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8 Graphic Posets


  1. Introduction
  2. Operations
  3. An Example

This chapter describes the part of XGAP that allows the user to conveniently display posets graphically.

8.1 Introduction

A poset is just a partially ordered set. To display posets reasonably in a generic way we need additional structure. So for XGAP a poset comes in so called levels. At all times in the life of a graphic poset there are only finitely many levels and they are totally ordered, that is for two levels we can always say, which one is ``higher''. The position within the graphic sheet reflects this ordering.

The levels are parametrized by ``level parameters'', which can be any GAP object but must be unique within a graphic poset. A level is always accessed by its level parameter and not by its number!

The vertices in each level are grouped into classes. For example for graphic subgroup lattices vertices in the same class correspond to conjugate subgroups, vertices in the same level have the same size or index in the whole group. The classes within each level are parametrized by ``class parameters'', which can be any GAP object but must be unique within a level. A class within a level is always accessed by its class parameter and not by its number!

The user must supply a partial order for all of his levels. The mechanism to achieve this is the operation CompareLevels, which compares two level parameters. The current total order of the levels is always a refinement of the partial order. The user can permute levels, if that does not contradict the partial order defined by CompareLevels.

A vertex in the poset that is ``contained in'' another vertex in the poset order (we speak of ``inclusion'' like in the case of subgroup lattices) must always be in a level that is lower on the screen, because there is only a connecting line representing the inclusion. This is achieved by the fact, that inclusions of vertices are communicated to XGAP just by creating an ``edge'' between them. This means, that the vertex in the ``lower'' level lies in the vertex in the ``higher'' level. There must not be edges between vertices in the same level!

The terminology ``vertices'' and ``edges'' comes from the fact, that a graphic poset is just a special case of a graphic graph, where vertices can be placed anywhere in the sheet and edges have nothing to do with inclusion. It is planned that also a graphic graph library is implemented in XGAP but it is not yet operational. However everything which could be done not only for posets but at the same time for graphs is implemented already within the poset package. This explains the usage of ``graph'' in many places where you would otherwise expect ``poset''.

What you have to do to use the graphic poset package is create a graphic poset (a special instance of a graphic sheet), create some levels and perhaps classes within them. Then you can create vertices and edges, to encode the ordering. Everything else is done by the library. See the next section for details about the available operations.

Note that we chose a functional approach for certain decision procedures. This means that for example if you create a vertex and do not specify a position, an operation (ChoosePosition) is called to determine the actual position. You can use the generic routines or install your own methods for all of those decisions. In this case you just set a new filter for your posets and overload the generic methods by special routines for objects with your new filter set. You can see this approach in the example in An Example.

8.2 Operations


  • GraphicPoset( name, width, height ) O

    creates a new graphic poset which is a specialization of a graphic graph mainly because per definition a poset comes in ``levels'' or ``layers''. This leads to some algorithms that are more efficient than the general ones for graphs.

  • CreateLevel( poset, levelparam ) O
  • CreateLevel( poset, levelparam, lptext ) O

    A level in a graphic poset can be thought of as a horizontal slice of the poset. It has a y coordinate of the top of the level relatively to the graphic sheet and a height. Every class of vertices in a graphic poset is in a level. The levels are totally ordered by their y coordinate. No two vertices which are included in each other are in the same level. A vertex containing another one is always ``higher'' on the screen, meaning in a ``higher'' level. Every level has a unique level parameter, which can be any GAP object. The user is responsible for all methods where a level parameter occurs as parameter and is not just an integer. There is NO GAP object representing a level which is visible for the user of posets. All communication about levels goes via the level parameter. CreateLevel creates a new level with level parameter levelparam in the graphic poset poset. It returns fail if there is already a level with a level parameter which is considered ``equal'' to levelparam by CompareLevels or levelparam if everything went well.

    The second method allows to specify which text appears for the level at the right edge of the sheet.

  • CreateClass( poset, levelparam, classparam ) O

    A class in a graphic poset is a collection of vertices within a level which belong together in some sense. Every vertex in a graphic poset is in a class, which in turn belongs to a level. Every class in a level has a unique class parameter, which can be any GAP object. The user is responsible for all methods where a class parameter occurs as parameter and is not just an integer. There is NO GAP object representing a class which is visible to the user of posets. All communication about classes goes via the class parameter. CreateClass creates a new class in the level with level parameter levelparam in the graphic poset poset. It returns fail if there is no level with level parameter levelparam or there is already a class in this level with class parameter classparam. CreateClass returns classparam otherwise.

