1. Preface

This package deals with a certain kind of infinite permutations, namely the "residue class-wise affine" ones. In particular, it provides functionality for doing computations with such mappings over the ring of integers, its semilocalizations and over polynomial rings in one variable over a finite field. In the introduction, I will give brief definitions.

It seems that there is just no literature concerning this topic, but nevertheless I would like to mention the article of Hans Läuchli and Peter M. Neumann [LN88], which is a little bit related to the subject (but does not deal with any kind of permutation groups over rings or of countable permutation groups).

I got the idea of introducing this kind of permutations resp. representations of groups originally from my investigations concerning the Collatz- (3n+1-) conjecture (for an annotated bibliography, see [L98]), but now, residue class-wise affine representations of groups seem to be an interesting topic of its own.

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