[next] [prev] [up] Date: Thu, 16 Feb 95 00:11:00 -0500
[next] [prev] [up] From: Mark Longridge <mark.longridge@canrem.com >
~~~ ~~~ [up] Subject: Assorted Pyraminxi

I am fairly certain that the Pyraminx is a regular tetrahedron. In the
solved state each of the four faces shows only one of the four colours.

This is correct for all of the *tetrahedral* pyraminxes with only
one small exception: the Star Pyraminx has all middle pieces the
same colour. Meffert used the word "pyraminx" as a prefix to just
about all the puzzles he either conceived or planned to market.

The Pyraminx Star was described as a Pyraminx without the centers.
So I guess each face of the Pyraminx Star looks as follows.

              / \
             /   \
            /  V  \
           /       \
         / \       / \
        /   \  M  /   \
       /  E  \   /  E  \
      /       \ /       \
    / \       / \       / \
   /   \  M  /   \  M  /   \
  /  V  \   /  E  \   /  V  \
 /       \ /       \ /       \

Actually the above diagram is a good representation of a head-on
view of the popular or standard pyraminx (I've taken the liberty
of embellishing it a little).

There are 4 Vertices (3 colours), 6 Edges (2 colours) and 12 Middle
pieces (single colur) so there are 12 + 12 + 12 = 36 facelets.

The tips (or small vertices) can rotate independently, and the larger
turn includes the rotaion of the adjacent 2 edge pieces and single
middle piece. The small tips each have 3 positions, it's adjacent
middle piece also has 3 positions, and the 6 edges obey the same
basic laws as the cube, so there are:

3^4 * 3^4 * (6!/2) * (2^6 /2) = 75,582,720 combinations or
approximately 75.5 million (993,120 for the snub version)

The math for the pyraminx octahedron is very similar, though
it has 4 positions for the 6 vertices and middle pieces
and 12 edges:

4^6 * 4^6 * (12!/2) * (2^12/2) = 8,229,184,826,926,694,400 or
approximately 8.2 quintillion.

So the snub pyraminx (or if you prefer "The Pyraminx Snub") would
look like:

    / \       / \
   /   \     /   \
  /     \   /     \
 /       \ /       \
 \       / \       /
  \     /   \     /
   \   /     \   /
    \ /       \ /

One could imagine snub octahedrons as well.

I have no idea what Pyraminx Senior and the Pyraminx Master look like.

They are visually indistinguishable from the standard pyraminx,
however information on the Senior Pyraminx is exceedingly sketchy.

I've never seen a photograph of a Master Pyraminx in the middle
of an edge turn so I rather doubt a working prototype was ever
made, but you never know...

I'll take a stab at one more calculation...

The pyraminx hexagon has 12 corners and 18 edges and 8 centres.
Each side has 13 facelets so there are 13 * 8 = 104 total facelets.
12!/2 * 3^11 * 16! * 2^15 = 29,087,761,395,446,975,811,708,518,400,000
or approximately 29 nonillion (29^30).

-> Mark <-

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