The GAP 4 Reference Manual - Chapters

  1. About the GAP Reference Manual
  2. The Help System
  3. Running GAP
  4. The Programming Language
  5. Functions
  6. Main Loop and Break Loop
  7. Debugging and Profiling Facilities
  8. Options Stack
  9. Files and Filenames
  10. Streams
  11. Processes
  12. Objects and Elements
  13. Types of Objects
  14. Integers
  15. Number Theory
  16. Rational Numbers
  17. Combinatorics
  18. Cyclotomic Numbers
  19. Unknowns
  20. Booleans
  21. Lists
  22. Boolean Lists
  23. Row Vectors
  24. Matrices
  25. Integral matrices and lattices
  26. Strings and Characters
  27. Records
  28. Collections
  29. Orderings
  30. Domains and their Elements
  31. Mappings
  32. Relations
  33. Magmas
  34. Words
  35. Associative Words
  36. Rewriting Systems
  37. Groups
  38. Group Homomorphisms
  39. Group Actions
  40. Permutations
  41. Permutation Groups
  42. Matrix Groups
  43. Polycyclic Groups
  44. Pc Groups
  45. Finitely Presented Groups
  46. Presentations and Tietze Transformations
  47. Group Products
  48. Group Libraries
  49. Semigroups
  50. Monoids
  51. Finitely Presented Semigroups and Monoids
  52. Transformations
  53. Additive Magmas
  54. Rings
  55. Modules
  56. Fields and Division Rings
  57. Finite Fields
  58. Abelian Number Fields
  59. Vector Spaces
  60. Algebras
  61. Lie Algebras
  62. Finitely Presented Algebras
  63. Magma Rings
  64. Polynomials and Rational Functions
  65. Algebraic extensions of fields
  66. p-adic Numbers
  67. The MeatAxe
  68. Tables of Marks
  69. Character Tables
  70. Class Functions
  71. Maps Concerning Character Tables
  72. Monomiality Questions
  73. Installing GAP
  74. GAP Packages
  75. Copyright Notice


GAP 4 manual
May 2002