  • Vertex( graph, data[, inf] ) O

    Creates a new vertex. inf is a record in which additional info can be supplied for the new vertex. For general graphic graphs only the label, color, shape, x and y components are applicable, they contain a short label which will be attached to the vertex, the color, the shape (circle, diamond, or rectangle) and the coordinates relative to the graphic sheet respectively. For graphic posets also the components levelparam and classparam are evaluated. If the component hints is bound in inf it must be a list of x coordinates which will be delivered to ChoosePosition to help placement. Those x coordinates will be the coordinates of other vertices related to the new one. All values of record components which are not specified will be determined by calling some methods for graphic graphs or posets. Those are: ChooseLabel for the label, ChooseColor for the color, ChooseShape for the shape, ChoosePosition for the position, ChooseLevel for the level parameter, ChooseClass for the class parameter, and ChooseWidth for the line width of the vertex. Vertex returns fail if no vertex was created. This happens only, if one of the choose functions return fail or no possible value, for example a non-existing level or class parameter. Vertex returns a vertex object if everything went well.

  • Edge( graph, vertex1, vertex2 ) O
  • Edge( graph, vertex1, vertex2, defaults ) O

    Adds a new edge from vertex1 to vertex2. For posets this puts one of the vertices into the other as a maximal subvertex. So either vertex1 must lie in a ``higher'' level than vertex2 or the other way round. There must be no vertex ``between'' vertex1 and vertex2. If the two vertices are in the same level or one is already indirectly included in the other fail is returned, otherwise true. That means, that in the case where one of the two vertices is already a maximal subobject of the other, then the method does nothing and returns true. The variation with a defaults record just hands this over to the lower levels, meaning that the line width and color are modified.


  • Delete( poset, vertex1, vertex2 )
  • Delete( poset, vertex1)
  • Delete( poset, levelparam, classparam )

    These three variants of the Delete operation delete an edge, a vertex and a class respectively.

  • DeleteLevel( poset, levelparam ) O

    The following method applies to a level. It returns fail if no level with level parameter levelparam is in the poset. Otherwise the level is deleted and all classes within it are also deleted! DeleteLevel returns true if the level is successfully deleted.

    Operations to change a poset:

  • ResizeLevel( poset, levelparam, height ) O

    Changes the height of a level. The y coordinate can only be changed by permuting levels, see below. Attention: This can increase the size of the sheet! Returns fail if no level with level parameter levelparam exists and true otherwise.

  • MoveLevel( poset, levelparam, position ) O

    Moves a level to another position. position is an absolute index in the list of levels. The level with level parameter levelparam will be at the position position after the operation. This is only allowed if the new ordering is compatible with the partial order given by CompareLevels and if there is no connection of a vertex in the moving level with another level with which it is interchanged. So levelparam is compared with all level parameters between the old and the new position. If there is a contradiction, nothing happens and the method returns fail. If everything works the operation returns true.

  • Relabel( graph, vertex, label ) O
  • Relabel( graph, vertex ) O
  • Relabel( poset, vertex1, vertex2, label ) O
  • Relabel( poset, vertex1, vertex2 ) O

    Changes the label of the vertex vertex or the edge between vertex1 and vertex2. This must be a short string. In the method where no label is specified the new label is chosen functionally: the operation ChooseLabel is called. Returns fail if an error occurs and true otherwise. This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic objects.

  • Move( graph, vertex, x, y ) O
  • Move( graph, vertex ) O

    Moves vertex vertex. For posets coordinates are relative to the level of the vertex. vertex must be a vertex object in graph. If no coordinates are specified the operation ChoosePosition is called. Move returns fail if an error occurs and true otherwise. This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic objects.

  • Reshape( graph, vertex ) O
  • Reshape( graph, vertex, shape ) O

    Changes the shape of the vertex vertex. vertex must be a vertex object in the graph or poset graph. For the method where no shape is specified the new shape is chosen functionally: ChooseShape is called for the corresponding data. Reshape returns fail if an error occurs and true otherwise. This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic objects.

  • Recolor( graph, vertex ) O
  • Recolor( graph, vertex, color ) O
  • Recolor( poset, vertex1, vertex2, color ) O
  • Recolor( poset, vertex1, vertex2 ) O

    Changes the color of the vertex vertex or the edge between vertex1 and vertex2. vertex must be a vertex object in graph. For the method where no color is specified the new color is chosen functionally: ChooseColor is called for the corresponding data. Recolor returns fail if an error occurs and true otherwise. This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic objects.

