2. Other Markup

2.1 Various types of text

[--> B.5]

In this section we present examples for all the various types of text that are possible in GAPDoc:

Paragraphs are separated by the empty Par or P element. Alternatives for different output formats: This is other than LaTeX output, namely: HTML output.

There are also three elements to typeset "verbatim-like" text. (--> B.6)

The first is a Listing:

Sieve := function(n)
  # Returns the primes less than n
  local l,p,i;
  l := [1..n]; Unbind(l[1]);
  p := 2;
  while p^2 <= n do
      if IsBound(l[p]) then
          i := 2 * p;
          while i <= n do Unbind(l[i]); i := i + p; od;
      p := p + 1;
  return Compacted(l);

Here is a Log of a GAP session using this function:

gap> Sieve(100);
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61,
  67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 ]
gap> Length(last);

Here is a GAP Example session that is automatically tested:

gap> s := Size(CharacterTable("M"));
gap> s < 10^53;                     
gap> s < 10^54;

2.2 Formulae

[--> B.7]

There are three types of formulae.

The first is the normal math mode of LaTeX: $b_i \cdot b_j = \sum_{k=1}^d h_{ijk} b_k$. Then there are displayed formulae:

\[ \Longrightarrow \quad \left(\sum_{i=1}^d x_i b_i \right) \cdot \left(\sum_{j=1}^d y_j b_j \right) = \sum_{k=1}^d \left( \sum_{i,j} x_i y_j h_{ijk} \right) b_k \]

If possible, use the Alt element to specify a better readable text version of such a formula as in the following example:

         d                d                 d   
       -----            -----             -----  -----                 
        \                \                 \      \                    
 ==> (   )  x_i b_i )(    )  y_i b_i ) =    )  (   )  x_i y_j h_ijk ) b_k
        /                /                 /      /                    
       -----            -----             -----  -----                
       i = 1            i = 1             k = 1   i,j                

For small formulae without "difficult" parts use the M element: b_i, x^2, x^2 + 2x + 1 = (x + 1)^2. Note that here whitespace matters for text (or HTML) output.

Here are two formulae containing less than characters which are special characters for XML: a < b < c < d and e < f.

2.3 Crossreferencing

[--> B.8]

In this section we demonstrate various references to parts of this document. Here is a reference to this section: 2.3. Here is a reference to chapter 1., to appendix A., and to subsection 1.1-1.

We distinguish among others references to functions (see f (1.2-1)), to methods with tricky name (see \^ (1.2-2)), to operations (see MyOperation (1.2-3)), to methods (see MyOperation (1.2-4) or MyOperation (1.2-5)), to filters (see IsBla (1.2-6)), to properties (see IsBlubb (1.2-7)), to attributes (see NumberBlobbs (1.2-8)), to variables (AllBlibbs (1.2-9)), to families (see BlibbsFamily (1.2-10)), and to info classes (see InfoBlibbs (1.2-11)).

There are also references to labels: see here, to other books: see GAPDoc: What is a DTD? or IsSubgroup (Reference: IsSubgroup) in the GAP reference manual.

References to sections come in two styles: 1. or Sectioning Elements (1.).

Another type of cross referencing is bibliography. Here is a citation: [CR81, (5.22)] is an interesting lemma.

There are also URLs:


Email addresses have a special element: Frank.Luebeck@Math.RWTH-Aachen.De

and Homepages another one: http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Max.Neunhoeffer/

One can generate index entries as follows (look up the words "TeX-UserGroup", "RWTH", and "Aachen, Hauptbahnhof").

2.4 Lists and Tables

[--> B.9]

There are


  1. lists

  2. enumerations, and

  3. tables

or with marks:


not numbered





Here is a table:

Table: Prices
Object Price available
Shoe $1,00 there
Hat $2,00 not there


2.5 Entities and Special Characters

[--> B.10]

Here is the table of special characters:

Table: Special characters in character data
& < > # $ % ~ \ { } _ ^  


And here are the predefined entities in GAPDoc:

Table: Predefined Entities in the GAPDoc system
&TeX; TeX
&LaTeX; LaTeX
&BibTeX; BibTeX
&MeatAxe; MeatAxe
©right; (C)


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