[next] [prev] [up] Date: Sat, 06 Dec 80 13:57:00 -0700 (PST)
[next] [prev] [up] From: Bill McKeeman <McKeeman.PA@PARC-MAXC >
~~~ ~~~ [up] Subject: A Top-Middle-Bottom solution

Since I had this writeup in "sendable" form, I thought I would put it out. Most
of you already have this one or better, so just delete it if you are not interested.


Date: 19 Jun. 1980 5:57 pm PST
From: McKeeman
To: McKeeman

File: [Ivy]<McKeeman>Rubik.txt

Kertesz' Algorithm for the Rubik Cube. McKeeman -- June 19, 1980

Rubik's Cube is a 3x3x3 cube such that each of its 3x3 planes can rotate freely
about its perpendicular axis. There are 54 visible squares, colored in six sets of
9. There are 26 visible cubelets, each colored uniquely. (Commercially available
cubes are not colored consistently.) The edge cublets have two colors; the corner
cublets have three.

The inventor is a Hungarian architect; my solution comes from Adam Kertesz, a
Hungarian programmer I met in Poland. It may be less precise than you like,
but without pictures it is just too much to give all the details. With a little
struggle this should get you to a solution.

The Problem: From an arbitrary starting position, arrange the cube so that each
3x3 surface is of a uniform color.

Notation: One can limit moves to 90o rotations of the six surfaces without losing
anything. It is convenient to describe the moves in terms of the orientation of
the cube rather than the color. The names of the faces are:
A move of R, for example, is a 90o clockwise rotation of the right face, RR = R^2
is 180o, and R'=RRR= R^3 is 270o, or 90o counterclockwise. For any move M,
M'M is a no-op.

Macros:  There a lot of macro-moves that are useful and interesting.  I will use
six here:
  Z = R'DRFDF'
  Z' = FD'F'R'D'R

It is not trivial to use these things. The general idea is to decide on the
orientation of the cube, and then follow the directions mechanically. Note that
the color of the central square of every face is unchanged during a macro. That
is the easiest way to keep from getting messed up. I mumble to myself "Red is
Up, Blue is Front" or some such thing each time just before I dive into a macro.
I find it is even helpful to close my eyes during a macro when doing it from

Kertesz' Algorithm: Generally speaking the idea is to get the cube right one
layer at a time. They get increasingly hard (tedious) because you must be
careful not to destroy work already done.

Layer 1:  Pick Up color.

Step 1. Do Up edges. The four Up edges must be moved between the two
center squares that have the same colors:

For each edge do
(a) hold target position UF (i.e., up front, nearest you),
(b) get needed cubelet into bottom layer,
(c) rotate it under target position using D^n,
(d) do F^2, in which case you are done or it needs flipping,
(e) in which case F'UL'U' finishes it.

You should now have the top "+" shape correct and matching the side center

Step 2. Do Up corners. The four Up corners must be moved so that all three of
their colors match their neighbors.

For each corner do
(a) hold target position FUR (i.e., up right, nearest your right hand),
(b) get needed cubelet into bottom layer,
(c) rotate it under target position using D^n,
(d) either DFD'F' or D'R'DR will bring it up,
(e) it may need rotation, in which case use Z for 120o clockwise, Z'
for counterclockwise.

You should now have the top layer correct and matching the side center squares.

Layer 2:   The four remaining edges on layer two are next.  Y and Yr leave Up
surface invariant.

For each layer 2 edge target do
(a) get needed cubelet into down layer (using Y or Yr if needed),
(b) rotate it 90o from under target using D^n,
matching color of nearest center square,
(c) hold needed cubelet DF
(d) if it needs F, do Y to bring it into position,
(e) if it needs F', do Yr.

Layer 3: Turn puzzle over. The macros X and Xr are used over and over
again. The sequence of events is to place the four up corners, place the four up
edges, flip the edges if necessary, and finally rotate the corners if necessary.

Step 1. Place Up corners. One can always be rotated into position with U^n.
Among other things, X will exchange the RFU and RBU corners. At most four
applications of X will place all four corners. It takes a little forethought.

Step 2. Place Up edges. X will also exchange the LU and FU edges. Xr will
exchange the RU and FU edges and the LFU and LBU corners. Used in pairs X
and Xr can exchange edges without changing corners. That is, one use
exchanges corners, the next carefully chosen one restores them.

Step 3. Flip Up edges as necessary. X^2 will flip both LU and FU edges.

Step 4. Rotate Up corners as necessary. The macro ZU^nZ'U^-n will rotate
two Up corners, one 120o and one 240o. Place the one needing 120o in FUR, do
Z, do U^n to bring one needing 240o into FUR, do Z'U^-n. Don't look at the
mess after the first rotation; it will destroy your morale.


You should now be done. It took me a couple of days to be able to solve the
thing reliably. Enjoy.

P.S. Real Rubniks will want to write for:

Notes on Rubik's 'Magic Cube', David Singmaster, Mathematical Sciences and
Computing, Polytechnic of the South Bank, London SE1 0AA, England (send $5).


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