  • SetWidth( graph, vertex1, vertex2, width ) O
  • SetWidth( graph, vertex1, vertex2 ) O

    Changes the line width of an edge. vertex1 and vertex2 must be vertices in the graph graph. For the method where no line width is specified the width is chosen functionally: ChooseWidth is called for the corresponding data pair. Returns fail if an error occurs and true otherwise. This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic objects.

  • Highlight( graph, vertex ) O
  • Highlight( graph, vertex, flag ) O

    Changes the highlighting status of the vertex vertex. vertex must be a vertex object in graph. For the method where no flag is specified the new status is chosen functionally: ChooseHighlight is called for the corresponding data. Returns fail if an error occurs and true otherwise. This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic objects.

  • Select( graph, vertex, flag ) O
  • Select( graph, vertex ) O

    Changes the selection state of the vertex vertex. vertex must be a vertex object in graph. The flag determines whether the vertex should be selected or deselected. This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic objects. The method without flags assumes true.

  • DeselectAll( graph ) O

    Deselects all vertices in the graph or poset graph.

  • Selected( graph ) O

    Returns a (shallow-)copy of the set of all selected vertices.

    Operations for decisions:

  • ChooseLabel( graph, data ) O
  • ChooseLabel( graph, data, data ) O

    This operation is called during vertex or edge creation, if the caller didn't specify a label for the vertex or edge. It has to return a short string which will be attached to the vertex. If it returns fail the new vertex is not generated! The generic method just returns the empty string, so no label is generated. This method is also called in the Relabel method without label parameter.

  • ChooseLevel( poset, data ) O

    This operation is called during vertex creation, if the caller didn't specify a level to which the vertex belongs. It has to return a level parameter which exists in the poset. If it returns fail the new vertex is not generated!

  • ChooseClass( poset, data, levelparam ) O

    This operation is called during vertex creation, if the caller didn't specify a class to which the vertex belongs. It has to return a class parameter which exists in the poset in the level with parameter levelparam. If it returns fail the new vertex is not generated!

  • ChooseColor( graph, data ) O
  • ChooseColor( graph, data1, data2 ) O

    This operation is called during vertex or edge creation. It has to return a color. If it returns fail the new vertex is not generated! It is also called in the Recolor method without color parameter.

  • ChooseHighlight( graph, data ) O

    This operation is called during vertex creation. It has to return a flag which indicates, whether the vertex is highlighted or not. If it returns fail the new vertex is not generated! It is also called in the Highlight method without flag parameter.

  • ChoosePosition( poset, data, levelparam, classparam, hints ) O
  • ChoosePosition( graph, data ) O

    This operation is called during vertex creation. It has to return a list with two integers: the coordinates. For posets those are relative to the level the vertex resides in. If it returns fail the new vertex is not generated! The parameters levelparam and classparam are level and class parameters respectively.

  • ChooseShape( graph, data ) O

    This operation is called during vertex creation. It has to return a string out of the following list: circle, diamond, rectangle. If it returns fail the new vertex is not generated!

  • ChooseWidth( graph, data ) O
  • ChooseWidth( graph, data1, data2 ) O

    This operation is called during vertex or edge creation. It has to return a line width. If it returns fail the new vertex or edge is not generated! This is also called by the SetWidth operation without width parameter.

  • CompareLevels( poset, levelparam1, levelparam2 ) O

    Compare two level parameters. -1 means that the level with parameter levelparam1 is ``higher'', 1 means that the one with parameter levelparam2 is ``higher'', 0 means that they are equal. fail means that they are not comparable.

    Operations to get information:

  • WhichLevel( poset, y ) O

    Determines the level in which position y is. WhichLevel returns the level parameter or fail.

  • WhichClass( poset, x, y ) O

    Determines a class with a vertex which contains the position (x ,y ). The first class found is taken. WhichClass returns a list with the level parameter as first and the class parameter as second element. WhichClass returns fail if no such class is found.

  • WhichVertex( graph, x, y ) O
  • WhichVertex( graph, data ) O
  • WhichVertex( graph, data, func ) O

    Determines a vertex which contains the position (x ,y ). WhichVertex returns a vertex. In the third form the function func must take two parameters data and the data entry of a vertex in question. It must return true or false, according to the right vertex being found or not. The function can for example consider just one record component of data records. WhichVertex returns fail in case no vertex is found.

