I'm looking for information about the books _Beyond Language_ and
_Language on Vacation_ by Dmitri Borgmann. I can't find them in any
of the various Books in Print, so they're either no longer in print,
or from a small publisher. In any event, I would appreciate it if
someone could send me the following information:
1. The correct spelling of the titles and the author's name (if I
don't have them correct above).2. The publisher, and the publisher's address if it's available in
either of the books.3. The ISBN.
Thanx for any information anyone can provide!
-- +---------+ Brian L. Matthews | P L A N | ...{mnetor,uw-beaver!ssc-vax}!cxsea!blm | A H E A | +1 206 251 6811 +--------D+ Computer X Inc. - a division of Motorola New Enterprises