Final Program

[This program in PDF-format]

Nikolaus Conference 2003

(Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen)

Talks on Friday were in lecture room Phil. Talks on Saturday were in lecture room IV. Longer breaks were at Lehrstuhl D.

Friday, December 5, 2003

2.03-2.26pmJürgen Müller (Essen): On a Mysterious(!) Partition Identity [Slides][Preprint]
2.30-2.53pm Willem de Graaf (Utrecht): Computing Inclusions of Verma Modules
3.00-3.19pm Olivier Brunat (Lyon): Die Charakter Tafel von Sp(4,F22n+1) \rtimes 〈σ〉
coffee and discussion
4.34-5.00pm Jean Michel (Paris): Invariants and Eigenspaces of Complex Reflection Groups [Slides]
5.03-5.22pm Frank Himstedt (München): Character Tables of Parabolic Subgroups of Steinberg's Triality Groups [Slides]
5.31-5.52pm Gunter Malle (Kassel): Real Characters of p′ Degree
7.00pm-??1 Research Cambridge Style! (in the Greek restaurant AGORA, Gerlachstr. 20-22, note the new address!)

Saturday, December 6, 2003

10.05-10.25amChristian Weiß (Würzburg): Groups with Small Centralizer Bounds [Slides]
10.31-10.48amChristian Ringe (Münster): The Basic Lemma for Algebraic Number Fields
11.00-11.30amThomas Breuer (Aachen): Constructing Character Tables of Groups Similar to the Symmetric Group on Three Points
11.34-12.01pmGoetz Pfeiffer (Galway): Partial Orders and Permutation Groups on 12 Points
lunch break
2.12-2.35pmMarco Costantini (Trento): An Algorithm to Calculate the Jennings Series in Polynomial Time [Slides]
2.40-3.02pmColva M. Roney-Dougal (St Andrews): Constructing Maximal Subgroups of Classical Groups [Slides]
3.10-3.31pmAlla Detinko (Vitebsk/Galway): Computing in Nilpotent Matrix Groups
coffee break
4.34-4.56pmBeth Holmes (Birmingham): Factorizations of Groups [Preprint]
5.01-5.28pmJon Thackray (Cambridge): The 2-modular Characters of the Harada Norton Group - an Application of the Meataxe [Written report]
5.31-5.50pmSteve Linton (St Andrews): The Indicator of the Monster
7.00pm-??1 Research Cambridge Style! (in the "Labyrinth")
Anyone was welcome to attend the talks.
  Frank Lübeck

1 come next year to see yourself

the times include the discussions, they are given in OWWT

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On 28 Nov 2003, 23:47.