Changes in the GAP Character Table Library

This list contains the changes in the GAP character table library since the official upgrade for GAP 3.4 in October 1996. We denote mathematical errors by *** and new information by NEW. We use C to denote changes that are not obviously corrections; the number of these changes is kept small.

Release of GAP 4.1 in July 1999

Brauer Tables
Changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

***   2E6(2)   :   
The faithful characters of 2.2E6(2) and 2.2E6(2).2 mod 19 were corrected (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   A13   :   
Indicators of A13 and S13 mod 2 are now known.
NEW   A14   :   
The tables of A14 mod 2, 11, 13 and tables of S14 mod 3, 5, 7 are now known.
NEW   A15   :   
All Brauer tables of S15 are now known (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   A16   :   
All Brauer tables of S16 are now known (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   A17   :   
All Brauer tables except the 3-modular one of S17 are now known (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   Co2   :   
The degree 156 538 character of Co2 mod 2 is now proved.
NEW   Co3   :   
One more indicator of Co3 mod 2 is now known.
***   Fi22   :   
The faithful characters of 6.Fi22 and 6.Fi22.2 mod 5 were corrected.
***   L3(4)   :   
The faithful characters of 122.L3(4) mod 7 were corrected.
NEW   O8+(3)   :   
The degree 50 596 characters of O8+(3) mod 2 are now proved. Consequently, also the degree 101 192 of O8+(3).21 mod 2, the degrees 50 596 and 101 192 of O8+(3).22 mod 2, the degrees 50 596 and 151 288 of O8+(3).3 mod 2, and the degree 202 384 of O8+(3).4 mod 2 are now proved.
C   ON   :   
The tables of ON and ON.2 mod 19 were changed in order to respect the choice of classes in Robert Wilson's "Atlas of Group Representations".
NEW   ON   :   
The tables of ON mod 11 and mod 31 are now known (contributed by Markus Ottensmann), as well as two new indicator values for ON mod 2.
C   Ru   :   
The tables of Ru and 2.Ru mod 5 and mod 7 were changed in order to respect the choice of classes in Robert Wilson's "Atlas of Group Representations".
NEW   Ru   :   
The tables of Ru and 2.Ru mod 13 and 29 are now known (contributed by Frank Röhr), as well as all indicator values of Ru mod 2.
***   S6(3)   :   
The characters of S6(3) and 2.S6(3) mod 7 were corrected; these changes do not affect the tables of S6(3).2 and 2.S6(3).2 mod 7 (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
***   Suz   :   
The faithful characters of 6.Suz and 6.Suz.2 mod 7 were corrected (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   Th   :   
The table of Th mod 19 is now known.

Ordinary Tables
The following changes affect several ordinary tables.

Whitespace at the end of InfoText strings was removed.
Various class fusions were added.
Components tomidentifier and tomfusion were added in order to provide a (preliminary) interface to the library of tables of marks.
In the library tables of alternating and symmetric groups, the classtext components (partitions parametrizing the conjugacy classes; in some cases, this had been hidden inside the CAS component of the table) were replaced by values of the attribute ClassParameters.
The tables of L2(q) were added for those values of q for which the table of marks of L2(q) is now contained in the GAP library.
In the library tables of symmetric groups, the partitions parametrizing the irreducible characters are stored on the tables, as value of the attribute CharacterParameters.
The Identifier values of a few tables have been changed. For example, the table of L4(3).2^2 was previously known only as psl(4,3).v4. The old names are still valid.
The character tables with identifiers iu332, D2MJ4, and P4L82 were removed. The former two tables were incomplete, the latter one was wrong.
The ordinary tables of all maximal subgroups (and their class fusions) are now available for the groups G2(3), J3.2, 2.M12, M12.2, M22.2, and O8+(3).

The following changes are assigned to specific simple groups, and shown in alphabetical order.

***   A6   :   
The table automorphisms of 4.A6.23 were corrected.
NEW   Fi22   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 27:S6(2) of Fi22.2 was added (contributed by E. Mpono).
NEW   Fi22   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 26:U4(2).2 of the maximal subgroup 26:S6(2) of Fi22 was added (contributed by E. Mpono).
NEW   HS   :   
The tables (and fusions) of several normalizers of chains of p-subgroups were added.
C   J4   :   
The classes and the characters of the maximal subgroup of type 210:L5(2) were reordered, and the identifier was changed from l52m10 (from the CAS library) to 2^10:L5(2).
NEW   McL   :   
The table of the seventh maximal subgroup of McL.2 was added.
C   O8+(2)   :   
The classes and the characters of the maximal subgroup of type 26:A8 were reordered, and the identifier was changed from mo81p (from the CAS library) to 2^6:A8.
C   O8+(3)   :   
The fusions from O7(3) and 36:L4(3) were changed to the ones listed in the Atlas of Finite Groups.
NEW   O10+(2)   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 28:O8+(2) was added.
NEW   S10(2)   :   
The table of the subgroup 28:S8(2) was added.
NEW   U4(3)   :   
The tables of 2.U4(3).(22)122 and 62.U4(3).23¢ were added.

Release of GAP 4.2 in March 2000

Brauer Tables
Changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   A14   :   
Table of S14 mod 2 is now known (contributed by Dave Benson, added by Jürgen Müller).
***   A16   :   
Corrected principal block of the table of S16 mod 2.
NEW   ON   :   
The tables of 3.ON mod 11 and 31 are now known.
C   ON   :   
The tables of 3.ON and 3.ON.2 mod 19 were changed in order to respect the choice of classes in Robert Wilson's "Atlas of Group Representations". (This affects only the irreducibles of 3.ON of degrees 45090 and 77670.)

Ordinary Tables
The following changes affect several ordinary tables.

Various class fusions were added.
The galomorphisms components which had been contained in only a few tables were removed.
The tomfusion values of L2(25) and 25:S6 were corrected.
Element orders and power maps in the table with identifier s61p were corrected.
The table with identifier 2.cenc1 was removed because it was inconsistent.
Two instances of the table of (A6×A6):22 were unified.
The tables with identifiers J2.2M4, 2^(2+4):(3x3):2^2, and 2^(2+4):(S3xS3) were unified; the identifiers J2.2M5 and 2^(2+4):(S3xS3) can be used to access the table.
The ordinary tables of all maximal subgroups (and their class fusions) are now available for the groups S6, J2.2, McL.2, Suz.2, 3.Suz, 3.Suz.2, Sz(32).

