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A Installing and Loading unipot


  1. Overview
  2. What you need to install unipot
  3. Getting and unpacking the sources
  4. Installing in a different than the standard location
  5. Loading Unipot in GAP

This appendix describes the procedure of installing the package.

Installing Unipot should be easy once you have installed GAP itself. We assume here that you want to install Unipot in its standard location, which is in the pkg' ubdirectory of the main GAP4 installation.

A.1 Overview

You have to perform the following steps to install Unipot:

Get the sources.
Unpack the sources with the unzoo utility.
Optionally edit the ALLPKG file so that the Unipot documentation will be available when GAP starts up.

A.2 What you need to install unipot

Being a package for GAP4 and implemented in the GAP4 language, Unipot of course needs GAP4, at least version 4.2. (See Root Systems why you shouldn't use it with GAP4.1.) Unipot runs on any system supporting GAP4. It is tested with GAP4.2, but should work with any non-beta version of GAP4 (with exceptions stated in Root Systems for GAP4.1).

A.3 Getting and unpacking the sources

You can download the sources from the same places as GAP. So the main FTP servers are:


You need only one file with the name unipot1r1.zoo which is in the subdirectory for the packages. When you installed GAP you used the utility unzoo to unpack the distribution. You will need this here again. See the GAP Reference manual, chapter Installing GAP for instructions on how to get and compile this. You now change your current directory to the pkg subdirectory of the location where you installed GAP (when you used unzoo to unpack the GAP distribution archive, a new directory called gap4rX for some X was created; this directory contains the pkg subdirectory). The standard location would be: (do not type the prompt character #)

# cd /usr/local/lib/gap4rX/pkg

Now you extract the sources for the Unipot package:

# unzoo -x unipot1r1.zoo
unipot/README     -- extracted as text
/bin/mkdir: cannot make directory `unipot': File exists

Note that the warning is not serious.

The unzoo utility unpacks the files and stores them into the apropriate subdirectories. Unipot resides completely in the following subdirectory (assuming standard location):


A.4 Installing in a different than the standard location

It could happen that you do not want to install Unipot in its standard location, perhaps because you do not want to bother your system administrator and have no access to the GAP directory. In this case you can unpack Unipot in any other location within a pkg directory with the unzoo command as described above. Let us call this directory pkg for the moment. You get an Unipot subdirectory with all the files of Unipot in it. Then you follow the standard procedure with following exceptions:

Say, the directory containing the pkg directory is /home/user/mygap. Note that you have either to edit the startup script gap.sh: Add /home/user/mygap separating it with semicolon ; from previous directories for the variable GAP_DIR. Or you have to start GAP with following command line option:

# gap4 -l "/usr/local/lib/gap4rX;/home/user/mygap"

A.5 Loading Unipot in GAP

Add a line to the ALLPKG file in the pkg directory

# cd /name-of-gap-directory/pkg
# echo unipot >> ALLPKG

This makes the documentation of the package available in any GAP4 session, even if the package is not loaded. Like any other package, Unipot is loaded in GAP with

gap> RequirePackage("unipot");

within the GAP4 session.

If you have problems with this package, wish to make comments or suggestions, or if you find bugs, please send e-mail to me.

Sergei Haller, Sergei.Haller@math.uni-giessen.de

Also, I would like to hear about applications of this package. (See Citing Unipot.)

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Unipot manual
May 2002