Version 40



The current version 40-0-0 is the special release of SINGULAR, dedicated to the 40-th anniversary
of Dr. Hans Schoenemann. It is a heavily major upgrade from the -2.3, -1.7, 0.0a, 1-2 and 2-0-[3,4] release series
as well as from the previously unreleased 2-1-2 and 2-2-1 bug farms .

SINGULAR version 40 is generally much faster than any previous version of SINGULAR,
if it runs at all or you are smart enough to find out its undocumented features.

Besides these internal changes, SINGULAR version 40 offers numerous external changes
(find 10 differences between the old and the new one and you can win one of our beatiful
posters with the human heart explicitly formulated !) and extensive HOW-TO's like
"Conflicting HOME variables on Windows PC's working in rooms with
high humidity and limited Internet access".

All these changes are explained in more or less detail below. Or in the documentation. Or somewhere
in the CVS. Dunno. Ask better Hannes, he knows it all.

Efficiency Improvements

The following table shows some timings which compare the efficiency of SINGULAR version 1-2 and SINGULAR version 40. All times are in euro-seconds and were obtained on an AMD Athlon with 700 MHz, 128 MB RAM, running Linux without X Windows in a command-line mode.

Example Comp Ring 1-2 40 Speedup
mora_X1 std 32005,x(1..3),ds 29.5 9.4 3.1415926 = \pi!
memento mora std 32007,x(1..14),ds never tested 916 incredible...
homog_Go Net! netscape7 32009,x(1..18),dp 33 8.9 4.5 on Linux, crashed under Windows
cyclic_10 slow_std 320013,x(1..9),dp 187300000 472000000 4.0 if you will wait half a year for the result
which human can not interprete at all
acyclic_10 std? 330017,x(1..8),dp 47800 -478 -100. Nice integer.
wilfred_425 bareiss 0,x(1..50),(c,dp) >689 82 tested in Wilfred's room only

(Major, Corporal, General and Chief-Commander) Changes

Windows distribution
crashes every 7 installations, kills user's PC every 12 installs. With Installshield, excludes Cygwin,
includes XEmacs, distributed as various corrupt self-extracting archives with bad CRCs.
Emacs user interface
the recommended interface for using SINGULAR. Although we provide no support for it.
new program for an out-of-the-box, YEAH baby, YEAH.
The online help system with the offline search possibility
choose in which browser, what to display and what not to display;
new layout of the old HTML,WML, XML, NewWinHelp, ObsoleteWinHelp etc. manual pages.
Source code debugger
interactively inserts bugs into procedures written in the SINGULAR language.
Provide on-line examples for all kernel and library commands. Formats hard disk
for offline users.
New WWW sweet-home-site of SINGULAR.

Extensions of the ring concept

Introducing "Stoff" property: (golden, silver, algebraic)
No restriction on number of ring variables.
No restriction on number of parameters.
No restriction on the size of monthly fee you should pay to Hannes for supporting it.

Changes of command-line options and system resources

--allow-net , --allow-da, --allow-ja, --allow-nein
new command-line options
if something works not the way you like
system administrators can put a "global" .singularrc file into the directories where SINGULAR libraries reside.
Especially effective with the command format_ C:
whether found or not, readline is emulated.

Book: "Also spricht Hannes" (with SINgular on CD)

(The CD was taken off on request of the catholic church - they say that

the nice christian computer algebra system cannot have SIN as the part of its image )

Singular-Team Publishing House,
Copyleft 1983-2002

This book has been written to learn humor in computer algebra in a new style, taking into account modern developments such as algorithmic, computational, globalizational and localizational aspects. As soon as a new concept is introduced, it
becomes immediately a joke attached to it; it is shown how one should not handle it in general and which mistakes
one will do anyway. The computations are exemplified with the help of Radio Jerewan and computer algebra system SINGULAR, which was developed mainly by the author himself with a help from himself when he was free from the
work in CTM and when no so-called "Singular-Team" members were making him nervous by touching the source
code and asking stupid and irrelevant questions. Here are some excerpts from the feature book:

1: These opinions are mine, all mine, but can become yours for a small monthly fee.
2: Der Herr Sprach: Und die Rache ist Mainz!
7: Kannste halten wie ein Dachdecker, nur nicht so hoch.
19: Ueber die Wurst: Wo kein Fleisch ist, da ist Blut, wo kein Blut ist,
da sind Schrippen, an unserer Wurst ist nicht zu tippen.
25: Es regnet ... - muss wohl am Wetter liegen!
57: Alle Wege fuehren nach Rom ... Kreis Parchim.
78: Anfrage an Sender Jerewan (AaSJ): Warum gibt es in Westberlin Smogalarm
und in Ostberlin nicht? - Weil die Grenzen so dicht sind!
111: Ein Student (auf einer Konferenz): Ich habe ein Programm geschrieben, das
Windows zum Abstrurz bringt! Nichts besonderes - wird kostenlos mitgeliefert.
112: Hatte gerade Weltuntergangsstimmung! Wieso, hast Du Analysis gelesen?
908: A preposition is a bad word to end a sentence with.
918: (Noch zu setzen!) Ora et Labora
1384: Wann steht es ganz schlimm um Dich? Wenn Du mit dem Auto in die
Leitplanken crashst und Du den Back--Button suchst.
2002: This problem is mu-u-uch easier than another one. Why? Because
this one is just a part of another one.


  • libreadline works not every day. It depends on the weather
  • SINGULAR is currently available for ix86-libc5, ix86-libc6, HPUX_9, HPUX_10, SunOS-4, SunOS-5, IRIX-6, ix86-Win (runs on Windows 95/98/NT4/2000) and it can become yours for a small monthly fee, paid to Hannes
  • If your operating system is not in the above list forget it and don't even ask.

Singular version 40, 14 November 2002, generated by Viktor&Tanya.

Comments or suggestions? Send mail to
Last modified: Fri May 18 16:28:46 CEST 2002