The following changes are assigned to specific simple groups, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   A6   :   
The table of 12.A6.23 is now available.
***   Fi22   :   
The name of the table of the 7-th maximal subgroup of Fi22 was corrected from (2x2^(1+8):U4(2)):2 to (2x2^(1+8)):U4(2):2; similarly, (2x2^(1+8):U4(2):2):2 was corrected to (2x2^(1+8)):(U4(2):2x2).
NEW   Fi22   :   
The tables of the maximal subgroups 210:M22:2 of Fi22.2 and 211.M22 of 2.Fi22 are now available via the names Fi22.2M4 and 2.Fi22M5, respectively.
C   U3(5)   :   
The table with identifier U3(5).S3 was removed; it is replaced by the table with identifier U3(5).3.2 whose cosets of the outer automorphism group are ordered as in the Atlas of Finite Groups. The identifier U3(5).S3 is now admissible for the table with identifier U3(5).3.2.
***   U4(3)   :   
The table with identifier u4q3c was removed; characters and power maps of this table were erroneous. Apparently the table was thought to be that of 32.U4(3).23¢, which can be accessed with the name 3_2.U4(3).2_3'.
NEW   U4(3)   :   
The tables of 32.U4(3).(22)133 and U4(3).(22)133 are now available.

Release of CTblLib 1.0 in January 2002

Brauer Tables
Changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   A14   :   
The tables of A14 mod 3, 5, 7 and of S14 mod 11, 13 are now known (contributed by Jürgen Müller, using MOC and the GAP package specht).
NEW   A17   :   
The table of A17 mod 3 is now known (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   F3+   :   
All Brauer tables of the maximal subgroup 37.O7(3), and the 2-modular table of the maximal subgroup (3×O8+(3):3):2 are available (contributed by Gerhard Hiß).
NEW   L4(4)   :   
The tables of L4(4) mod 3, 5, 7, 17 are now known (contributed by Gerhard Hiß).
NEW   Ly   :   
The tables of Ly mod 37 and 67 are now known (contributed by Jürgen Müller, Max Neunhöffer, Frank Röhr, Robert Wilson).
NEW   O8+(3)   :   
The table of O8+(3).S3 mod 2 is available.
The table of O8+(3).S3 mod 2 is available.
NEW   S10(2)   :   
The tables of S10(2) mod 7, 11, 17, 31 are now known (contributed by Gerhard Hiß).

Ordinary Tables
The following changes affect several ordinary tables.

The ordinary tables of the Schur covers of the symmetric groups S14, S15, S16, S17, and S18 are now available (contributed by Gunter Malle).
The ordinary tables of all maximal subgroups (and their class fusions) are now available for the group 2.HS (contributed by Ulrike Muthmann, Markus Ottensmann, and Frank Röhr).
The ordinary tables of all maximal subgroups (and their class fusions) are now available for the groups 2.Suz and 6.Suz (contributed by Thomas Breuer and Frank Himstedt).
The ordinary tables of all maximal subgroups (and their class fusions) are now available for the group S6(3).

The following changes are assigned to specific simple groups, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   E6(2)   :   
The table of the Chevalley group E6(2) is now available (contributed by B. Fischer).
NEW   F3+   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 21+12.31.U4(3).22¢ of F3+ is now available via the names 2^(1+12).3_1.U4(3).2_2', F3+M9, and F3+C2B.
The table of the maximal subgroup 33.[310].GL3(3) of F3+ is now available via the name 3^3.[3^10].GL3(3).
NEW   F3+.2   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 37.O7(3):2 of F3+.2 is now available (contributed by Faryad Ali).
***   HS   :   
The earlier (since CAS times) stored fusion of 2×A6.22 into HS did not lift to 2.HS and therefore was replaced by a compatible map.
NEW   L3(4)   :   
The table of 22.L3(4).22 is now available.
NEW   L4(9)   :   
The table of L4(9) is now available.
NEW   M   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 21+24.Co1 is now available (contributed by Simon Norton).
NEW   S4(7)   :   
The tables of S4(7) and S4(7).2 are now available.
NEW   S6(2)   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 26:S8 of 26:S6(2) (which is maximal in Fi22) is now available (contributed by Faryad Ali).
NEW   S6(4)   :   
The table of S6(4) is now available.
NEW   S6(5)   :   
The table of S6(5) is now available.
NEW   S12(2)   :   
The table of S12(2) is now available (contributed by Christoph Köhler).
***   Suz   :   
The earlier (since CAS times) stored fusion of (32 :4×A6).2 into Suz did not lift to 3.Suz and therefore was replaced by a compatible map.
NEW   U4(3)   :   
The table of 31.U4(3).22¢ was added.
NEW   U4(4)   :   
The table of U4(4) is now available.
NEW   U6(2)   :   
The table of the Schur cover (22×3).U6(2) is now available.

Release of CTblLib 1.1 in February 2004

Brauer Tables
The following changes affect several Brauer tables.

The p-modular tables of G.S3 are available for all prime divisors p of |G|, for G one of L3(7), 3.L3(7), U3(5), 3.U3(5), U3(8), 3.U3(8), U3(11), and 3.U3(11).
The following changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   Co2   :   
The indicators of the 36938 and 83948 in Co2 mod 2 are + (contributed by Jon Thackray).
NEW   Co3   :   
The indicator of the 88000 in Co3 mod 2 is + (contributed by Jon Thackray).
NEW   J4   :   
The tables of J4M1 mod 3 and 11 are available (contributed by Christoph Jansen).
NEW   O8+(3)   :   
The tables of O8+(3).S4 mod 2, 5, and 7 are available (contributed by Christoph Jansen).
NEW   ON   :   
The tables of ON.2 and 3.ON.2 mod 11 and 31 are available (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   ON   :   
The indicator of the 25916 in ON mod 2 is + (contributed by Jon Thackray).
NEW   Suz   :   
The indicators of 10504 in Suz mod 2 and Suz.2 mod 2 are + (contributed by Jon Thackray).

Ordinary Tables
The following changes affect several ordinary tables.

