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GAP Manuals Online

Here are HTML and PDF versions of the manuals of the GAP 4.4 core system.

(Note that it is difficult to include mathematical formulae in web pages. The HTML versions of manuals below are rendered reasonably well in most current browsers. For sections with many formulae you may prefer the PDF versions.)

Book name            Description
Tutorial[PDF]     Tutorial, getting started with GAP
Reference[PDF]     The GAP reference manual
Prg Tutorial[PDF]     GAP programmers tutorial
Extending[PDF]     Programmers reference on extending GAP
New Features[PDF]     New features of GAP, may be due to changes

There is also a full index covering all five manuals as well as a common preface for all of them.

Package manuals

The following manuals of current GAP packages are also available.

Book name            Description
ACE[PDF]     Advanced Coset Enumerator
AClib[PDF]     Almost Crystallographic Groups - A Library and Algorithms
Alnuth[PDF]     Algebraic number theory and an interface to KANT
ANUPQ[PDF]     ANU p-Quotient
AtlasRep[PDF]     An Atlas of Group Representations
AutomGrp[PDF]     Automata Groups
AutPGrp[PDF]     Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group
Browse[PDF]     ncurses interface and browsing applications
Carat[PDF]     Interface to CARAT, a crystallographic groups package
Circle[PDF]     Adjoint groups of finite rings
cohomolo[PDF]     Computing Cohomology groups and Schur Multipliers
crime[PDF]     The Crime Package
CRISP[PDF]     Computing Radicals, Injectors, Projectors of solvable groups
Cryst[PDF]     Computing with crystallographic groups
CrystCat[PDF]     The crystallographic groups catalog
CTblLib[PDF]     The GAP Character Table Library
Cubefree[PDF]     Constructing the groups of a given cubefree order
DESIGN[PDF]     The Design Package for GAP
EDIM[PDF]     Elementary Divisors of Integer Matrices
Example[PDF]     Example/Template of a GAP Package
ExamplesForHomalg[PDF]     Examples for the GAP Package homalg
FactInt[PDF]     A GAP4 Package for FACToring INTegers
FGA[PDF]     Free Group Algorithms
FORMAT[PDF]     Formations of Finite Soluble Groups
Forms[PDF]     Forms - Sesquilinear and Quadratic
fplsa[PDF]     Interface to fast external Lie Todd-Coxeter Program
FR[PDF]     Functionally recursive and automata groups
fwtree[PDF]     Computing trees related to some pro-p-groups of finite width
GAPDoc[PDF]     a meta package for GAP documentation
GAPDoc Example[PDF]     example help book for GAPDoc
Gauss[PDF]     Gauss - Extended Gauss Functionality for GAP
GaussForHomalg[PDF]     GaussForHomalg - Gauss Functionality for homalg
genss[PDF]     genss - generic Schreier-Sims
Gpd[PDF]     Finite Groupoids and Graphs of Groups
GRAPE[PDF]     GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups
GrpConst[PDF]     Constructing the Groups of a Given Order
Guarana[PDF]     Applications of Lie methods for computations with infinite polycyclic groups
GUAVA[PDF]     GUAVA Coding Theory Package
HAP[PDF]     Homological Algebra Programming Package
HAPcryst[PDF]     The crystallographic group extension to HAP
HAPprog[PDF]     An experimental framework for objectifying the data structures of Hap
HAPprime[PDF]     A small prime-power group extension to HAP
HAPprime Datatypes[PDF]     Datatype reference for HAPprime
homalg[PDF]     A Meta-Package for Homological Algebra
HomalgToCAS[PDF]     A window to the outer world
IdRel[PDF]     Identities among Relations
if[PDF]     The GAP interfaces to other CASes
IO[PDF]     Bindings to low level I/O in the C library
IO_ForHomalg[PDF]     IO Capabilities for the GAP homalg Project
irredsol[PDF]     A library of irreducible solvable linear groups over finite fields
ITC[PDF]     Interactive Todd-Coxeter computations
Kan[PDF]     Computing with Kan extensions
kbmag[PDF]     Knuth-Bendix on Monoids and Automatic Groups
LAGUNA[PDF]     Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras
LieAlgDB[PDF]     A library of Lie algebras
linboxing[PDF]     Kernel-level access to LinBox linear algebra
loops[PDF]     The LOOPS Package: Loops and quasigroups for GAP
MONOID[PDF]     MONOID: computing with transformation semigroups
Nilmat[PDF]     Computation with nilpotent matrix groups
nq[PDF]     Nilpotent Quotient Algorithm
NQL[PDF]     Nilpotent Quotient Algorithm for L-presented Groups
OpenMath[PDF]     OpenMath functionality in GAP
orb[PDF]     orb - Methods to enumerate orbits
ParGAP[PDF]     Parallel GAP
Polenta[PDF]     Polycyclic presentations for matrix groups
polycyclic[PDF]     Computation with polycyclic groups
polymaking[PDF]     A package for using polymake in GAP
QaoS[PDF]     QaoS - Querying Algebraic Objects System
QuaGroup[PDF]     a package for doing computations with quantum groups
RadiRoot[PDF]     Roots of a Polynomial as Radicals
RCWA[PDF]     [R]esidue-[C]lass-[W]ise [A]ffine groups
RDS[PDF]     Relative Difference Sets
recog[PDF]     recog - a collection of group recognition methods
recogbase[PDF]     recogbase - a framework for group recognition
Repsn[PDF]     Constructing matrix representations of finite groups
ResClasses[PDF]     Computations with Residue Classes and their Set-Theoretic Unions
RingsForHomalg[PDF]     Dictionaries of External Rings for the ⪆ Package &homalg;
SCO[PDF]     SCO - Simplicial Cohomology of Orbifolds
SCSCP[PDF]     Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol
simpcomp[PDF]     A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes
singular[PDF]     The GAP interface to Singular
SONATA[PDF]     System of nearrings and their applications
SONATA Tutorial[PDF]     Eight easy pieces for SONATA: a SONATA tutorial
Sophus[PDF]     Computing with nilpotent Lie algebras
toric[PDF]     toric variety package
unipot[PDF]     Computing with elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups
UnitLib[PDF]     The library of normalized unit groups of modular group algebras
Wedderga[PDF]     Wedderga
XGap[PDF]     XGAP - a graphical user interface for GAP
XMod[PDF]     Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups in GAP