In line with the recent cubeing contest in Boston, I suggest a poll.
Such questions as, will be included:
1. age
2. average solving time
3 occupation (if student, undergrad or grad and major)
4. solving method
5. how long it took you physically working (playing) with the cube (or some
facimile, like a program) to solve the cube the first time, and reliably
6. how long have you been working with the cube (say since Jan. '81)
7. max #of qtw. in method, avg. # of qtw. in method
I would not suggest anybody send their answers to the list, because
1. it would generate a lot of semi-useless garbage in the list,and
2. you would lose anonymity (which is one of the aspects of a poll)
If anyone can suggest how this could be implemented please pass it on.
Chris Worrell