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ATLAS of Brauer Characters — Bibliography

Bibliography on pp. xv–xvii
Bibliography on pp. 311–327
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Bibliography on pp. xv–xvii

[Ben85] Benson, D. J., Brauer trees for \(12M_{22}\), J. Algebra, 95 (2) (1985), 398–408.

[BC86] Benson, D. J. and Carlson, J. F., Nilpotent elements in the Green ring, J. Algebra, 104 (2) (1986), 329–350.

[BN37] Brauer, R. and Nesbitt, C., On the modular representations of groups of finite order. I., Univ. of Toronto Studies, Math. Ser. 4. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press. 21 p. (1937).

[BN41] Brauer, R. and Nesbitt, C., On the modular characters of groups, Ann. of Math. (2), 42 (1941), 556–590.

[Bur76] Burkhardt, R., Die Zerlegungsmatrizen der Gruppen \({\rm PSL}(2,p^f)\), J. Algebra, 40 (1) (1976), 75–96.

[Bur79a] Burkhardt, R., Über die Zerlegungszahlen der Suzukigruppen \({\rm Sz}(q)\), J. Algebra, 59 (2) (1979), 421–433.

[Bur79b] Burkhardt, R., Über die Zerlegungszahlen der unitären Gruppen \({\rm PSU}(3,2^{2f})\), J. Algebra, 61 (2) (1979), 548–581.

[CCNPW85] Conway, J. H., Curtis, R. T., Norton, S. P., Parker, R. A. and Wilson, R. A., Atlas of finite groups, Oxford University Press, Eynsham (1985), xxxiv+252 pages
(Maximal subgroups and ordinary characters for simple groups, With computational assistance from J. G. Thackray).

[CR81] Curtis, C. W. and Reiner, I., Methods of representation theory. Vol. I, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York (1981), xxi+819 pages
(With applications to finite groups and orders, Pure and Applied Mathematics, A Wiley-Interscience Publication).

[CR90] Curtis, C. W. and Reiner, I., Methods of representation theory. Vol. I, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Wiley Classics Library, New York (1990), xxiv+819 pages
(With applications to finite groups and orders, Reprint of the 1981 original, A Wiley-Interscience Publication).

[Eva85] Evans, D. M., The \(7\)-modular representations of Janko's smallest simple group, J. Algebra, 96 (1) (1985), 35–44.

[Fei82] Feit, W., The representation theory of finite groups, North-Holland Publishing Co., North-Holland Mathematical Library, 25, Amsterdam (1982), xiv+502 pages.

[Fei86] Feit, W., Blocks with cyclic defect groups for some sporadic groups, in Representation theory, II (Ottawa, Ont., 1984), Springer, Lecture Notes in Math., 1178, Berlin (1986), 25–63.

[Fon74] Fong, P., On decomposition numbers of \(J_1\) and \(R(q)\), in Symposia Mathematica, Vol. XIII (Convegno di Gruppi e loro Rappresentazioni, INDAM, Rome, 1972), Academic Press, London (1974), 415–422.

[FS80] Fong, P. and Srinivasan, B., Blocks with cyclic defect groups in \({\rm GL}(n,q)\), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.), 3 (3) (1980), 1041–1044.

[FS82] Fong, P. and Srinivasan, B., The blocks of finite general linear and unitary groups, Invent. Math., 69 (1) (1982), 109–153.

[FS90] Fong, P. and Srinivasan, B., Brauer trees in classical groups, J. Algebra, 131 (1) (1990), 179–225.

[Gec93] Geck, M., Beiträge zur Darstellungstheorie von Iwahori–Hecke Algebren, Habilitationsschrift, RWTH Aachen (1993).

[GS88] Gilkey, P. B. and Seitz, G. M., Some representations of exceptional Lie algebras, Geom. Dedicata, 25 (1-3) (1988), 407–416
(Geometries and groups (Noordwijkerhout, 1986)).

[Gol80] Goldschmidt, D. M., Lectures on character theory, Publish or Perish Inc., Wilmington, Del. (1980), 249 pp. (not consecutively paged) pages.

[His86] Hiss, G., The modular characters of the Tits simple group and its automorphism group, Comm. Algebra, 14 (1) (1986), 125–154.

[His89] Hiss, G., On the decomposition numbers of \(G_2(q)\), J. Algebra, 120 (2) (1989), 339–360.

