GAP Package AtlasRep

AtlasRep Info for A17.2

→ ATLAS page for A17.2
→ Overview of Groups
Representations for G = A17.2: (all refer to std. generators 1)
1 G ≤ Sym(17) 17-trans., on cosets of S16 (2nd max.)
2 G ≤ Sym(136) rank 3, on cosets of S15 × 2 (3rd max.)
3 G ≤ Sym(680) rank 4, on cosets of S14 × S3 (4th max.)
4 G ≤ Sym(2380) rank 5, on cosets of S13 × S4 (5th max.)
5 G ≤ GL(16,ℤ)  
6 G ≤ GL(119,ℤ)  
7 G ≤ GL(120,ℤ)  
8 G ≤ GL(544,ℤ)  
9 G ≤ GL(560,ℤ)  

File created automatically by GAP on 22-Apr-2022.