, J. Algebra, 45 (1) (1977), 199–209.

[Rei78] Reifart, A., A 2-local characterization of the simple groups M(24)', .1, and J_4, J. Algebra, 50 (1) (1978), 213–227.

Baby monster group B

[Bie79b] Bierbrauer, J., A characterization of the "baby monster" F_2, including a note on ^2E_6(2), J. Algebra, 56 (2) (1979), 384–395.

[Hig76] Higman, D. G., A monomial character of Fischer's baby monster, in Proceedings of the Conference on Finite Groups (Univ. Utah, Park City, Utah, 1975), Academic Press, New York (1976), 277–283.

[KL78] Kroll, O. and Landrock, P., The characters of some 2-blocks of the babymonster, its covering group and the monster, Comm. Algebra, 6 (18) (1978), 1893–1921.

[Leo76] Leon, J. S., On the irreducible characters of a simple group of order 2^41 ⋅ 3^13 ⋅ 5^6 ⋅ 7^2 ⋅ 11 ⋅ 13 ⋅ 17 ⋅ 19 ⋅ 23 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 47, in Proceedings of the Conference on Finite Groups (Univ. Utah, Park City, Utah, 1975), Academic Press, New York (1976), 285–299.

[LS77] Leon, J. S. and Sims, C. C., The existence and uniqueness of a simple group generated by { 3, 4 }-transpositions, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 83 (5) (1977), 1039–1040.

[Sim80] Sims, C. C., How to construct a Baby Monster, in Proceedings of the Symposium held at the University of Durham, Durham, July 31–August 10, 1978, Academic Press Inc. [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers], London (1980), 339–345.

[Str76b] Stroth, G., A characterization of Fischer's sporadic simple group of the order 2^41 ⋅ 3^13 ⋅ 5^6 ⋅ 7^2 ⋅ 11 ⋅ 13 ⋅ 17 ⋅ 19 ⋅ 23 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 47, J. Algebra, 40 (2) (1976), 499–531.

Monster group M

[Con80] Conway, J. H., Monsters and moonshine, Math. Intelligencer, 2 (4) (1979/80), 165–171.

[Con85] Conway, J. H., A simple construction for the Fischer-Griess monster group, Invent. Math., 79 (3) (1985), 513–540.

[CN79] Conway, J. H. and Norton, S. P., Monstrous moonshine, Bull. London Math. Soc., 11 (3) (1979), 308–339.

[DS81] Davis, S. L. and Solomon, R., Some sporadic characterizations, Comm. Algebra, 9 (17) (1981), 1725–1742.

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Cross-referenced Collections

[Atk84] (Atkinson, M. D., Ed.), Computational group theory, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society symposium held in Durham, July 30–August 9, 1982, Academic Press Inc. [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers], London (1984), xii+375 pages.

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