[His90] Hiss, G., Zerlegungszahlen endlicher Gruppen vom Lie-Typ in nicht-definierender Charakteristik., Habilitationsschrift, RWTH Aachen (1990).

[His94] Hiss, G., The \(3\)-modular characters of the Rudvalis sporadic simple group and its covering group, Math. Comp., 62 (206) (1994), 851–863.

[HJLP] Hiss, G., Jansen, C., Lux, K. and Parker, R. A., Computing with Modular Characters,

[HL88] Hiss, G. and Lux, K., The Brauer characters of the Hall-Janko group, Comm. Algebra, 16 (2) (1988), 357–398.

[HL89] Hiss, G. and Lux, K., Brauer trees of sporadic groups, The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, Oxford Science Publications, New York (1989), x+526 pages.

[HL94] Hiss, G. and Lux, K., The \(5\)-modular characters of the sporadic simple Fischer groups \({\rm Fi}_{22}\) and \({\rm Fi}_{23}\), Comm. Algebra, 22 (9) (1994), 3563–3590
(With an appendix by Thomas Breuer).

[HLM95] Hiss, G., Lux, K. and Müller, J., The \(2\)-modular decomposition matrices of the non-principal blocks of maximal defect of the triple cover of the sporadic simple McLaughlin group, J. Symbolic Comput., 19 (6) (1995), 585–600.

[HLP91] Hiss, G., Lux, K. and Parker, R., The \(5\)-modular characters of the McLaughlin group and its covering group, Manuscripta Math., 73 (1) (1991), 91–114.

[HM95] Hiss, G. and Müller, J., The \(5\)-modular characters of the sporadic simple Rudvalis group and its covering group, Comm. Algebra, 23 (12) (1995), 4633–4667.

[HW94] Hiss, G. and White, D. L., The \(5\)-modular characters of the covering group of the sporadic simple Fischer group \({\rm Fi}_{22}\) and its automorphism group, Comm. Algebra, 22 (9) (1994), 3591–3611.

[Hum80] Humphreys, J. F., The projective characters of the Mathieu group \(M_{12}\) and of its automorphism group, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 87 (3) (1980), 401–412.

[Hum82a] Humphreys, J. F., The modular characters of the Higman-Sims simple group, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 92 (3-4) (1982), 319–335.

[Isa76] Isaacs, I. M., Character theory of finite groups, Academic Press [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers], New York (1976), xii+303 pages
(Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 69).

[Isa94] Isaacs, I. M., Character theory of finite groups, Dover Publications Inc., New York (1994), xii+303 pages
(Corrected reprint of the 1976 original [Academic Press, New York; MR0460423 (57 #417)]).

[Isa06] Isaacs, I. M., Character theory of finite groups, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, RI (2006), xii+310 pages
(Corrected reprint of the 1976 original [Academic Press, New York; MR0460423]).

[Jam73] James, G. D., The modular characters of the Mathieu groups, J. Algebra, 27 (1973), 57–111.

[Jam76a] James, G. D., Representations of the symmetric groups over the field of order \(2\), J. Algebra, 38 (2) (1976), 280–308.

[Jam76b] James, G. D., On the decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups. I, J. Algebra, 43 (1) (1976), 42–44.

[Jam76c] James, G. D., On the decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups. II, J. Algebra, 43 (1) (1976), 45–54.

[Jam78a] James, G. D., A note on the decomposition matrices of \(S_{12}\) and \(S_{13}\) for the prime \(3\), J. Algebra, 53 (2) (1978), 410–411.

[Jam78b] James, G. D., The representation theory of the symmetric groups, Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 682, Berlin (1978), v+156 pages.

[JK81] James, G. and Kerber, A., The representation theory of the symmetric group, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 16 (1981), xxviii+510 pages
(With a foreword by P. M. Cohn, With an introduction by Gilbert de B. Robinson).

[JW96] Jansen, C. and Wilson, R. A., The minimal faithful \(3\)-modular representation for the Lyons group, Comm. Algebra, 24 (3) (1996), 873–879.

[JW97] Jansen, C. and Wilson, R. A., Two new constructions of the O'Nan group, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 56 (3) (1997), 579–583.

[JW98] Jansen, C. and Wilson, R. A., The \(2\)-modular and \(3\)-modular decomposition numbers for the sporadic simple O'Nan group and its triple cover, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 57 (1) (1998), 71–90.

