Overview of the GAP Character Table Library (version 1.3.8)

Character Table info for 211.M23

Group order:
20891566080 = 218 ⋅ 32 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 11 ⋅ 23
Number of classes:
InfoText value:
origin: CAS library, names:= 2..11.m23 order: 2^18.3^ = 20,891,566,080 number of classes: 56 source:gabrysch, thomas ein computerprogramm zur berechnung von charakterentafeln und einige anwendungen, diplomarbeit, univ. of bielefeld [1977] comments:non-split extension of m23 with an elementar-abelian group of order 2..11.m23 test: 1. o.r., sym 2 decompose correctly 2nd power map determined by subgroup fusion into Fi23 tests: 1.o.r., pow[2,3,5,7,11,23]
Group constructions in GAP:
AtlasSubgroup( "Fi23", 6 )
Stored class fusions from this table:
Fi23, M23

File created automatically by GAP on 13-Mar-2024.