A few corrections to my list: I16-13 has 18 qtw not 16 I18-4 has 20 qtw not 18 and has supergroup effect <F2B2> I18-5 is not distinct from I18-6 so may be taken off the list Additions: I16-15 U'F'UBU'FUB'URU'L'UR'U'L courtesy of Jerry Agin I16-16 FLF'RFL'F'R'B'LBR'B'L'BR I16-17 LD'R'DL'D'RUR'DLD'RDL'U' I18-9 SAME AS I16-13 I18-10 RDLD'R'DU'L'D'LUD'R'DL'D'RD
Concerning Sources:
I found none of these by exhaustive search so I believe that this is far
from a complete list esp. in 18 region.
I used several methods to derive these identities
1. from two processes which have same effect , I concatanate the inverse of
the second to the first, and remove noops.
2. from 1 process which affects only the d face or not the U face,
I twist both the D and U faces, run the reverse process (maybe with an
orientation change) then untwist the D and U faces.
3. examine old identities for similarities shift/rotate/invert/reflect
appropriatly concatanate and remove noops.
Chris Worrell