Viktor Levandovskyy Singular
(Für) Studenten
I have been involved in the development of SINGULAR since 1997. And I'm still active and quite happy about it :-)
SINGULAR : PLURAL (or just PLURAL for short) is a specialized computer algebra system for computations in non-commutative polynomial algebras, implemented as a kernel extension of SINGULAR . Since 2005 PLURAL is an integral part of SINGULAR , including the libraries and the documentation.
The development of PLURAL started in 1998 and resulted in a standalone beta version in mid 2000, which accompanied my Master Thesis. PLURAL has been rewritten according to the new SINGULAR internals and released several times as a standalone program in 2002-2004. Finally, PLURAL became an integral part of SINGULAR in 2004-2005. The development goes on ... since PLURAL is used for heavy computations in D-modules theory with applications to Feynman diagrams in physics, to algebras of linear partial operators (operating on special functions), to quantum groups and algebras and many more.
SINGULAR : PLURAL (or just LETTERPLACE for short) is a highly specialized computer algebra system for computations in finitely presented associative algebras, implemented as a kernel extension of SINGULAR via dynamical module. It is an integral part of SINGULAR , featuring the unprecedented level of functionality for associative algebras over fields and even over integers as rings of coefficients.
The development of LETTERPLACE started in 2006 and has been done by several teams, performing many experiments. Letterplace stands for the letterplace embedding, introduced by La Scala and myself from 2006 on, there are several papers on this topic. After SINGULAR has been restructured, novel high performant LETTERPLACE was restructured as well and implemented as a dynamical module, which culminated in the release 4-1-3 of SINGULAR .
Libraries for SINGULAR and PLURAL
I have written a number of libraries and procedures for SINGULAR and PLURAL , alone as well as in joint work with colleagues. One can find the list of them in publications .
Libraries under development
nchomolog.lib (with Gerhard Pfister). Homological algebra for modules over G-algebras. Beta testing.
dmod.lib (with Jorge Morales). Algorithms for D-module theory. It is already contained in the SINGULAR release 3-0-3. We constantly add new features to the library.
ncpreimage.lib (with Daniel Andres). Fully automatized preimage of a left ideal under an algebra homomorphism
Porting SINGULAR to Windows
One of my duties during my work in the SINGULAR Team was the porting of SINGULAR from Linux, where it has been developed, to Windows family of operational systems. We were using a lot of products for porting all the crucial parts of SINGULAR to Windows. The main product we used and still use is Cygwin , an absolutely great Unix API for Windows. I am using it both for porting SINGULAR and other Unix programs and for everyday tasks like ssh/scp, for scripting (on Windows!) with sh, make and so on.
The installation program for SINGULAR is not so easy as one can think, we used among others the following products:
InstallShield Professional 6.1 (although there appeared a free alternative packager NSIS ). For the Web distribution, we use PackageForTheWeb from the same company.
the documentation is converted from html to Windows .hlp format with the help of HtmlToHlp and additional scripting.
There is a funny SINGULAR -like page, created due to the 40th birthday of Hans Schönemann (the architect of SINGULAR ): Singular Version 40!

Universität Kassel Fachbereich10 Mathematik und NaturwissenschaftenInstitut für Mathematik