[Kho84] Khosraviyani, F., Decomposition numbers of exceptional Weyl groups. I, J. Algebra, 91 (2) (1984), 390–409.

[KM85] Khosraviyani, F. and Morris, A. O., Decomposition numbers of exceptional Weyl groups. II, J. Algebra, 92 (2) (1985), 525–531.

[Kon88a] Kondratʹev, A. S., Decomposition numbers of the group \(J_2\), Algebra i Logika, 27 (5) (1988), 535–561, 619
(Russian, translation in Algebra and Logic 27 (1988), no. 5, 333–349 (1989)).

[Kon88b] Kondratʹev, A. S., Decomposition numbers of the groups \(\hat{{J}}_2\) and \({\rm Aut}(J_2)\), Algebra i Logika, 27 (6) (1988), 690–710, 737
(Russian, translation in Algebra and Logic 27 (1988), no. 6, 429–444 (1989)).

[Lan83] Landrock, P., Finite group algebras and their modules, Cambridge University Press, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 84, Cambridge (1983), x+274 pages.

[Lem93] Lempken, W., Constructing \(J_4\) in \({\rm GL}(1333,11)\), Comm. Algebra, 21 (12) (1993), 4311–4351.

[LS93a] Lempken, W. and Staszewski, R., Some \(5\)-modular representation theory for the simple group \({\rm McL}\), Comm. Algebra, 21 (5) (1993), 1611–1629.

[LS93b] Lempken, W. and Staszewski, R., A construction of \(\widehat{{3}}{\rm McL}\) and some representation theory in characteristic \(5\), Linear Algebra Appl., 192 (1993), 205–234
(Computational linear algebra in algebraic and related problems (Essen, 1992)).

[LP91] Lux, K. and Pahlings, H., Computational aspects of representation theory of finite groups, in Representation theory of finite groups and finite-dimensional algebras (Bielefeld, 1991), Birkhäuser, Progr. Math., 95, Basel (1991), 37–64.

[Mar72] Martineau, R. P., On representations of the Suzuki groups over fields of odd characteristic, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 6 (1972), 153–160.

[MN84] Meyer, W. and Neutsch, W., Über \(5\)-Darstellungen der Lyonsgruppe, Math. Ann., 267 (4) (1984), 519–535.

[MNP85] Meyer, W., Neutsch, W. and Parker, R., The minimal \(5\)-representation of Lyons' sporadic group, Math. Ann., 272 (1) (1985), 29–39.

[Nic88] Nickel, W., Endliche Körper in dem gruppentheoretischen Programmsystem GAP, Diplomarbeit, RWTH Aachen (1988).

[Par84] Parker, R. A., The computer calculation of modular characters (the meat-axe), in Computational group theory (Durham, 1982), Academic Press, London (1984), 267–274.

[Rin92] Ringe, M., The C-MeatAxe, Documentation, RWTH Aachen (1992).

[Ryb88b] Ryba, A. J. E., Calculation of the \(7\)-modular characters of the Held group, J. Algebra, 117 (1) (1988), 240–255.

[RW94] Ryba, A. J. E. and Wilson, R. A., Matrix generators for the Harada-Norton group, Experiment. Math., 3 (2) (1994), 137–145.

[Sch94] (Schönert, M., Ed.), Gap–3.4, Manual, RWTH Aachen (1994).

[Ste63] Steinberg, R., Representations of algebraic groups, Nagoya Math. J., 22 (1963), 33–56.

[Sul90] Suleiman, I. A. I., Modular Representations of Finite Simple Groups, Ph. D. thesis, The University of Birmingham (1990).

[Sul94] Suleiman, I. A. I., The modular characters of the twisted Chevalley group \({}^2D_4(2)\) and \({}^2D_4(2).2\), Math. Japon., 39 (1) (1994), 107–117.

[SW92b] Suleiman, I. A. and Wilson, R. A., Computer construction of matrix representations of the covering group of the Higman-Sims group, J. Algebra, 148 (1) (1992), 219–224.

[SW92c] Suleiman, I. A. and Wilson, R. A., The \(3\)- and \(5\)-modular characters of the covering and the automorphism groups of the Higman-Sims group, J. Algebra, 148 (1) (1992), 225–242.

[SW92d] Suleiman, I. A. and Wilson, R. A., The \(3\)-modular characters of the McLaughlin group \({\rm McL}\) and its automorphism group \({\rm McL}.2\), in Groups, combinatorics & geometry (Durham, 1990), Cambridge Univ. Press, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 165, Cambridge (1992), 422–437.

