Thought this might be of interest to some on this list.
Please do not contact me, I am not involved with the workshop.
=========================================================================== Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 11:34:32 -0500 From:
Rutgers University, June 7-9, 1995
Computational group theory is an interdisciplinary field involving the use of
groups to solve problems in computer science and mathematics. The workshop
will explore the interplay of research which has taken place in a number of
broad areas:
Symbolic algebra which has led to the development of algorithms for
group--theoretic computation and large integrated software packages
(such as Cayley, Magma and Gap).Theoretical computer science which has studied the complexity of
computation with groups.Group theory which has provided new tools for understanding the
structure of groups, both finite and infinite.Applications of group computation within mathematics or computer
science, which have dealt with such diverse subjects as simple groups,
combinatorial search, routing on interconnection networks of
processors, the analysis of data, and problems in geometry and
The primary workshop theme is to understand the algorithmic and mathematical
obstructions to efficient computations with groups. This will require an
assessment of algorithms that have had effective implementations and recently
developed algorithms that have improved worst--case asymptotic times. Many
algorithms of these two types depend heavily on structural properties of
groups (such as properties of simple groups in the finite case), both for
motivation and correctness proofs, while other algorithms have depended more
on novel data structures than on group theory.
The scientific program will consist of a limited number of invited lectures
and short research announcements, as well as informal discussions and software
demonstrations. Although it is likely that individual talks will have a
theoretical or practical focus, it has become increasingly recognized since
the first DIMACS Workshop on Groups and Computation that there are no clear
dividing lines between theory and practice. Experience has shown that a
thorough discussion of implementation issues produces a deeper understanding
of the mathematical underpinnings for group computations, leading both to new
algorithms and to improvements of existing ones. Some background for these
discussions will be obtained through software produced by several
Organizers are
Larry Finkelstein (Northeastern Univ.; {\tt}),
William M. Kantor (Univ. of Oregon; {\tt}) and
Charles C. Sims (Rutgers Univ.; {\tt}).
Contact the organizers or DIMACS for information about attending.