The table automorphisms were corrected for the tables with the identifiers A17, 2.A4xS3, 4.M22M6, 3.2^(2+4):(3x3):2,   3^(1+6):2^(3+4):3^2:2,   5:4x2.A5,   D8xV4,   3.3^5.U4(2),   3^5.U4(2),   group3, s61p, 2.(A4xA4), 3^3:A4, 3^7.O7(3), ThN2, and 2^2.2E6(2).2; one reason for these errors were missing power maps.
The formerly admissible names c1, c2, c3 for the groups Co1, Co2, Co3 have been removed, because these names are now admissible names of cyclic groups. The names c1m1, c1m4, c1m5, c1m24, c1n3, c2m1, c2m2, c2m3, c2m4, c2m5, c2m6, c2m7, c2m8, c2m9, c2m10, c2m11, c2m22, (now called M22C2A), c2m24 (now called M24C2B), c3m1, c3m2, c3m3, c3m4, c3m5, c3m6, c3m7, c3m8, c3m9, c3m10, c3m11, c3m12, c3m13, c3m14, c3n2, c3n3, c3n5, mcn2, mcn3, mcn5, om83, o8m2, o8m2.2, o10m2, o10m2c, o12m2, rvn2, s2m11, s2m12, s2m21, s2m23, and s2m24 (now called M24C2A) were removed because they would refer to maximal subgroups of other groups or of groups with nonadmissible names. The names u4q3.s3 and f22u3 were removed, the table is now available with the name S3xU4(3).
The ordering of maximal subgroups was changed for A5.2, A6.21, J3.2, M12.2, and McL.2, in order to be compatible with the ATLAS of Group Representations.
The following class fusions were corrected. 27:S6(2) onto S6(2) and into Fi22.2; 3.31+4:4S5 into 3.McL.2; D8×V4 into HS; 3.22+4:(3×3):2 into 3.McL, 3.24:A7, and 3.McLM10; 4.M22M6 into 4.M22; G2(3)M6 into G2(3); A5.2 into M12.2; A11Syl2 into A11.
Missing power maps were added for the tables suzs2, Fi22N3, RuN2, SuzN2, ThN2, for L2(q), for various values of q, and for 7:3, 23:11, 11:10, due to the availability of power maps in the underlying generic character tables.
The tables of all maximal subgroups are available for A5, A6, A7, A7.2, G2(4), L2(11), L2(11).2, U3(3).2, U5(2).
Several ordinary tables were added for which the tables of marks of the underlying groups are available in the GAP Library of Tables of Marks; this includes direct products and tables of small groups that can be computed easily with standard methods. The other way round, each ordinary table in the library for which the table of marks is contained in the GAP Library of Tables of Marks stores a class fusion into the table of marks.
Several ordinary tables of Sylow normalizers in sporadic simple groups are available, including the normalizers of cyclic Sylow subgroups.
The ordinary tables of G.S3 are available for G one of 22.L3(4), L3(7), 3.L3(7), 22.O8+(2), 3.U3(5), U3(8), 3.U3(8), U3(11), 3.U3(11).
The ordinary tables of L4(5), O7(5), O7(5).2, O9(3), S4(8), S8(3), U4(5) are available.
Generic character tables are available for the double covers of alternating and symmetric groups (contributed by Felix Noeske).

The following changes are assigned to specific simple groups, and shown in alphabetical order.

C   A6   :   
The fusions of A6, A6.21, 2.A6 into the tables of marks were changed in order to make diagrams of fusions commutative.
NEW   B   :   
The tables of the maximal subgroups of the types 31+8.21+6.U4(2).2 and (22×F4(2)):2, and the table of the Sylow 7 normalizer are available, as well as the table of the maximal subgroup of the type (S3×2.Fi22).2 in 2.B.
NEW   Co1   :   
The table of the Sylow 5 normalizer is available.
NEW   Co2   :   
The table of the Sylow 2, 3, and 7 normalizers are available.
NEW   Fi24¢   :   
The tables of the maximal subgroups 32.34.38.(A5×2A4).2, 23+12.(L3(2)×A6), and 26+8.(S3×A8) and their class fusions are now available (contributed by Alexander Hulpke).
The tables of the Sylow 5 and 7 normalizer are available.
NEW   HN   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 4.HS.2 of HN.2 is available.
C   HS   :   
The class fusion of HS into Co3 was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   J2   :   
The class fusion of 2.J2.2 into 2.Suz was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
The class fusion of 2.HS.2 into HN was corrected.
***   J4   :   
The table with identifier (3^(1+2)x2).SD16 is not that of the Sylow 3 normalizer in J4; the name J4N3 is no longer admissible for this table (reported by G. Navarro and A. Moreto).
The table of the Sylow 3 normalizer in J4 is available, via the names (2x3^(1+2)_+:8):2 and J4N3.
C   L2(11)   :   
The class fusion of L2(11) into J1 was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   L2(16)   :   
The class fusions of L2(16).2 into J3 and of L2(16).4 into J3.2 were replaced by maps that are compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   L2(19)   :   
The class fusion of L2(19) into J3 was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   L2(27)   :   
The class fusion of L2(27).3 into S6(3) was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   L3(3)   :   
The class fusions of L3(3).2 into G2(3) and S6(3) were replaced by maps that are compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   L3(4)   :   
The class fusions of 42.L3(4).21 into ON and of 42.L3(4).23 into 4.U4(3).23 were replaced by maps that are compatible with the Brauer tables available.
The tables of 22.L3(4).23 and 22.L3(4).3 are available.
NEW   L3(11)   :   
The table of L3(11) is available (contributed by Frank Lübeck, computed with a program written by Boris Hemkemeier and Ulf Jürgens).
C   L4(3)   :   
The class fusion of L4(3).22 into O7(3) was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
NEW   L8(2)   :   
The table of L8(2) is available (contributed by Frank Lübeck, computed with a program written by Boris Hemkemeier and Ulf Jürgens).
NEW   M   :   
The tables of the Sylow 11 and 13 normalizer in M are available, via the names MN11 and MN13.
The tables with the names 4.2^2, (2^2x3).2, 1/2(8xS3), M12C4, 7^1+2.6, 2x3.A6, 5^1+2.2A4, (4xA6).2^2, 13^1+2.2A4, 7^1+4.2A7 are available (contributed by Simon Norton).
C   M23   :   
The class fusion of M23 into Co3 was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   M24   :   
The class fusion of 24:A8 into M24 was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   McL   :   
The class fusion of McL.2 into Co3 was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
The 2nd power map of the table of the maximal subgroup of type 3.31+4:4S5 of 3.McL.2 was corrected.
C   O8-(2)   :   
The class fusion of O8-(2).2 into S8(2) was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
NEW   O8+(2)   :   
The tables of 22.O8+(2).2 and 22.O8+(2).3 are available, as well as the table of the maximal subgroup of the type 21+6+.A8 of 2.O8+(2).
NEW   O8+(3)   :   
The table of O8+(3).D8 is available.
The tables of the maximal subgroup 22.(U3(3).2×S4) of O8+(3).S4 and of the maximal subgroups 33+6:(L3(3)×D8) and 36.L4(3).D8 of O8+(3).D8 are available.
NEW   O8-(3)   :   
The table of O8-(3).21 is available.
NeW   O9(3)   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup of type 28.A9 is available.
C   S4(4)   :   
The class fusion of S4(4).2 into S8(2) was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   S6(3)   :   
The class fusion of 36:L3(3) into S6(3) was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
C   U3(5)   :   
The class fusion of 3.U3(5) into 3.McL was replaced by one that is compatible with the Brauer tables available.
NEW   U4(3)   :   
The table of 22.U4(3).(22)122 is available.

