Linda Hoyer


Lehrstuhl für Algebra und Zahlentheorie

RWTH Aachen University
Pontdriesch 14/16
52062, Germany

Office: Room 110
Email: linda.hoyer@rwth aachen
Phone: +49-(0)241/80-94547

Office Hours: On appointment

I am a PostDoc under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Nebe at RWTH Aachen University and a member of SFB-TRR 195.


My research interests lie in the representation theory of finite groups and related algebras, algebraic combinatorics and computer algebra.


PhD thesis:
Orthogonal Determinants of Finite Groups of Lie Type.
Master thesis:
Birational Geometry of Quadrics in characteristic 2.
Bachelor thesis:
Nilpotent Groups.

Papers and Preprints

- Orthogonal Determinants of GLn(q), 2024. ArXiv: 2412.10797.
- On the Gram determinants of the Specht modules, 2024. ArXiv: 2411.04021.
- Orthogonal Determinants of SL3(q) and SU3(q), with Gabriele Nebe. Arch. Math 121 (2023), 681-689.