Darstellungstheorietage and Nikolaus Conference 2013

You can use this form to register for the Darstellungstheorietage and Nikolaus conference 2013. Alternatively, you can write an email to Frank.Luebeck@Math.RWTH-Aachen.De which contains essentially the same information.

First name:

Last name:


Arrival and departure. Note that the talks will start on Thursday, December 5, 2013, about 2pm. The last talk finishes Saturday, December 7, 2013, about 6pm. Saturday evening we will schedule the usual Research Cambridge Style session, so that probably many participants will stay for Saturday night and leave on Sunday morning.
Please, give here your planned arrival and departure times.
You can say "standard", if you arrive on Thursday before the first talk and leave Sunday morning.
Note that the RWTH guesthouse is now fully booked. Please, visit www.aachen.de (-> Tourismus -> Hotels), booking.com or similar pages to do an online booking yourself.

Do you want to participate in the conference dinner on Thursday evening? Yes      No

Please, also consider to offer a talk for this meeting. Indicate if you prefer it for the "Darstellungstheorietage" part (Thursday and Friday morning, in this case talks of up to 50 minutes are welcome) or the "Nikolaus" part (here all talks are 20 minutes). The program will be decided about one week before the conference.
Title/Abstract/Length/in which part:

Do you have further questions or remarks? Please, add them here.

We have a small amount of money for travel/accomodation expenses of Nikolaus participants.

Please, try hard to get financial support from your home institution or from other sources. Only if not successful you may indicate here a rough estimate of an amount that would cover your travel ticket and/or accomodation.