Symmetries of discrete structures
Automorphisms of extremal even unimodular lattices CWC Barranquilla
Computation of unit groups of orders University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
Automorphisms of extremal codes Princeton Atlas Conference
Affine Weyl Groups Sommerschule GRK 1632, 8.9.2015 Marienheide.
Berechnung von Einheitengruppen von Ordnungen Baer Kolloquium, Würzburg, 30.05.2015
Automorphisms of extremal codes, ALCOMA, March 2015
Computing unit groups of orders with the Voronoi algorithm. Bad Boll, March 2014
Automorphisms of extremal codes and lattices, Hannover, November 2013
Extremal lattices, Graz, January 2013
Extremal lattices, Oberwolfach, August 2012
Extremal lattices and Codes, Oberwolfach, August 2011
Extremale Gitter, Braunschweig Juni 2011
What is a block? Muenster, March 2011
An extremal even unimodular lattice of dimension 72. RIMS, Kyoto, December 2010
Recognition of division algebras, DagDay, Eindhoven, March 2010
Lattices and modular forms. Third de Brun workshop, Galway, Dec. 2009
Lattices and spherical designs. Third de Brun workshop, Galway, Dec. 2009
Codes and invariant theory. Third de Brun workshop, Galway, Dec. 2009
Codes and invariant theory II. Third de Brun workshop, Galway, Dec. 2009
Integral forms of algebraic groups.
Arjeh Cohen's birthday colloquium, de Kapellerput, May 28 2009
p-adic integral group rings of finite groups.
StJohns, June 5 2009
On automorphism groups of Type II codes.
(Marseille, April 1, 2009)
Codes and lattices, analogies and interactions.
Talk at the conference
Codes, Invariants and Modular Forms at the MPI in Bonn
Selbstduale Codes und Invariantentheorie, Kolloquium Heidelberg 5.6.08
Slides of my lecture series on
Self-dual codes and invariant theory
at the conference
New challenges in digital communications, Vlora, 28.4.-9.5.2008
The Type of a self-dual code.
Clifford-Weil groups.
Hecke operators for codes.
Lattices and spherical designs. Slides of my talk in Amsterdam, june 30, 2006
Codes and invariant theory. survey for the farewell symposium for Rob van der Waall
Gitter und Modulformen.
Survey article based on talk given at the 2002 DMV meeting in Halle.
Jahresbericht der DMV, 104. Band (2002), Heft 3, 123-142.
Folien des Vortrags