The database provides information about the algebras A[q,n,z] that are studied in the papers [BHHK20] and [BHHK21], with z ranging from 1 to 10000.
The following JSON format data files are available. (These files are also GAP readable.)
The following files contain the information about the parameters z, q, n, m, l, v', d, dec, delta, where n is the multiplicative order of q modulo z, m = m(q,e) (for e = (qn-1)/z), l is the Loewy length, and v' encodes the Loewy vector.
The values m(q,e) for small e are collected in mqe.json.
The canonical isomorphisms between entries are collected in joinsCan.json.
The non-canonical permutation isomorphisms between entries are collected in joinsPerm.json. The information about the permutations is stored in joinsPermExt.json.
The proofs of nonisomorphism are collected in splitsComb.json and splitsOther.json.
The currently open questions about the classification up to isomorphism are collected in opencases.json.
File created on 10-Jan-2020 by Thomas Breuer.
Last modified on 19-Jul-2021 by Thomas Breuer.