[SW93] Suleiman, I. A. I. and Wilson, R. A., Construction of the fourfold cover of the Mathieu group \(M_{22}\), Experiment. Math., 2 (1) (1993), 11–14.

[SW94] Suleiman, I. A. I. and Wilson, R. A., The \(2\)-modular characters of Conway's group \({\rm Co}_2\), Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 116 (2) (1994), 275–283.

[Tha81] Thackray, J. G., Modular Representations of Some Finite Groups, Ph. D. thesis, University of Cambridge (1981).

[Tho86] Thompson, J. G., Some finite groups which appear as \({\rm Gal}L/K\), where \(K ⊆ {\bf Q}(μ_n)\), in Group theory, Beijing 1984, Springer, Lecture Notes in Math., 1185, Berlin (1986), 210–230.

[Whi92] White, D. L., Brauer trees of \(2.F_4(2)\), Comm. Algebra, 20 (11) (1992), 3353–3368.

[Wil76] Willems, W., Metrische Moduln über Gruppenringen, Dissertation, Mainz (1976).

[Wil90] Wilson, R. A., The \(2\)- and \(3\)-modular characters of \(J_3\), its covering group and automorphism group, J. Symbolic Comput., 10 (6) (1990), 647–656.

[Wil93b] Wilson, R. A., Matrix generators for Fischer's group \({\rm Fi}_{24}\), Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 113 (1) (1993), 5–8.

[Wil93c] Wilson, R. A., A new construction of the Baby Monster and its applications, Bull. London Math. Soc., 25 (5) (1993), 431–437.

[Wil93e] Wilson, R. A., The Brauer tree for \(J_3\) in characteristic \(17\), J. Symbolic Comput., 15 (3) (1993), 325–330.

[Wol86] Woldar, A. J., On the \(5\)-decomposition matrix for McLaughlin's sporadic simple group, Comm. Algebra, 14 (2) (1986), 277–291.

Bibliography on pp. 311–327

[AMM91] Adem, A., Maginnis, J. and Milgram, R. J., The geometry and cohomology of the Mathieu group \(M_{12}\), J. Algebra, 139 (1) (1991), 90–133.

[AM93] Adem, A. and Milgram, R. J., \(A_5\)-invariants, the cohomology of \(L_3(4)\) and related extensions, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 66 (1) (1993), 187–224.

[Aki83] Akiyama, K., A note on the Mathieu groups \(M_{12}\) and \(M_{23}\), Bull. Central Res. Inst. Fukuoka Univ., 66 (1983), 1–5.

[Aki84] Akiyama, K., Corrections and supplements to: "A note on the Mathieu groups \(M_{12}\) and \(M_{23}\)", Fukuoka Univ. Sci. Rep., 14 (2) (1984), 53–59.

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[ACM85] Arad, Z., Chillag, D. and Moran, G., Groups with a small covering number, in Products of conjugacy classes in groups, Springer, Lecture Notes in Math., 1112, Berlin (1985), 222–244.

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[AS92a] Aschbacher, M. and Segev, Y., The uniqueness of groups of Lyons type, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 (1) (1992), 75–98.

[AS92b] Aschbacher, M. and Segev, Y., Extending morphisms of groups and graphs, Ann. of Math. (2), 135 (2) (1992), 297–323.

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[AS92d] Aschbacher, M. and Segev, Y., The study of \(J_4\) via the theory of uniqueness systems, in Groups, combinatorics & geometry (Durham, 1990), Cambridge Univ. Press, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 165, Cambridge (1992), 12–21.

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[Bag92] Bagchi, B., A regular two-graph admitting the Hall-Janko-Wales group, Sankhyā Ser. A, 54 (Special Issue) (1992), 35–45
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[Ban91] Bántay, P., Orbifolds, Hopf algebras, and the Moonshine, Lett. Math. Phys., 22 (3) (1991), 187–194.

[BB86] Beasley, L. B. and Brenner, J. L., Two-generator groups. IV. Conjugate pairs of generators in \({\rm PSL}(2,p), {\rm PSL}(3,p)\). The spread of the Mathieu groups. Cospread. Outer dimension, in Proceedings of the seventeenth Southeastern international conference on combinatorics, graph theory, and computing (Boca Raton, Fla., 1986), Congr. Numer., 53 (1986), 95–112.