Release of CTblLib 1.2 in May 2012

Brauer Tables
The following changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   A6   :   
The Brauer tables of A6.22, 3.A6.22 are available.
NEW   A15   :   
The Brauer tables of A15 are available (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   A16   :   
The Brauer tables of A16 are available (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   A17   :   
The Brauer tables of A17 are available (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
NEW   A19   :   
The 2-modular Brauer tables of A19, S19 are available (contributed by Lukas Maas and Jürgen Müller).
NEW   2E6(2)   :   
The tables of 22.2E6(2) mod 11, 13, 17, 19 are available.
NEW   Fi22   :   
The 3-modular tables of Fi22, Fi22.2, 2.Fi22, 2.Fi22.2 and the 2-modular tables of Fi22, Fi22.2, 3.Fi22, 3.Fi22.2 are available (contributed by Felix Noeske).
NEW   Fi23   :   
The 2-modular table of Fi23 is available (contributed by Gerhard Hiss, Max Neunhöffer, and Felix Noeske). The 17-modular table of Fi23 is available (contributed by Jürgen Müller).
***   F3+   :   
The wrong 3- and 11-modular tables of F3+ from the earlier version are no longer available.
NEW   HN   :   
The 2-modular table of HN, HN.2 are available (contributed by Jon Thackray). The 3-modular table of HN, HN.2 are available (contributed by Gerhard Hiss, Jürgen Müller, Felix Noeske, and Jon Thackray). The 5-modular table of HN, HN.2 are available (contributed by Klaus Lux, Felix Noeske, Alex Ryba).
NEW   L2(25)   :   
The Brauer tables of L2(25).22 are available.
NEW   L2(49)   :   
The 2-, 3-, and 5-modular Brauer tables of L2(49).22 are available.
***   L2(81)   :   
The degree 80 character in the 41-modular table of L2(81).23 was wrong.
The 2-modular table of L2(81).(2×4) and the 2-, 5-, and 41-modular tables of L2(81).22 are available.
NEW   L3(4)   :   
The Brauer tables of L3(4).22, L3(4).3.22, L3(4).3.23, L3(4).D12, 2.L3(4).22 (eight groups), 3.L3(4).22,   3.L3(4).3.22,   22.L3(4),   22.L3(4).21,   22.L3(4).22,   22.L3(4).23,   22.L3(4).3, 22.L3(4).22, 22.L3(4).3.22, 22.L3(4).3.23, 22.L3(4).D12, (22×3).L3(4), (22×3).L3(4).22, (22×3).L3(4).23, (22×3).L3(4).3 are available.
NEW   L3(9)   :   
The Brauer tables of L3(9).22 are available.
NEW   L4(4)   :   
The 2-modular tables of L4(4) (contributed by Frank Lübeck), L4(4).21, L4(4).22, L4(4).23, L4(4).22 are available.
NEW   O8+(2)   :   
The Brauer tables of O8+(2).S3, 22.O8+(2), 22.O8+(2).2, 22.O8+(2).3, 22.O8+(2).S3 are available.
C   O8+(3)   :   
Adjusted the 5- and 7-modular table to the changes of the ordinary table.
The 2-, 5-, 7-, 13-modular tables of O8+(3).22111, O8+(3).22122, O8+(3).S3, O8+(3).A4, O8+(3).D8 are available, as well as the 13-modular table of O8+(3).S4.
***   S6(3)   :   
The 13-modular tables of S6(3), S6(3).2, 2.S6(3), 2.S6(3).2 are available.
NEW   Sz(8)   :   
The Brauer tables of 22.Sz(8) are available.
NEW   U4(3)   :   
The Brauer tables of   U4(3).22122,   U4(3).22133,   U4(3).D8,   2.U4(3).22122 (six groups),   2.U4(3).22133 (six groups),   31.U4(3).22¢,   32.U4(3).23¢,   32.U4(3).22133,   62.U4(3).23¢   are available.
NEW   U6(2)   :   
The Brauer tables of U6(2).S3, 3.U6(2).S3, 22.U6(2), 22.U6(2).2, 22.U6(2).3, 22.U6(2).S3, (22×3).U6(2), (22×3).U6(2).2, (22×3).U6(2).3 are available.

Ordinary Tables
The following bugfixes are not related to the character tables of simple groups.
***   13^1+2.2A4   :   
The second power map in the character table with this name was not correct.
***   2.Sym4   :   
This name would be that of a maximal subgroup; the table was renamed to 2.Symm(4).
***   2xSym4   :   
This name would be that of a maximal subgroup; the table was renamed to 2xSymm(4).
***   d60   :   
The table with this name belongs to the dihedral group of order 120, it was renamed to D120.
***   P12/G1/L2/V1/ext2   :   
The character table with this name was not correct, some of its class multiplication coefficients were not integral. (This problem occurs already in the microfiches that are contained in the book "Perfect Groups".)
***   P41/G1/L1/V4/ext2   :   
The character table with this name was not correct, this table was not the character table of a finite group. (This problem occurs already in the microfiches that are contained in the book "Perfect Groups".)
***   s61   :   
This name would be that of a symmetric group; the table was is now available as A8.2N2.
***   Sym4   :   
This name would be that of a maximal subgroup; the table was renamed to Symm(4).
The following changes affect several ordinary tables.

