[next] [prev] [up] Date: Fri, 15 Dec 95 08:50:51 +0500
~~~ ~~~ [up] From: Andy Kinsman <kinsman@ycc.kodak.com >
[next] ~~~ [up] Subject: Re: Twist Torus [small picture]

Since I have both the puzzle in hand and a camera attached to
my computer... here is a picture of the torus puzzle, slightly
missaligned for effect.

to decode

save this note into a file, possibly trim stuff before begin
and after end line.

type 'uudecode the-file'

find ringpuz.tif in your directory after this operation.
view it with your favorite tif viewer.

Get help from another if this doesn't make sense. Enjoy -AAK

----------------ringpuz.tif.uu included -----------(cut here)-----
begin 644 ringpuz.tif
M34T *@  K$!27E1'4DI17E9(5DT^1T)@:&-475I06U=/6E=06U=17%A,5U%L
[rest of 'ringpuz.tif.uu' deleted]
M1D4X-#-64E$V,C-)1TA%0T,J*"E)1T= /C\].SM"0$$X-C8W-C1(1$0 "P$ 
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M  ,   $6  0    !    6 $7  0    !  "L. $<  ,    !  $         
%"  (  @6


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