Overview of the GAP Character Table Library (version 1.3.8)

Character Table info for L2(27)

Group order:
9828 = 22 ⋅ 33 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 13
Number of classes:
InfoText value:
origin: ATLAS of finite groups, tests: 1.o.r., pow[2,3,7,13]
Maximal subgroups:
  Order Index Structure Name
1 351 28 33:13 3^3:13
2 28 351 D28 D28
3 26 378 D26 D26
4 12 819 A4 a4
Available Brauer tables:
2 dec. matrix (PDF)
3 dec. matrix (PDF)
7 dec. matrix (PDF)
13 dec. matrix (PDF)
Atlas representations:
18 available
Group constructions in GAP:
AtlasGroup( "L2(27)" ), POmega( 3, 27 ), PSL( 2, 27 ), PSU( 2, 27 ), PSp( 2, 27 ), PerfectGroup( 9828, 1 ), PrimitiveGroup( 28, 9 ), PrimitiveGroup( 351, 1 ), PrimitiveGroup( 378, 1 ), PrimitiveGroup( 819, 1 ), TransitiveGroup( 28, 359 )
Stored class fusions from this table:
L2(27).2, L2(27).3, L2(27).6
Stored class fusions to this table:
2.L2(27), 33:13, D26, D28, A4

File created automatically by GAP on 13-Mar-2024.