An ordinary character table is available for each table in the library of tables of marks.
The class fusion to the table of marks was changed for A6, A6.21, 2.A6, G2(3), He, L2(11).2, L2(25), L2(121), L3(4), 3.L3(4), 22.L3(4), L3(7), M12, McL.2, O8+(2), S4(4), S4(4).2, S4(5), U3(3), U3(3).2, U3(5), U3(8), U4(2), U4(2).2, U4(3), U4(3).21, U4(3).22133.
The tables of all maximal subgroups are available for 2.A5, 2.A6, 3.A6, 6.A6, 2.A7, 3.A7, 6.A7, A8, A8.2, 2.A8, A9, A9.2, 2.A9, A10, A10.2, 2.A10, 2.A11, A11, A11.2, A12, A12.2, 2.A12, A13, A13.2, B, F3+.2, Fi22.2, G2(3).2, 3.G2(3), 2.G2(4), G2(5), He.2, HN.2, HS.2, 2.L2(11), L2(13), 2.L2(13), L2(17), 2.L2(17), L2(19), 2.L2(19), L2(23), 2.L2(23), L2(25), 2.L2(25), L2(27), 2.L2(27), L2(29), 2.L2(29), L2(31), 2.L2(31), L2(109), L2(113), L2(121), L2(125), L3(2), 2.L3(2), L3(3), L3(4), L3(4).D12, 2.L3(4), 3.L3(4), 22.L3(4), 22.L3(4).22, 22.L3(4).3, L3(5), L3(7), 3.L3(7), L3(8), L3(9), L3(11), L4(3), L5(2), L6(2), L7(2), 2.M22.2, O7(3), 2.O7(3), 3.O7(3), 6.O7(3), O8-(2), O8+(2), 2.O8+(2), 22.O8+(2), ON.2, 2.Ru, S4(4), S4(4).2, S4(5), 2.S6(2), S8(2), Sz(8), Sz(8).3, 2.Sz(8), 22.Sz(8), U3(3), U3(4), U3(4).2, U3(5), U3(5).2, U3(5).3, U3(5).S3, 3.U3(5), U3(7), U3(8), U3(9), U3(11), U4(2), U4(2).2, 2.U4(2), 2.U4(2).2, U4(3), U4(3).21, U4(3).23, U4(3).(22)133, U6(2), 2.U6(2), 3.U6(2), 6.U6(2), 2F4(2)¢.2.
Tables of isoclinic variants of the groups 6.A7.2, 2.A11.2, 2.A12.2, 2.A13.2, 2.Fi22.2, 6.Fi22.2, 2.HS.2, 2.J2.2, 2.L3(2).2, 2.L3(4).23, 41.L3(4).21, 41.L3(4).22, 42.L3(4).21, 42.L3(4).23, 6.L3(4).21, 6.L3(4).22, 2.M22.2, 4.M22.2, 6.M22.2, 12.M22.2, 2.Suz.2, 6.Suz.2, 2.U4(3).21, 2.U4(3).22, 2.U4(3).23 are available.

The following changes are assigned to specific simple groups, and shown in alphabetical order.

