If I may be permitted a slightly off subject posting ....
Much materal is now online (such as Cube-Lovers) that was never online
before, and much of the online material is being cited in research and
other papers. I just ran across the best source I have seen for how to
cite such material -- http://www.taft.cc.ca.us/www/tc/tceng/mla.html.
Since Cube-Lovers is E-mail and archives of E-mail, here is an excerpt
that addresses citations for E-mail:
E-mail, Listserv, and Newslist Citations
Give the author's name (if known), the subject line from the posting
in quotation marks, and the address of the listserv or newslist, along
with the date. For personal e-mail listings, the address may be omitted.
Bruckman, Amy S. "MOOSE Crossing Proposal." mediamoo@media.
mit.edu (20 Dec. 1994).
Seabrook, Richard H. C. "Community and Progress." cybermind
@jefferson.village.virginia.edu (22 Jan. 1994) <p>
Thomson, Barry. "Virtual Reality." Personal e-mail (25 Jan. 1995). = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Robert G. Bryan (Jerry Bryan) jbryan@pstcc.cc.tn.us Pellissippi State (423) 539-7127 10915 Hardin Valley Road (423) 694-6435 (fax) P.O. Box 22990 Knoxville, TN 37933-0990