  • WhichVertices( graph, x, y ) O
  • WhichVertices( graph, data ) O
  • WhichVertices( graph, data, func ) O

    Determines the list of vertices which contain the position (x ,y ). WhichVertices returns a list. In the third form the function func must take two parameters data and the data entry of a vertex in question. It must return true or false, according to the vertex belonging into the result or not. The function can for example consider just one record component of data records. Returns the empty list in case no vertex is found.

  • Levels( poset ) O

    Returns the list of level parameters in descending order meaning highest to lowest.

  • Classes( poset, levelparam ) O

    Returns the list of class parameters in the level with parameter levelparam. Classes Returns fail if no level with parameter levelparam exists.

  • Vertices( poset, levelparam, classparam ) O

    Returns the list of vertices in the class with parameter classparam in the level with parameter levelparam. Returns fail if no level with parameter levelparam or no class with parameter classparam exists in the level.

  • Maximals( poset, vertex ) O

    Returns the list of maximal subvertices in vertex.

  • MaximalIn( poset, vertex ) O

    Returns the list of vertices, in which vertex is maximal.

  • PositionLevel( poset, levelparam ) O

    Returns the y position of the level relative to the graphic sheet and the height. Returns fail if no level with parameter levelparam exists.

    Operations for user communication:

  • Menu( graph, title, entrylist, typelist, functionslist ) O

    This operation already exists in XGAP for graphic sheets. Builds a new menu with title title but with information about the type of the menu entry. This information describes the relation between the selection state of the vertices and the parameters supplied to the functions. It is stored in the list typelist, which consists of strings. The following types are supported:

    always enabled, generic routines don't change anything

    enabled iff exactly one vertex is selected

    enabled iff exactly two vertices are selected

    enabled iff exactly three vertices are selected

    enabled iff at least one vertex is selected

    enabled iff a connected pair of two vertices is selected

    enabled iff at least two vertices are selected

    enabled iff at least three vertices are selected

    entrylist and functionslist are like in the original operation for graphic sheets. The IsMenu object is returned. It is also stored in the sheet.

  • ModifyEnabled( graph, from, to ) O

    Modifies the ``Enabledness'' of menu entries according to their type and number of selected vertices. This operation works on all menu entries of some menus: from is the first menu to work on and to the last one (indices). Only menus with the property IsAlive are considered. ModifyEnabled returns nothing.

  • InstallPopup( graph, func ) O

    Installs a function that is called if the user clicks with the right button on a vertex. The function gets as parameters: poset,vertex,x,y (click position)

  • PosetLeftClick( poset, x, y ) O

    This operation is called when the user does a left click in the poset poset. The current pointer position is supplied in the parameters x and y. The generic method for PosetLeftClick lets the user move, select and deselect vertices or edges. An edge is selected as pair of vertices.

  • PosetCtrlLeftClick( poset, x, y ) O

    This operation is called when the user does a left click in a poset poset while holding down the control key. The current pointer position is supplied in the parameters x and y. The generic method for PosetCtrlLeftClick lets the user move, select and deselect vertices or edges. The difference to the operation without the control key is, that while selecting the old vertices are NOT deselected. Moving does not move the whole class but only one vertex. This allows for permuting the vertices within a class. An edge is selected as pair of vertices.

  • PosetRightClick( poset, x, y ) O

    This operation is called when the user does a right click in the graph graph. The generic method just finds the vertex under the mouse pointer and calls the rightclickfunction of the poset or graph which is a component in the GAP object. Note that the rightclickfunction can be called with fail if no vertex is hit.

    Operations for user actions:

  • UserDeleteVerticesOp( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Delete vertices. The generic method actually deletes the selected vertices including all their edges.

  • UserDeleteEdgeOp( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Delete edge. The generic method deletes the edge with no further warning!

  • UserMergeClassesOp( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Merge Classes. The generic method walks through all levels and merges all classes that contain a selected vertex. Afterwards UserRearrangeClasses is called.

  • UserMagnifyLattice( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Magnify Lattice. The generic method scales everything by 144/100 including the sheet, all heights of levels and positions of vertices.

  • UserShrinkLattice( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Shrink Lattice. The generic method scales everything by 100/144 including the sheet, all heights of levels and positions of vertices.

  • UserResizeLattice( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Resize Lattice. The generic method asks the user for an x and a y factor and scales everything including the sheet, all heights of levels and positions of vertices.

  • UserResizeSheet( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Resize Sheet. The generic method asks the user for an x and a y pixel number and changes the width and height of the sheet. No positions of levels and vertices are changed. If the user asks for trouble he gets it!

