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Christoph's links into the WWW

Link collections of other people:
Homepages of other people: Gerhard Hiß | Dieter Bothe | Herbert Egger | Max Neunhöffer | Frank Lübeck | Frank Röhr | Rob Wilson

Current: Tagesschau | Heise-Newsticker | Python daily | SlashDot | Spiegel-Online
Current teaching: CES II | CES II Admin

Searching: Google | FTP-Search | Metacrawler
Information: Fahrplanauskunft | Telefonbuch | Teleinfo | PLZ | Wetter | DWD | Währung
Privacy/Cryptography: PGP-Keys
Languages: Leo-Englisch | Leo-Französisch | Babelfish

RWTH Aachen: Home | BibKat | Jason | RZ | Telefonbuch | Campus | LDfM | Artikelbestellen
Mathematics: CCES | LDfM | LBfM | GAP | MathSciNet | Eric | Enc. of Int. Seq. | IMO | Knots
GAP: GAP-System | GAP-Bugs

Linux: Linus | Kernel | www.linux.org | Debian | Debian-de | Printing with Linux
Computer: Tuxhardware | Tom's Hardware | Datenrettungsforum
WWW: W3C | HTML-Validator from W3C | HTML-Help | SelfHTML | Anonymizer
Programming: RFC | Python | Python-Documentation
TeX/LaTeX: teTeX-Doku | LaTeX2HTML
Computer-Shops: AHA | Cash-Carry | Get-It | Datec | Alternate
Computer magazines: Linux-Journal | c't

Nützliches: Sparkasse Aachen | ebay
Buying books: Amazon.de | Amazon | IBS
Cinema: Filmstudio | IMDB-UK | IMDB-DE
Funny: User Friendly | Nix verstehen