GAP 3 for Linux, i686 architecture

Here is an executable of the currently released version of GAP 3.4.4 for Linux on i686 machines. The executable is produced with some optimized compiler settings and is statically linked. It can use up to 2 GB of memory on my last i686 machine, and up to 4 GB on my x86_64 machine.


How this was compiled

Simplified GAP 3.4.4 Installation

The instructions to download and install GAP 3.4.4 on the official pages are a bit tedious. For convenience, here is a single archive (only download the archive format you prefer):

       gap3r4p4all.tar.gz (24 Mb)        gap3r4p4all.tar.bz2 (20 Mb)        gap3r4p4all.zoo (27 Mb) (26 Mb)

This archive includes in addition to the main archive gap3r4p4.zoo from the GAP site: the content of all bugfix files, the optimized Linux executable gap3r4p4/bin/gap-static-linux-i686 mentioned above, the Windows executable gap3r4p4/bin/gapdjg.exe, precompiled manuals gap3r4p4/doc/manual.dvi and gap3r4p4/doc/manual.pdf, newer versions of some share packages (CHEVIE, Specht, MeatAxe, Sisyphos), two additional packages (ARep, Monoid). Some file permissions were changed to more reasonable values.

Installation: Download one of the above archives and unpack. If you are on a Linux/i686 or Windows system you may want to use the executable files mentioned above. Otherwise go to gap3r4p4/src and compile with make. Then edit the script gap3r4p4/bin/gap3 giving your installation path and the path to the executable; and copy that script to somewhere in your standard PATH. (Some share packages - if you want to use them - need further installation steps.) Enjoy GAP 3!

Windows XP users: We had reports that the Windows executable included in the archives above may not work on Windows XP systems (you get some "Stack Fault" message when trying to start GAP). In these cases it helped to use another executable which you can get by unpacking one of the following archives in the same location as the archives above (this overwrites the existing file gap4r4/bin/gap.bat):

       gap3xp.tar.gz (480K)        gap3xp.tar.bz2 (460K)        gap3xp.zoo (496K) (480K)

MacOSX users: Andrew Mathas provided a patch and a Makefile target to compile GAP 3 on MacOSX systems: Download this file macosxextra.tar.gz, unpack inside your gap3r4p4/src directory (this overwrites system.c and Makefile). Then try make macosx-gcc. Does it work?

Alternative GAP 3.4.4 Installation

Jean Michel has prepared an alternative GAP 3.4.4 archive. Compared to the version above it is stripped down by leaving out packages whose functionality is available in GAP4, and it contains some newer versions of some of the remaining packages (in particular CHEVIE). It also i has an improved manual. Go to

to download this alternative version.

Questions and suggestions to Frank Lübeck