  • UserMoveLattice( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Move Lattice. The generic method asks the user for a pixel number and changes the position of all vertices horizontally. No positions of levels are changed.

  • UserChangeLabels( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Change Labels. The user is prompted for every selected vertex, which label it should have.

  • UserAverageY( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Average Y Positions. In all levels the average y coordinate is calculated and all vertices are moved to this y position.

  • UserAverageX( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Average X Positions. The average of all x coordinates of the selected vertices is calculated. Then all classes with a selected vertex are moved such that the first selected vertex in this class has the calculated position as x position.

  • UserRearrangeClasses( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Rearrange Classes. All classes with a selected vertex are rearranged: The vertices are lined up neatly one after the other, sorted according to their current x position.

  • UserUseBlackWhite( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This is called if the user selects Use Black and White in the menu.

  • PosetShowLevels( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Show Levels in the menu. Switches the display of the little boxes for level handling on and off.

  • PosetShowLevelparams( sheet, menu, entry ) O

    This operation is called when the user selects Show Level Parameters in the menu. Switches the display of the level parameters at the right of the screen on and off.

  • DoRedraw( graph ) O

    Redraws all vertices and connections.

    8.3 An Example

    This section shows how to use the poset package to display posets. The code presented here is actually part of the XGAP library and makes up the link to the C MeatAxe.

    This is the declaration part:

    #W  meataxe.gd                  XGAP library                  Max Neunhoeffer
    #Y  Copyright 1998,       Max Neunhoeffer,              Aachen,       Germany
    ##  This file contains declarations for MeatAxe posets
    #O  GraphicMeatAxeLattice(<name>, <width>, <height>)  . creates graphic poset
    ##  creates a new graphic MeatAxe lattice which is a specialization of a
    ##  graphic poset. Those posets have a new filter for method selection.
    DeclareOperation("GraphicMeatAxeLattice",[IsString, IsInt, IsInt]);

    The code only declares a new filter and declares a constructor operation for posets that lie in this new filter.

    The implementation:

    #W  meataxe.gi                  XGAP library                  Max Neunhoeffer
    #Y  Copyright 1998,       Max Neunhoeffer,              Aachen,       Germany
    ##  This file contains code for MeatAxe posets
    #M  GraphicMeatAxeLattice(<name>, <width>, <height>)  . creates graphic poset
    ##  creates a new graphic MeatAxe lattice which is a specialization of a
    ##  graphic poset. Those posets have a new filter for method selection.
    InstallMethod( GraphicMeatAxeLattice,
        "for a string, and two integers",
        [ IsString,
          IsInt ],
    function( name, width, height )
      local P;
      P := GraphicPoset(name,width,height);
      return P;
    #M  CompareLevels(<poset>,<levelparam1>,<levelparam2>)  . . . . . . . . . . .
    ##  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  compares two levelparams
    ##  Compare two level parameters. -1 means that <levelparam1> is "higher", 
    ##  1 means that <levelparam2> is "higher", 0 means that they are equal. 
    ##  fail means that they are not comparable. This method is for the case 
    ##  if level parameters are integers and lower values mean lower levels 
    ##  like in the case of MeatAxe lattices of Michael Ringe.
    InstallMethod( CompareLevels,
        "for a graphic MeatAxe lattice, and two integers",
        [ IsGraphicPosetRep and IsMeatAxeLattice, IsInt, IsInt ],
    function( poset, l1, l2 )
      if l1 < l2 then
        return 1;
      elif l1 > l2 then
        return -1;
        return 0;

    Besides the new constructor (which only adds a new filter) we only have to supply a new method for comparison of level parameters for such posets. The levels are numbered with integer numbers such that lower numbers are lower in the lattice.

    There is a C program in the MeatAxe that exports a poset to a GAP program which generates the lattice in a graphic poset sheet. The user can then interactively move around vertices and shrink or magnify levels. He can then export the resulting lattice to an encapsulated postscript file. Note that you need a full installation of the C MeatAxe apart from GAP to use this feature.

    Another nice little example is in the examples subdirectory in the XGAP distribution. It was written by Thomas Breuer (Aachen) to demonstrate the features of XGAP. The user gets a small window with a puzzle and can solve it using the mouse. You can test this example by starting XGAP and Reading the file pkg/xgap/examples/puzzle.g. You can do this by using

    gap> ReadPkg("xgap","examples/puzzle.g");
    gap> p := Puzzle(4,4);

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    XGAP manual
    May 2002