Look here to find out how to send me a letter or e-mail or how to visit me.
Volkmar Felsch
Frank Lübeck
Joachim Neubüser
Max Neunhöffer
I'm a co-developer of the GAP package ACE. The latest version may be downloaded as ace-5.1.tar.gz (1208 kB) from the following sites:
[ Aachen (Germany)| (UWA) Perth (Australia)]
I'm a co-developer of the GAP package ANUPQ. The latest version may be downloaded as anupq-3.0.zoo (1360 kB) from the following sites:
[ St A (UK)| Aachen (Germany (here))| UQ (Brisbane, Australia)| (UWA) Perth (Australia)]
I'm a co-developer of the GAP package Example. The latest version may be downloaded as example-2.0.zoo (160 kB) from the following sites:
[ St A (UK)| Aachen (Germany (here))| UQ (Brisbane, Australia)| (UWA) Perth (Australia)]
Here I collect links which I use frequently: