Overview of the GAP Character Table Library (version 1.3.8)

Character Table info for 2.B

Group order:
8309562962452852382355161088000000 = 242 ⋅ 313 ⋅ 56 ⋅ 72 ⋅ 11 ⋅ 13 ⋅ 17 ⋅ 19 ⋅ 23 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 47
Number of classes:
InfoText value:
origin: ATLAS of finite groups, tests: 1.o.r.
Some maximal subgroups:
  Order Index Structure Name
1 612259837470198831513600 13571955000 22.2E6(2).2 2^2.2E6(2).2
3 8178940946586009600 1015970529280000 2 × Fi23 2xFi23
5 181491887775744000 45784762417152000 2 × Th 2xTh
9 1549482039705600 5362800438804480000 (S3 × 2.Fi22).2 (S3x2.Fi22).2
12 237704631091200 34957513971466240000 (2 × O8+(3)).S4 (2xO8+(3)).S4
14 3762339840 2208615732717237043200000 2.(32:D8 × U4(3).22).2 2.(3^2:D8xU4(3).2^2).2
16 1725235200 4816481232502590013440000 (GL(2, 3) × 2F4(2)').2 (GL(2,3)x2F4(2)').2
23 576000 14426324587591757608255488000 (52:4S4 × 2.A5):2 (5^2:4S4x2.A5):2
26 15840 524593621366973003936563200000 2 × M11 2xM11
30 2162 3843461129719173164826624000000 2 × 47:23 2x47:23
Stored Sylow p normalizers:
p Order Index Structure Name
5 500000 16619125924905704764710322176 2 × BN5 2xBN5
7 56448 147207393750936302125056000000 2.BN7 2.BN7
Available Brauer tables:
11 dec. matrix (PDF)
17 dec. matrix (PDF)
23 dec. matrix (PDF)
Stored class fusions from this table:
B, M
Stored class fusions to this table:
2.(32:D8 × U4(3).22).2, 2.BN7, 22.2E6(2).2, 2 × 47:23, 2 × BN5, 2 × Fi23, 2 × M11, 2 × Th, (2 × O8+(3)).S4, (52:4S4 × 2.A5):2, (GL(2, 3) × 2F4(2)').2, (QD16 × 2F4(2)').2, (S3 × 2.Fi22).2

File created automatically by GAP on 13-Mar-2024.