C   A5   :   
Changed the fusion from A5×A5 to A5.
***   A6   :   
Corrected the table of 12.A6.23.
Replaced the fusion from 2.M12M4 to A6.22 by one to M12M4.
Changed the fusion from P1/G1/L1/V1/ext2 to 24:A6.
The character table of the Sylow 2-normalizer in 6.A6 is available.
C   A7   :   
Changed the fusions from A6 to A7 and from A6.21 to A7.2.
C   A8   :   
Changed the fusion from A6.21 to A8.
C   A11   :   
Changed the fusion from A11Syl2.
NEW   A18   :   
The ordinary table of A18 is availabe.
NEW   A19   :   
The ordinary tables of A19, S19 are availabe.
NEW   B   :   
The character table of the Sylow 7-normalizer in 2.B is available.
***   Co1   :   
Changed the ordering of the maxes 72:(3×2A4) and 52:2A5.
The character tables of defect 3- and 5-group normalizers in Co1 and 2.Co1 are available.
C   3D4(2)   :   
Changed the fusion from S3×L2(8).
NEW   2E6(2)   :   
The ordinary tables of 3.2E6(2) (contributed by Frank Lübeck), 3.2E6(2).2, 6.2E6(2), 6.2E6(2).2, (22×3).2E6(2), (22×3).2E6(2).2 are available.
NEW   2F4(2)¢   :   
The character tables of the Sylow 2-normalizers in 2F4(2)¢ and 2F4(2)¢.2 are available.
C   Fi22   :   
Changed the fusions from 3.Fi22M5 to 3.Fi22 and from 6.Fi22M5 to 6.Fi22.
The character table of the Sylow 3-normalizer in 3.Fi22 is available.
***   F3+   :   
Changed the ordering of the maxes A6×L2(8):3 and 7:6×A7.
Changed the fusions from Fi23 to F3+ and from 37.O7(3):2 to F3+.2.
The character tables of the Sylow 5- and 7-normalizers in 3.F3+.2, and the table of the Sylow 5-normalizer in 3.F3+ are available.
NEW   He   :   
The character tables of defect 3-group normalizers in He.2 are available.
The character tables of normalizers of radical p-subgroups are available.
NEW   HN   :   
The character tables of the Sylow 2-, 3-, and 5-normalizers in HN, and the character table of the Sylow 3-normalizer in HN.2 are available.
The character tables of defect 3-group normalizers in HN and HN.2 are available.
C   HS   :   
Changed the class fusion from 5:4×2.A5.
The character tables of the Sylow 2- and 3-normalizers in 2.HS.2, and the character tables of the Sylow 2- and 5-normalizers in 2.HS are available.
The character tables of defect 2-group normalizers in 2.HS are available.
C   J2   :   
Changed the fusion from 2.A5×D10 to 2.J2, and the fusion from 3.A6.22 to J2.2.
The character tables of the Sylow 2- and 3-normalizers in 2.J2, and the character table of the Sylow 5-normalizer in 2.J2.2 are available.
The character table of the primitive group 212.J2 is available.
NEW   J4   :   
The character tables of defect 3-group normalizers in J4 are available.
***   L2(8)   :   
The name 2G2(3) was erroneously associated with the character table of L2(8); the correct table is that of L2(8).3. (This error has been communicated by Felix Noeske.)
***   L2(11)   :   
Changed the ordering of the maxes S4 and D24 in L2(11).2.
NEW   L2(25)   :   
The ordinary table of 4.L2(25).23 is available.
NEW   L2(49)   :   
The ordinary table of L2(49).22 is available.
NEW   L2(64)   :   
The ordinary table of L2(64).6 is available.
NEW   L2(81)   :   
The ordinary tables of L2(81).22 and L2(81).(2×4) are available.
C   L3(2)   :   
Changed the fusions from P13/G1/L2/V1/ext2, P13/G1/L6/V1/ext2 to L3(2).
C   L3(4)   :   
The table of L3(4).D12 was replaced by a table with different ordering of classes and characters; note that the table is an ATLAS table but it had erroneously not been replaced earlier. The previous table had the name psl(3,4):d12, the new table has the name L3(4).D12, the permutations of columns and rows between the two tables are stored in the attribute CASInfo of the new table.
Changed the fusion from (22×3).U6(2)M3 to 3.L3(4).
The ordinary tables of (22×3).L3(4).21, (22×3).L3(4).22, (22×3).L3(4).23, (22×3).L3(4).3, (2×4).L3(4), (2×12).L3(4), 42.L3(4), (42×3).L3(4), 2.L3(4).22 (eight groups), 41.L3(4).23*, 41.L3(4).22 (eight groups), 42.L3(4).22*, 42.L3(4).22 (eight groups), 22.L3(4).21, 22.L3(4).22, 22.L3(4).6, 3.L3(4).3.22, 6.L3(4).22 (eight groups) are available.
NEW   L3(9)   :   
The ordinary table of L3(9).22 is available.
NEW   L4(4)   :   
The ordinary table of L4(4).22 is available.
NEW   L4(5)   :   
The ordinary tables of 2.L4(5), 4.L4(5) are available.
NEW   Ly   :   
The character tables of defect 3-group normalizers in Ly are available.
***   M   :   
The character table of the 7B centralizer, with the identifier 7^1+4.2A7, was wrong.
The character tables of the Sylow 5- and 7-normalizers in M are available.
The character tables of defect 3-group normalizers in M are available.
C   M11   :   
Replaced the fusions from 2.M12M2 and 2.HSM9 by fusions to M12M2 and HSM9, respectively.
C   M12   :   
Changed the class fusions from 2×M11, 2.M12M4, 2×32.2.S4, 2.M12M7, A6.D8 to 2.M12.
The character table of the Sylow 2-normalizer in 2.M12 is available.
C   M22   :   
Changed the class fusion from 2×3.A7 to 6.M22, and the class fusions from 2.(2×3.A7), 3×4.M22M5, 3×4.M22M6, 3×2.(2×L2(11)) to 12.M22.
Replaced the fusion from 3.McLM3 by one to McLM3.
The character tables of defect 3-group normalizers in 12.M22 and the Sylow 2-normalizer in 4.M22 are available.
The character table of a primitive group 210.M22 is available.
NEW   M24   :   
The character tables of normalizers of radical p-subgroups are available.
C   McL   :   
Changed the fusions from 3.31+4:2S5, 3×2.A8, 3.U3(5) to 3.McL, and the fusion from U4(3) to McL.
Replaced the fusion from 3.McLM10 to 24:A7 by one to McLM10.
Changed the fusion from 3.34.32.Q8 to 3.31+4:2S5.
The character tables of the Sylow 3- and 5-normalizers in 3.McL.2, and the character table of the Sylow 3-normalizer in McL.2 are available.
NEW   O8-(3)   :   
The ordinary tables of 2.O8-(3) (contributed by Max Neunhöffer), O8-(3).22, O8-(3).23, O8-(3).22 are available.
C   O8+(3)   :   
Sorted rows and columns of the table of O8+(3).S4 (in the old version, the trivial character was not the first one, and this is not supported by the construction function).
The ordinary tables of O8+(3).22122, 2.O8+(3) (contributed by Max Neunhöffer), 22.O8+(3), 22.O8+(3).3 are available.
NEW   O8+(7)   :   
The ordinary tables of O8+(7), 2.O8+(7) are available (contributed by Eamonn O'Brien).
NEW   O9(3)   :   
The ordinary table of 2.O9(3) is available (contributed by Max Neunhöffer).
NEW   O10-(3)   :   
The ordinary tables of O10-(3) and 2.O10-(3) are available (contributed by Eamonn O'Brien).
NEW   ON   :   
The character tables of the Sylow 3- and 7-normalizers in 3.ON.2, and the character table of the Sylow 2-normalizer in ON.2 are available.
The character tables of defect 2-group normalizers in ON and 3.ON are available.
C   Ru   :   
Changed the class fusion from 2.23+8:L3(2) to 2.Ru.
The character table of the Sylow 2-normalizer in 2.Ru is available.
C   S4(4)   :   
Changed the fusion from a5wc2 to S4(4).
NEW   S4(9)   :   
The ordinary tables of S4(9), S4(9).21, S4(9).22, S4(9).23, S4(9).22 are available.
C   S6(2)   :   
Changed the fusions from 2.[26]:(S3×S3), 26:L3(2).
NEW   S6(4)   :   
The ordinary table of S6(4).2 is available.
C   Suz   :   
Changed the class fusion from (A6:22×A5).2 to Suz.2, the class fusions from 2.SuzM4, (2×L3(3)).2, (A6×2.A5).2 to 2.Suz, the class fusions from 3×U5(2), 3×21+6-.U4(2), (3.A6×A5):2 to 3.Suz, and the class fusion from (3.A6.22×A5):2 to 3.Suz.2.
Changed the class fusions from 3×2.SuzM4, 3×2.J2.2, 3×(2×L3(3)).2, (3.A6×2.A5).2 to 6.Suz.
Changed maxes of Suz and its central extensions, there is no need for SuzM15 etc., take L3(3).2 and suitable central extensions twice.
NEW   Sz(8)   :   
The character table of the primitive group 212.Sz(8) is available.
C   U3(5)   :   
Replaced the fusion from 2.HSM3 by one to HSM3.
Changed the fusion from 3×2S5 to U3(5).3.
C   U3(8)   :   
Changed the fusion from 3×L2(8) to U3(8).
C   U4(2)   :   
Changed the fusions from A6.21 and 2.SuzM4 to U4(2).
C   U4(3)   :   
Replaced the fusions from 32.U4(3).23¢ and 2.U4(3).23¢ to U4(3).23 by fusions to U4(3).23¢, changed the fusions from U4(2) to U4(3) and from U4(2).2 to U4(3).21, changed the fusions from L3(4).22 and 32.U4(3).22133 to U4(3).22133.
The ordinary tables of   2.U4(3).(22)122  (six groups), 2.U4(3).(22)133  (six groups), 2.U4(3).D8, 61.U4(3).22¢, 31.U4(3).22122, 32.U4(3), (32×2).U4(3), (32×4).U4(3), (32×2).U4(3).D8 are available.
NEW   U4(4)   :   
The ordinary table of U4(4).4 is available.
NEW   U4(5)   :   
The ordinary tables of U4(5).21, U4(5).22, U4(5).23, U4(5).22 are available.
NEW   U5(3)   :   
The ordinary table of U5(3) is available.
NEW   U5(4)   :   
The ordinary tables of U5(4), U5(4).2 are available.
C   U6(2)   :   
Changed the fusions from 2.U4(3).22 to 2.U6(2), from 31.U4(3).22 and (22×3).U6(2) to 6.U6(2), and from 61.U4(3).22 to 6.U6(2).
The ordinary tables of 3.U6(2).S3, (22×3).U6(2).2, (22×3).U6(2).3 are available.
NEW   U6(4)   :   
The ordinary table of U6(4) is available (contributed by Eamonn O'Brien).
NEW   U7(2)   :   
The ordinary table of U7(2) is available (contributed by Frank Lübeck).


