Overview of the GAP Character Table Library (version 1.3.8)

Character Table info for pap

Group order:
108 = 22 ⋅ 33
Number of classes:
InfoText value:
origin: CAS library, names:=pap order: 2^2.3^3 = 108 number of classes: 11 source:norman, j.f. the group characters for a group of order 108 associated with a pappus theorem of projective geometry, [romanian summary] an. univ. timisoara ser. sti.mat.11 (1973),115-122 generated by dixon algorithm aachen (1980) comments:degree:4 generators:a,b,c,d relations: a^2=b^2=c^2=d^3=1 (ac)^3=(acd)^3=(bd)^2=1 (ad)^2=(da)^2 [ab]=[bc]=[cd]=1 tests: 1.o.r., pow[2,3]
Main table:
Group constructions in GAP:
SmallGroup( 108, 17 ), TransitiveGroup( 9, 18 ), TransitiveGroup( 18, 51 ), TransitiveGroup( 18, 55 ), TransitiveGroup( 18, 56 ), TransitiveGroup( 18, 57 ), TransitiveGroup( 27, 29 )

File created automatically by GAP on 13-Mar-2024.