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[BJ81] Beth, T. and Jungnickel, D., Mathieu groups, Witt designs, and Golay codes, in Geometries and groups (Berlin, 1981), Springer, Lecture Notes in Math., 893, Berlin (1981), 157–179.

[Bie79a] Bierbrauer, J., A \(2\)-local characterization of the Rudvalis simple group, J. Algebra, 58 (2) (1979), 563–571.

[Bie79b] Bierbrauer, J., A characterization of the "baby monster" \(F_2\), including a note on \(^2E_6(2)\), J. Algebra, 56 (2) (1979), 384–395.

[Bie80] Bierbrauer, J., On a certain class of \(2\)-local subgroups in finite simple groups, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, 62 (1980), 137–163.

[Bor86] Borcherds, R. E., Vertex algebras, Kac-Moody algebras, and the Monster, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 83 (10) (1986), 3068–3071.

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[Bor92b] Borcherds, R. E., Monstrous moonshine and monstrous Lie superalgebras, Invent. Math., 109 (2) (1992), 405–444.

[BCQS84] Borcherds, R. E., Conway, J. H., Queen, L. and Sloane, N. J. A., A monster Lie algebra?, Adv. in Math., 53 (1) (1984), 75–79.

[Bor80] Borovik, A. V., \(3\)-local characterization of the Held group, Algebra i Logika, 19 (4) (1980), 387–404, 503
(Russian, English translation: Algebra and Logic 19 (1980), no.4, 255–266 (1981)).

[BGW84] Brenner, J. L., Guralnick, R. M. and Wiegold, J., Two-generator groups. III, in Contributions to group theory, Amer. Math. Soc., Contemp. Math., 33, Providence, RI (1984), 82–89.

[Bro84] Brooke, P. L. H., On matrix representations and codes associated with the simple group of order \(25920\), J. Algebra, 91 (2) (1984), 536–566.

[Bro83] Broué, M., Groupes finis, séries formelles et fonctions modulaires, in Séminaire sur les groupes finis. Tome I, Université de Paris VII U.E.R. de Mathématiques, Publications Mathématiques de l'Université Paris VII [Mathematical Publications of the University of Paris VII], 14, Paris (1983), 105–127.

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[Bur91] Burichenko, V. P., On a special loop, Dixon form and lattice connected with \({\rm O}_7(3)\), Mat. Sb., 182 (10) (1991), 1408–1429
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[CW82] Calderbank, A. R. and Wales, D. B., A global code invariant under the Higman-Sims group, J. Algebra, 75 (1) (1982), 233–260.

[CR82a] Campbell, C. M. and Robertson, E. F., The efficiency of simple groups of order \(< 10^5\), Comm. Algebra, 10 (2) (1982), 217–225.

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(Russian, translation in Algebra and Logic 29 (1990), no. 1, 60–74 (1991)).

[CH81] Cheng, K. N. and Held, D., Finite groups with a standard component of type \(L_3(4)\). I, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, 65 (1981), 59–75 (1982).

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[Con91a] Conder, M., Random walks in large finite groups, Australas. J. Combin., 4 (1991), 49–57
(Combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing (Palmerston North, 1990)).

[Con91b] Conder, M., The symmetric genus of the Mathieu groups, Bull. London Math. Soc., 23 (5) (1991), 445–453.

[CWW92] Conder, M. D. E., Wilson, R. A. and Woldar, A. J., The symmetric genus of sporadic groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 116 (3) (1992), 653–663.

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[Con80] Conway, J. H., Monsters and moonshine, Math. Intelligencer, 2 (4) (1979/80), 165–171.

[Con85] Conway, J. H., A simple construction for the Fischer-Griess monster group, Invent. Math., 79 (3) (1985), 513–540.

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[CP92] Conway, J. H. and Pritchard, A. D., Hyperbolic reflections for the Bimonster and \(3{\rm Fi}_{24}\), in Groups, combinatorics & geometry (Durham, 1990), Cambridge Univ. Press, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 165, Cambridge (1992), 24–45.

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[Gri87a] Griess Jr., R. L., The Schur multiplier of McLaughlin's simple group. Addendum: "Schur multipliers of the known finite simple groups. III" [Proceedings of the Rutgers group theory year, 1983–1984 (New Brunswick, N.J., 1983–1984), 69–80, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1985; MR0817238 (87g:20027)], Arch. Math. (Basel), 48 (1) (1987), 31.

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