Release of CTblLib 1.3 in December 2019

Brauer Tables
The following changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   A6   :   
The Brauer tables of 4.A6.23 are now available.
***   F4(2)   :   
The 2nd power map in the 13-modular table of 2.(2×F4(2)).2 was wrong (as in the ordinary table).
The 2- and 3-modular tables of F4(2) and 2.F4(2) and of its 1st and 5th maximal subgroups are now available (computed by Frank Lübeck and Gerhard Hiss).
NEW   Fi23   :   
The 3-modular Brauer table of Fi23 is available (computed by Lukas Görgen, Gerhard Hiss, and Klaus Lux).
***   J3   :   
The 19-modular tables of J3, J3.2, 3.J3, and 3.J3.2 were changed, due to a generality problem.
NEW   L3(4)   :   
The Brauer tables of 3.L3(4).3.23 are now available.
NEW   O8+(3)   :   
The 3-modular tables of O8+(3), 2.O8+(3), 22.O8+(3), O8+(3).3, and 22.O8+(3).3 are now available (computed by Frank Lübeck).
NEW   O8-(3)   :   
The 3-modular table of O8-(3), 2.O8-(3), O8-(3).21, O8-(3).22, O8-(3).23, O8-(3).22 are now available (computed by Frank Lübeck).
NEW   O10+(2)   :   
The 2-modular table of O10+(2) is now available (computed by Frank Lübeck).
NEW   O10-(2)   :   
The 2-modular table of O10-(2) is now available (computed by Frank Lübeck).
NEW   ON   :   
The 3-modular Brauer table of ON.2 is available (computed by Klaus Lux and Alexander Ryba).
NEW   S10(2)   :   
The 2-modular table of S10(2) is now available (computed by Frank Lübeck).
NEW   Suz   :   
The 13-modular Brauer tables of 2.Suz.2 (and 6.Suz.2) are available (computed by Klaus Lux and Alexander Ryba).
NEW   U3(8)   :   
The Brauer tables of 9.U3(8).33 are now available, as well as the 7-modular tables of U3(8).32 and U3(8).(S3×3).
***   U4(2)   :   
The 2-modular character table of 3.(2×21+8):(U4(2):2×2) was not correct, due to an error in the GAP function that constructs the table from the ordinary one; now this function has been corrected. No other library tables were affected by this bug. (Thanks to Jürgen Müller for reporting the error.)
NEW   U4(3)   :   
The modular character tables of 121.U4(3).22¢ and 122.U4(3).23¢ are now available.

The following changes affect several Brauer tables.

Brauer tables are now automatically available for which all p-modular Brauer characters lift to characteristic zero; this applies for example to all groups L2(q) if p is odd.
Brauer tables are now automatically available for which the ordinary tables store a construction recipe involving ConstructDirectProduct, ConstructIsoclinic, or ConstructMGA and for which the relevant Brauer tables of the ingredient tables are available.

Ordinary Tables
The following bugfixes are not related to the character tables of simple groups.

***   2^2.(2^7.3^2).s3   :   
The table was renamed to 2^2.[2^7*3^2].S3, since the old name gives a wrong structure description.
***   5^3:(4xA5).2   :   
The table was renamed to 5^3:(4xS5), since the old name gives a wrong structure description.
***   NRS(M24,2^(2+2+4)b)   :   
The table was renamed to NRS(M24,2^(4+4)), since the old name gives a wrong structure description.

The following changes affect several ordinary tables.

The following class fusions were replaced by equivalent ones in order to achieve compatibility with fusions for factor groups or extensions, respectively. (2^2x3).U6(2).2 to 6.Fi22.2, (3^2:8xA6).2 to Suz.2,   (3x2^(1+6)_-.U4(2)).2  to  3.Suz.2,   (A5xD10).2 to J2.2,   12.M22N3 to 12.M22,   12_2.L3(4).2_1 to 3.ON, 19:18 to J3.2, 2.HS.2N5 to 2.HS.2, 2.M12N2 to 2.M12, 2.[2^9]:5:4 to 2F4(2)'.2, 2A4xA5 to 2.J2, 2^(1+4)+:3^2.2 to G2(3), 2^(1+6)_+:S5 to HS.2, 3.(3xM10):2 to 3.J3.2, 3.2^(1+4)+:3^2.2 to 3.G2(3), 3.3^4.3^2.Q8 to 3.McL, 3^2.(3x3^(1+2)+):D8 to G2(3).2, 3x2.J2.2N5 to 6.Suz, 3x4.M22N2 to 12.M22, 5^2:(4xS3) to J2.2, 6.A6M3 to 6.A7, 6.A6N2 to 6.A6, 6.A6N2 to 6.A7, 7:6xL3(2) to He.2, 7^2:2.L2(7).2 to He.2, Fi22N3 to Fi22.
The tables of all maximal subgroups are available for 3D4(2), 3D4(2).3, 2.A5.2, A6.23, 2.Co1, 2.Fi22, 3.Fi22, G2(4).2, 3.J3, L2(8), L2(8).3, L3(2).2, 2.L3(2).2, L3(3).2, 3.M22.2, 3.McL.2, 3.ON.
Many tables of normalizers of radical p-subgroups of central extensions of simple groups are now available, as well as the class fusions into these overgroups.
The CASInfo value was added for the following tables: 2.B, 2.Co1, 2.F4(2), 2.HS, 2.J2, 2.M12, 2.Ru, 3.F3+, 3.J3, 3.McL, 3.ON, 6.Suz, and 12.M22. At the time when the CAS library got included in GAP's character table library, this information was apparently not saved. However, at least the book "Brauer Trees of Sporadic Groups" refers to the CAS numbering of certain characters, thus it is useful to make the values available. Thanks to Gerhard Hiss for the CAS format tables which had been used in the computations for the abovementioned book.

