Available via the GAP Interface
The following table lists the information of the Atlas of Group
Representations that is available via the GAP interface.
One line is shown for each group G, with the following columns.
- group
the main GAP name of G (see Section
"Group Names Used in the AtlasRep Package"
in the manual of the package),
- #
the number of faithful representations stored for G,
- maxes
the number of available straight line programs
for computing generators of maximal subgroups of G,
- cl
a + sign if at least one program for computing representatives
of conjugacy classes of elements of G is stored,
- cyc
a + sign if at least one program for computing representatives
of classes of maximally cyclic subgroups of G is stored,
- out
descriptions of outer automorphisms of G for which at least one
program is stored,
- fnd
a + sign if at least one program is available for finding
standard generators,
- chk
a + sign if at least one program is available for checking
whether a set of generators is a set of standard generators,
- prs
a + sign if at least one program is available that encodes a