The following changes are assigned to specific simple groups, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   3D4(3)   :   
The table of 3D4(3) is now available.
NEW   3D4(4)   :   
The table of 3D4(4) is now available (contributed by Eamonn O'Brien).
NEW   Co1   :   
The table of the largest solvable subgroup (of the structure 24+12.(S3×31+2+:D8)) is now available.
***   E6(2)   :   
Corrected the table (irrationalities and power maps).
NEW   F3+   :   
The tables of the largest solvable subgroups in F3+ and F3+.2 (of the structures 31+10+:21+6-:31+2+:2S4 and 31+10+:(2×21+6-:31+2+:2S4), respectively) are now available.
***   F4(2)   :   
Corrected the 2nd power map in the tables of 2.F4(2).2 (two isoclinic variants), 2×2.F4(2).2, and 2.(2×F4(2)).2.
C   G2(3)   :   
The FusionToTom map was replaced, due to a generality problem.
C   HS   :   
The FusionToTom map was replaced by one that is compatible with the ATLAS of Group Representations.
NEW   L3(4)   :   
The table of the extension 3.L3(4).3.23 is now available.
C   L3(7)   :   
The FusionToTom map was replaced by one that is compatible with the ATLAS of Group Representations.
NEW   O10+(3)   :   
The table of O10+(3) is now available.
NEW   O12+(2)   :   
The table of O12+(2) is now available.
NEW   O12-(2)   :   
The table of O12-(2) is now available.
NEW   O12+(3)   :   
The tables of O12+(3) and 21.O12+(3) are now available (contributed by Eamonn O'Brien).
NEW   O12-(3)   :   
The table of O12-(3) is now available (contributed by Eamonn O'Brien).
NEW   U3(8)   :   
The tables of U3(8).32, U3(8).(S3×3), and 9.U3(8).33 are now available.
***   U4(3)   :   
The tables of the two bicyclic extensions 121.U4(3).22¢ and 122.U4(3).23¢ of U4(3) are now available; they had been missing, in spite of the claim that all ATLAS tables are available.
***   U4(5)   :   
The class fusion from U4(5) to U4(5).22 was corrected.

Release of CTblLib 1.3.2 in March 2021

Brauer Tables
The following changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   U3(8)   :   
The 3-modular Brauer table of U3(8).(S3×3) is now available.

Ordinary Tables
The following changes affect several ordinary tables.

The tables of all maximal subgroups are available for F4(2).

The following changes are assigned to specific simple groups, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   L2(49)   :   
The tables of 4.L2(49).23 and 4.L2(81).42 are now available.
NEW   L2(81)   :   
The table of 4.L2(81).23 is now available.
NEW   M   :   
The table of 31+12.(2×U5(2).2) is now available, which is a subgroup of the maximal subgroup 31+12.2.Suz.2 of M that plays a role in the verification of the table of 31+12:6.Suz.2.

Release of CTblLib 1.3.3 in January 2022

(No character tables were added or changed.)

Release of CTblLib 1.3.4 in April 2022

(No character tables were added or changed.)

Release of CTblLib 1.3.5 in February 2023

Brauer Tables
Changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   L2(49)   :   
The tables of G, G.21, G.22, G.23, G.22 mod 7 are now known.
Indicators of G.21, G.22, G.23 mod 2 are now known.
NEW   L2(81)   :   
The tables of G, G.21, G.22, G.23, G.41, G.42, G.22, G.(2×4) mod 3 are now known.
Indicators of G.21, G.22, G.23, G.41, G.42 mod 2 are now known.
***   L3(8)   :   
Some indicators of G, G.2 mod 2 were corrected.
NEW   R(27)   :   
Indicators of R(27) and R(27).3 mod 2 are now known.
NEW   L6(2)   :   
The tables of G, G.2 mod 2 are now known.
NEW   Suz   :   
Indicators of 3.G, 3.G.2 mod 2 are now stored.
NEW   ON   :   
Indicators of 3.ON mod 2 are now known.
NEW   O8-(3)   :   
Indicators of O8-(3) mod 2 are now known.
NEW   O10+(2)   :   
Indicators of O10+(2) mod 2 are now known.
NEW   O10-(2)   :   
Indicators of O10-(2) mod 2 are now known.
NEW   Co2   :   
Indicators of Co2 mod 2 are now known.
NEW   Fi22   :   
Some new indicators of G, G.2 mod 2 are now known.
***   HN   :   
The 11-modular tables of HN, HN.2, and (D10×HN).2 were changed, due to a generality problem.
Some indicators of HN and HN.2 mod 2 have been computed.
NEW   Fi23   :   
Some new indicators of G mod 2 are now known.

Ordinary Tables
Changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   L2(49)   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 72:24 of G was added.
***   M12   :   
Renamed D8.(S4×2) to 23.(S4×2), the old name does not fit to the structure of the subgroup.
NEW   L2(81)   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 34:40 of G was added.
C   J3   :   
Changed the fusions from J3M3 (in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
C   O7(3)   :   
Changed the fusions from 5:4×S4, O7(3)M5 (in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
NEW   R(27)   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup 33+6:26 of R(27) was added.
C   O8+(3)   :   
Changed the fusions from O7(3) (all six classes, in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
C   O8-(3)   :   
Changed the fusions from 36:2U4(3).21, L2(81).21, O7(3).2 (in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
C   O10+(2)   :   
Changed the fusions from 210:L5(2), S8(2) (in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
NEW   O10-(2)   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup (3×O8+(2)):2 of O10-(2) was added.
Changed the fusion from 28:O8-(2) (in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
C   F4(2)   :   
Changed the fusion from S8(2)M4 (two classes, in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)

Release of CTblLib 1.3.6 in May 2023

(No character tables were added or changed.)

Release of CTblLib 1.3.7 in December 2023

Ordinary Tables
Changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

C   L6(2)   :   
Changed the fusions from 3.L3(4).3.22 and 25:L5(2) (in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
C   Fi23   :   
Changed the fusions from 36:L4(3):22 and S3×O7(3) (in order to achieve compatibility with Brauer tables)
NEW   B   :   
The table of the maximal subgroup (2×O8+(3)).S4 of 2.G was added.
NEW   M   :   
The tables of the maximal subgroups 210+16.O10+(2), 22+11+22.(M24×S3), 2[39].(L3(2)×3.S6), 38.O8-(3).23, (32:2×O8+(3)).S4, 32+5+10.(M11×2S4), 33+2+6+6:(L3(3)×SD16) of G and their class fusions were added.
The class fusions from the maximal subgroups L2(13).2, L2(29).2, and U3(4).4 of G were added.
The relative names of some maximal subgroups of G were changed, due to the now completed classification of maximal subgroup of G: L2(71) is MM38 not MM37, L2(59) is MM39 not MM38, 112:(5×2.A5) is MM40 not MM39, L2(41) is MM41 not MM40, L2(29).2 is MM42 not MM41, 72:2L2(7) is MM43 not MM42, L2(19).2 is MM44 not MM43, 41:40 is MM46 not MM44.

Release of CTblLib 1.3.8 in March 2024

Ordinary Tables
Changes are assigned to the simple group involved, and shown in alphabetical order.

NEW   M   :   
The class fusions from the maximal subgroups (L2(11)×L2(11)):4, 112:(5×2.A5), 72:2L2(7), and L2(19).2 of G were added.

Release of CTblLib 1.3.9 in March 2024

(No character tables were added or changed.)

Last update March 14th, 2024.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.59.
On 14 Mar 2024, 12:23.